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Mr. Dont Kill Mexyz

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Dont Kill) and was a member of Russian Democratic Republic

a member of RDR's.
Don't kill me-xyz is a late started ruler in the Era of Asystole. However, by the time he joined Rassian D.R. he never thought about to leave this kindom.
No matter how many Traitors in RDR. No matter how Godlikes' attacked him. he will fight until he has no more troops.
Started in a small city-xyz(taken by Godlike)
built cities: China(burn down by Godlike),Second Heaven(taken by Godlike),Shawdow.
Cities he took from enermy: Bcd(took from godlike), Nato(took from godlike), ssss(took from godlike) , kkkk(took from godlike), Dragon(took from godlike), Caer Lindis(offer by Mr. Chaos),Kolonija(took from Mr. Boo)
Cities he burn down(godlike): Ooo, Usa, Lasthope,Cartex.....( and at least 6 more cities that can't remember names)killed 10k troops of godlike's
Dark Rider: Plynow................................................XYZ