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Mr. Lolzorian

Lived in Era 20 and got 0 heir(s) .

Once in the time there was a little boy and his name whas gabriel and he whas happy living with his family but one day a war breakt out with his and the border country and the city he lived in whas one of the hundred citys that got destroyd
his father whas killed in battle his mother and two sisters whas taken away as slaves but gabriel manage to flee the battle just as many other people manage to do and with nowhere to go
he was offered a work as an delivery boy to a great knight and he grown up an one day he dreamt of being an great knight to some day and he did and he fought many wars and battles but when he was around 30 years old he wanted a son and did get a family to live with an d he did get an soon and he named his son to lolzorian and one day an assasin tried to kill gabriel and he almost suceded but gabriel got an bad wound an he get an infektion and he was dying and then at his bed he asked his son for an favour to revenge his fathers death and gabriel finaly died and lolzorian have promised to revenge his fathers dead and that he would do.
10 years later lolzorians age 23
know when lolzorian is in a good age to revenge his fathers death he star searching and 2 years later he found the one who killed his father and lolzorian killed hiw with a stab in his stomage with an knife and when he returnd home there whas many noble and great knights just outside his house and one of them repoted to lolzorian that his father wanted his soon lolzorian to inherit his power and land when he revenged his death and so the history lolzorian's power struggle begins