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Mr. Santa Claus

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Tomte Nisse).

The old family of Claus has its roots in North Pole with the earliest ancestor called Fat Claus. Santas father was a tiny noone to speak of farmer and he had secured Santas future as a farmer. Santa had dreams of one day leading a people of his own like the great kings, not dig and sow on a field. Santa Claus began his warfare during the second era of rambo as a leader of the orc race, which was annoying as hell. Santa Claus found his mind and the elfs (in the city of South Pole) needed a leader, Santa Claus took the challange to lead the people for glory and peace. Santa is also a very good friend with the very old tree race of ents particulary Magnigoth Treefolk who has come for Santas help in many tricky battles.

Santa Claus wife Tomtemor gave birth to one child and sadly died during the birth. The child was given the name Tomte Nisse. Santa Claus had many adventures and for Tomte Nisses lost he wasnt present during the growth. Santa Claus death was a terrible trauma for Tomte Nisse who now is determent to pass the legasy on to the next level.

Santa Claus way of dying.
A torch thrown in to a hut were Santa Claus spend a night it has been told that during the fire Santa Claus sworn to come back a haunt the family of his murderer.