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Ms. Xerxes

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Xerxes) and was a member of Persian Empire

The rise of an empire is unstopable, the persian empire is here and we arent going anywhere, we wil live through many generations to come, through the good and bad.

tough times lying on my bed with my son at my side preying the great lord ZeTa would not take my soul, but that is now unstoppable.
i leave this information behind for my family to know if the kingdom left in my foot steps.

at a young age of only 23 i knew i would not chase my dreams becoming a follower, i left the kingdom of Paladins of the order of the frozen flame to create a kingdom, or an empire, the persian empire.

i was a lone female for a long time until a young man by the mane of Scottish Mac Fetus asked to become part of my empire and i could not refuse him, he then helped me get more rulers, as my kingdom was growng, so was its power.
we became more and more powerful as the years went by and eventually were feared by most of the world of Valhalla

however a smaller yet more powerful kingdom decided that we were a threat to there already over-violent society and sent waves of men at us, we held them back as long as we needed to then sent in our own armies to destroy them, it was an on going war with no result in the end.

persian empire would have been destroyed years before if a powerful ruler by the name of oranos didnt come to join us.
this man was a true warrior, never giving in to the evil jungantorians and refused to give up.
he held them off for a long time which was good enough for us.

after the jungantorians left us be we decided to step up in the world and attack the kingdom i was once a part of.
we knocked the paladins back until they became weaker then us so they could not fight anymore.
the leader lord timmiev asked us for a non attacking pact, but we knew that if we left them be they would come back more powerful and finnish us off so we attacked them until they were unable to even create an army of 50 men

during the war against the paladins i relized i was getting old, i collapsed in the main chambers of my castle in the city of Denial.

i was sent to the hospital chambers and was giving a life span of 10 months.
i sit in this bed now with that lifespan reduced to 5 minutes, i use the last of my life to write this story so the world will know of my battle for my dreams

Ms. Xerxes