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Sir Gulocke

Lived in Era 16, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Holy

Gulocke was born in the 15th era into a wealthy nobles family. Before reaching the feeble age of 5, the world was consumed by chaos. Still, for several years, he and his family were able to avoid being sucked into the barbaric warfare which had engulfed the rest of the world.

Ultimately however, bloodshed could not be denied. A band of ruthless spellcasters descended upon Gulocke's family and burnt their mansion to the ground. A destructive feud insued, with numerous casualties taken by both sides.

Gulocke was orphaned at the age of 9. His hate for the elven magicians who had ruined his childhood grew into a frenzic hate for the entire elven race.

At the age of 16, Gulocke was taken hostage by another group of dark magicians. They planned to torture him and then use him for a powerful new spell they had invented. Seconds before the crucifying spell was performed, a young elf of 20 launched himself into the room and slew the dark mages.

Since that day, Gulocke's hate for elves had faded away. Gulocke and the young elf, LarikSonfar, bonded as brothers. Later, both battled countless enemies and gained the respect of many people. Today, the two are rising stars in the world of nobility.

With all sides in the global war having taken too many casualties to continue, the world settled into an uneasy peace. And as thus, the world passed into the 16th era.