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Sir Yoda

Lived in Era 16, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Kingdom of peace

Yoda is an mysterious individual and the details about him were lost during Emperor Palpantines empire. The is alot about Yoda that I don´t know so this story isn´t complete, it will probably never be."What is known has scattered about the galaxy and is incomplete at best"

Yoda was an ancient Jedi Master that was over 900 old years before he finally died. He is often underestimated because of his size and appearance, but he was one of the most powerful and intelligent beings in the galaxy. Yoda was born approximately 900 BSD (Before Senate Dissolved) on an unknown location and he is a member of an unidentified species.

He spends most of his lifetime training young Jedi knights. He had a special way, he let the students study the force from every side and perspective, he also avoid the lightsabres when he´d never own one himself. Two of his best students ever were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. He trained many knights but when Darth Vader and Emperor Palpantine ruled the galaxy he was one of the few to survive the Dark side.Although Yoda is one of the greatest with the force, Darth Vader and the Emperor together forced even this Jedi Master to hide. He chose a small swamp planet named Dagobah to hid on, on this planet there was a cave where a Dark Jedi knight from Bpfassh once died so the cave were very strong with the force, but Yoda´s power with the light side and the caves powers with the dark side cancelled one another. This, among other things, stopped Emperor Palpantine to find Yoda.

So he lived in peace near the Cave, waiting for his final student to arrive. Yoda used the force to watch the student, Luke Skywalker, Yoda had known that Luke would come in centuries and he even saw their destinies take form. So one day a X-Wing crashed on Dagobah, Yoda knew from the beginning who had come, Luke. He invited him to his hut, without saying who he was. With comments and questions he tested Luke´s patience and attitude, after this little test Yoda was convinced that Luke wasn´t ready, that he was too young to be trained. But after a discussion with Skywalker´s former trainer Obi-Wan Kenobi he finally agreed. Yoda taught Luke nearly everything he knew about the force and let him go "the road of self-discovery of the force". Yoda knew that when he was gone Luke would be the last Jedi left, therefore he especially warned him of the Dark side.

One lesson when Yoda taught Luke to see the future and other places with the force, Luke saw his friends sufferunder the Emperor so he decided to interrupt his training and try to save them. Yoda, who knew that this was a trap, tried to stop him, he knew that only a full trained Jedi could stop Vader and the Emperor. But Luke left anyway. After he had left, Yoda started to age faster, because he knew that if Luke went over to the Dark side, the whole galaxy would be lost to the evil. Luke returned though, getting a smaller shock when he saw how old the great Jedi Master had become and he worried about Yoda and told him that he must complete Luke´s training and help him against the Dark side. But Yoda told him that with his return the training was complete, he also knewed that it was time to move on, and he gave himself up to the fate.

He died with one of his best students by his side, Luke Skywalker. His last words were: "Luke...Luke...Do not...Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father's fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be. Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, Luke...There is...another...Sky...Sky...walker."

With the last sentence he meant that Luke had a sister, they both were strong with the force and together they could stop Vader and the Emperor.
But Yoda just died physically, and he is now one with the force like no mortal can be.

Teachings of Yoda

On Jedi Knights

•A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.
•A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
•For the Jedi, there is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no ; there is the Force.
•Great warrior? Wars not make one great.

On the Force, the Dark Side, and Jedi philosophy

•Let the Force be with you.
•If you choose the quick and easy path, you will become an agent of evil.
•Don't give into . That leads to the dark side.
•The dark side is not stronger. No. Quicker, easier, more seductive. You will know the good side from the bad when you are calm, at peace. Passive.
•No different. Only different in your mind.
•Many truths we cling to, greatly to our own point of view they depend.
•There is no why. Clear you mind of questions. Then understand you will.
•Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
•You do not believe. That is why you fail.