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Wolflord Karac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Karac) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Karac was born unto Bloodwolf, the ruler of a vast empire centralized around the sprawling citadel of Wolfden. Sir Bloodwolf who happened unknowingly upon a Love Spring, drank deeply from the spring, feeling refreshed. The effects were almost immediate. He noticed a female wolf drinking from the spring as well. they both immediately fell under the spell and got caught into an unorthodox love affair, the offspring, was Karac. He was raised by the pack, being neither man, nor wolf. He was raised savagely, learning that to get along in the world, you needed force, and cunning. He quickly advanced to the Alpha Male. Soon thereafter, Bloodwolf came into the wild to claim his son. Bloodwolf was forced to slay not only the she-wolf, but the entire pack. He snared his son and returned him to Wolfden. He tamed him, and taught him in the arts of weaponry, government, magic, diplomacy, science, and economy. He even managed to teach him to be generous at times. Only at times. Bloodwolf made his son into the leading General of his armies. He faced victory after victory against many of his late fathers foes. After the death of Bloodwolf, Karac took over the remaining empire. Never forgetting the brutal death of his father, he set out for revenge. There have recently been many towns burned to the ground by Karac's forces. The savage wolf had been reborn..........