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Mr. Beast

Lived in Era 34, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Ephasions

Beast,forged in the frozen Himalayias,is someone that just will ruin your day...Taught how to fight,he quickly became a child prodigy,in one thing only,fighting.It seemed as if thats all he could do....He could slash with him mightly sword,or tear things apart with his huge muscles.When he was shun from his frozen home....He came here,to rule with his only true skill...Fighting.

First Day:
I began my days as a ruler with a small village,and with very few soldiers,I knew i couldn't dominate without some help,so I feel as if a kingdom is a must,and so,I shal join one,and soon after,I shal destroy my enemies.
Day 2:The Beginning:
I join WARLOC and make some friends...I break 15,000 per turn.
Day 3:Clutch Decision:
WARLOC is expected to disban due to the death of our leader..So,Go with my WARLOC members,or join a new kingdom.I choose to join Evo.I break 25,000 per turn.I set out for my second city,because after more construction i will have over 6,500 building and hopefully over 40,000 per turn.
The days that followed:
I maxxed out on my second city...And My main city has about 30k buildings and is maxxed...I'm getting 240k per turn,and my thrid city is in construction.