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Mr. Kiloxollcent

Lived in Era 46 and got 0 heir(s) .

Mr. Kiloxollcent lived a normal, happy life in the Blood Palace of Nordoc. Then one day, the skeleton soldiers of Ark-gazul attacked and slaughtered the 10,000 man army stationed to protect the royalty of Nordoc. Mr. Kiloxollcent desperately wanted to rush out and fight, but his father the king forbid it, seeing as he was only eight at the time. Swiftly, the Queen of Nordoc bundled up the pouting child and fled into the woods with him to save him from the ghastly creatures that were climbing up the walls of the Blood Palace. The king roared out of the great hall just as Mr. Kiloxollent had so dearly wished to, and was immediately set upon by hordes of the undead. He decapitated many skeletons with his great axe, but the skeleton soldiers merely stuck their heads back on their necks and continued to maul him. The great King of Nordoc completely destroyed at least five skeletons by smashing them into little tiny bits, but soon the thousands of soldiers overwhelmed him and her fell beneath a scrambling pile of animated bones. Mr. Kiloxollent, meanwhile, had been hidden beneath a raspberry bush while his mother searched for the hidden sanctuary in the woods that was so well hidden, even she could not find it. While hurrying through the forest, she was seized by the evil necromancer who had raised the skeletons attacking the Blood Palace and was never seen again in this world. Left alone and ignorant of his father's demise, Mr. Kiloxollcent set off through the woods to drive the skeleton army back. Fortunately for him, he was walking the complete opposite direction and never again saw the Blood Palace. A nearby wolf pack found the young boy wandering through the woods screaming, "Come back! Come back, you skeleton fiends!" and rescued him from certain death in the pitch black forest.