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Sir Octavius Patricus

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Octavius Adjutor).

There were many tribes on these northern grasslands. Some lived in the hills and some in the plains but they all were the same people and had common enemies. The threat was growing ever stronger and so the tribes held a meeting to discuss mutual defence and to unite the tribes. Born to one of the most respected tribes, he was chosen to be the head of the Green Sea people as the tribes were united.

He lead his people with great wisdom and strenght of heart. He held them back when they wanted to fight and sent diplomats to the neighbouring courts instead of assassins. The feeling of trust towards their leader made them tougher and more united than their enemies.

He was the only one of his people to see friends as well as enemies among their neighbours and so it was him, who welcomed the travellers from a distant land and gave them all they needed from the goodness of his heart aswell as from the will to learn about other lands. And so he heard the word of the Republic and gained great interrest towards it.

Later on he decided to join the Green Sea people with the other nations of Republic to form a mighty alliance and overcome their enemies. He changed his name to become a true republican and so he was to be known as Octavius Patricus, the one who united the Green Sea people and brought them to the light of civilization.