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Mr. Shame

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Name Nicker) and was a member of Sol Invictus

Day 1 (1/8/09)- Ive landed on the world of Talents, and have settled several cities, so far and all seems to be going well inside off them. My scouts inform me of rulers around my perimeter and continuing to serch the area for land and reasorces. But these are troublesome times though so i must watch my step and avoid risks, as they could trip me up...

Day 2 (2/8/09)- Pogress is going well, ive sighted the distant kingdom of 'Purgatory' in the distance, i hope they're friendly people and will leave me in peace for now, but i must watch out, as they could try and attack me...

Day 17 (17/8/09)- Everything is going well, soon ill be ready to hit MAD, my Midgaurd base is starting to come along cities are being built up and friends are being made, so so far progress is well

Day 18- (18/8/09)- Talents- So so close to being ready for the attack, econamy is stable for now, and evrything is on track but we are fulling a bit behind scedule
Day 18- (18/8/09)- Midgaurd- Nothing much happening right now cities are stable progress is well, serching for MAD but so far no signs of a MAD mini core/ or main core aound
Day 18- (18/8/09)- Both worlds- The people of Mr. Shame celebrate the birthday of the emporer Shame, the days festivals and colleseum batles have been much pleasing to myself and my subjects

Day 19 (19/8/09)- Both worlds- Nothing exiting to report

Dwarf282.Mr. Shame
Total land: 78911 Battles won: 5 Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 101478 Science lvls: 13 Total troops: 77842
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 89% M: 10%

I was away for quite alot of it though so i didnt expect to do very well