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Sir Azrael

Lived in Era 11 and got 0 heir(s) .

Legend tells of a secretive conclave of elves from the woodland spring. The were said to have disapered after a great tragidy. But now they have re-emerged under the rule of Azreal.
He is a desendent of the great Azul who led his people in those mystious and troubled times. Though young for an elf he has show great cunning and is said that he will unite with follow elves to restore his people's place.
Upon the founding of his second town of woodland Bridge, they were besieged by the forces of the evil King Giger and only by Azrael's diplomancy was the town spared.
But then the trecheous king giger turned on his word a dystored the town.And so Azrael began his crusade against evil by joining the union of SeeD,and so set about setting a few towns to sword and flame but it was for a good cause...they were in the way.