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Mr. Necromundus

Lived in Era 20 and got 0 heir(s) .

There is a man who dwells to the west yet he is not human. Once upon a time there was a happy merchant wo came by boat to the utopian continint and settleted in fantasia in the small town of willhelm it grew and grew till it was a larger town with a small manor in the center were he lived. Some of the townsfolk noticed that most off the trees were 3 days ride away so they dicided to make a colony 3 days to the west called Sadrith Mora sadrith mora got as big as willhelm and then was attacked by a army from the kingdom off shiftness. The leader of both colontys desspaired as his reclaimation force lost and saw the enemy leading away his people as slaves that is when they talked too him. odd whispering voices talked to him, told him things, helped him make his town gro into a large castle with thousands of people and soldiers he was happy. But the voices asked him to do something they asked him to capture 100 people and do something unspeakable... a sacrafice. A few days after the screams and yells of agony started to leave his mind he saw a puddle of blood infront off his bed dripping from above but not from the roof terrafied he pulled his blankets over his head and hopped it would pass yet only hours did. He had been in bed for half the day but the servants couldnt get in the door had jammed the maour dicided that it wasnt doing anything plus the curiousity was overwhelming him so he got out and slowly kneeled down next to where the dripping was it was falling out of nothing. That is when he layed under it and looked directly into hell the screams came back soo much louder then before. A figure stoof on the other side looking in it was pure black no reflections or anything its arm shot out and grabed him the blodd suddnly shapped into a symbol that would drive a man mad just by looking at it they where everywhere whispering, yelling, screaming then the figure pulled him self out directly into the maours body for the maour was already dead. Now the figure of the maour is a skeliton in dark jaggered armour and when u look at him you hear them... silent at first but then they get... louder.