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Mr. Moridin

Lived in Era 11, got 1 heir(s) (Nimic) and was a member of Vigilante

Moridin was born way back, in beta 2.5. He wen't under a different name back then, and if you're to stupid to figure out what it is, you shouldn't even be reading this story!

Anyway. After a short while, he was invited to join the big Sayian Empire, SE. That went good enough, untill he got invited into the Legendary Warriors (actually, they spelled it Legondary Warriors, but the great Moridin knows how to spell, unlike certain Blah's and potheads). That wen't well enough, and the great Moridin actually ended up winning the age. Some people blamed it on a downtime, but the great Moridin calls such people Goths and potheads.

After that, he joined SE again for only a short time, before forming the great HaP, Honor and Power. For an age or two, it was the strongest KD, and it had alot of great players in it. Too many for me to bother listing anyway (plus if I leave someone out there might be reprisals).

Then the great Moridin kinda lost interest in VU, and for many ages he only had short periods of playing. Rarely did he finish and age in that time, but one he did finish and ended 6th (or 5th, I just can't be arsed to check. Sue me). Somewhere along the line there was something about some Dragons, and if I remember correctly it was the evil Frederick who had stolen some Slaves under the false promise of a dental health plan.

For the rest... well... Long story short. He came, he built, he owned himself with a little help from a few people, then he joined the people who helped him own himself's KD. Yup.
