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Mr. New Guy

Lived in Era 36 and got 0 heir(s) .

Bleddyn looked around, wondering where he was. He could remember nothing of the events of the past month. He looked around and saw their were mountain in the distance, with a forest covering the east side of their base. The began heading towards them, thinking that there he would find shelter. He heard a noise behind him and turned; he frowned at the sight he beheld. There was a mighty host of people behind him, all waiting for his next move. He recognised many of them; they were from the city his father had been ruler of.

Suddenly he gasped, and doubled over as if in pain. The memories of the past month came back to him all at once; the bloodshed, how the mighty cities of his fathers empire had burned to the ground. He remembered how with his dying breath, an arrow in his gut, his father had told him to flee the city with the women,, children and most of the men also. The men who remained behind had had no hope, only the knowledge they were fighting to damage the people who had destroyed their beloved city and to give time to those who were fleeing.

Bleddyn tried to regain control and eventually he did so. He nodded to the man who he now remembered was his fathers right hand man, then mounted the horse that was now familiar to him. He had been having the same lapses of memory ever since, two weeks ago, they had fled the place he had lived in all his life. He because to trot forward towards the mountains, and behind him everyone else also began to move forward all at once. The amount of people was so large that by the time the front runners had gotten halfway to the mountains, those at the back had yet to start moving, or hear the order to move at all.

When they reached the mountains they would rebuild. and when they did, when they had rebuilt their lives, their enemies would regret ever invading the empire Bleddyn had known and loved all his life.
Bleddyn looked into the distance. He could see a small army of around one hundred men coming towards him. It was most likely an escort for the ruler of another nation. Bleddyn's pulse rate rose as he remembered how a similar group had approached and pronounced war upon his fathers kingdom. If it was the same people doing the same thing, he did not care about peace terms; they would all die as they deserved for killing his father.

But as they approached he saw they were from a different nation. He allowed them entrance to his city, and he learned that it was a man named Dope, leader of the alliance called The United Nations, who wanted and audience with him. He listened as an alliance was offered and then, most importantly, the chance to destroy those who destroyed his father, With allies at his side he would be upstoppable.

Soon the deal was made, The two men clasped arms, then Dope left to go back to the main city in which he lived. In the next hour, the new alliance was proclaimed to all, and then, at the end of it, the final act was made. The flag that showed their allegiance to their new allies was raised high, while the flag showing who their leader was flapped in the wind nearby. Now the world would know who was allied with Bleddyn, now those who would kill him would know. And they would shake with fear when then learnt of his allies, and then found out how powerful he had become. They would regret the day they killed his father.
At last, the glorious day Bleddyn had been waiting for arrived. Before him lay the last refuge of the empire which had killed his father. He looked behind him at his forces, and a small smile passed his lips at the thought of the vengeance that would soon be his.

With a roar the army advanced towards the opposition. Their forces were large, but next to the host Bleddyn had borught together they were tiny in comparison.

Bleddyn gave a signal, and his cavalry began to advance on either side of the enemy. He had traine dhuge amount of men to ride and fight, and they surrounded the enemy with ease, loosing arrow after arrow at them, then galloping out of range before they could return fire. Soon the enemy ranks had thinned, but there were still many men left. The cavalry withdrew, and the main force of Bleddyn's troops collided with the enemy for the first time.

The sound of clashing swords rang across the plains, and soon there were mounds of dead left behind were the armies had been. Soon the dead were all behind Bleddyn's army, for the enemy was being pushed back towards the city. Some of his soldiers slipped and fell over the dead body of an enemy or comrade, and they themselves were hacked to death by enemies siezing the opportunity. But the numbers Bleddyn had soon started to tell. Early in the campaign they had been unevenly matched, but Bleddyn's tactics had been superior giving him many wins. He had destroyed the enemy resistance, and now his army was much larger than theirs as a result.

At last, the enemy broke lines. With whoops of delight, the cavalry came in again, refreshed, and began the rout. No-one was spared.

Bleddyn soon rode through the streets o the last city of his enemy to fall. This was the sweetest victory yet; his thirst for revenge had at last been fulfilled. He headed to the rooms of the king, no dead, then sat upon his throne. He had conquered his enemies, avenged his fathers death, and become ruler over much more land as a result. At last, his life seemed complete.

Complete and utter desertion. The once mighty alliance named UN has now been torn apart. Seven people, almost all of which did not help the kingdom, have left to join other alliances. And not only have they done that, but almost all of those now march against us to attack and attempt to destroy us. Alas, I fear they may be successful. For the hordes of CE are gathering and will soon sweep us aside, I would not have minded so much of this if it were not for the dishonour of my former allies. There is no shame in falling in battle, but now their shame is my shame. When we finally fall, I shall not die knowing everyone, including myself has fought honourably. I will die with shame, knowing those I trusted deserted me, and I will be ashamed to have called them friends, to have trusted them.


Under the name of New Guy, Bleddyn sought other allegiances. He had been destroyed, because of the dishonour of his comrades. Although many had been loyal, not enough had been to prevent Bleddyn's destruction. But he was welcomed into the kingdom of Retribution, and now he has built himself up a large empire. Now it is threatened by an enemy, but this time no one has deserted the alliance. New Guy found them to be an honourable group, and he himself felt honoured to have been accepted into their ranks.