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Family History

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Mr. Duric

Lived in Era 12 and got 0 heir(s) .

The Dwarves of Duricdon hail from the Mountains of Silversledge in the southwest. There they had lived prosperous and peaceful lives for several generations, until the fateful age of Dwarf-doom! This was the age in which Duric the current Lord of Duricdon's father was Lord of the empire. It was a turmoil and chaotic period where Orcs and Trolls rampaged the mountainside, laying waste to each and every dwarven city they could find.

Realising their fate, Duric's father decided to send what little was left of their people, including his son, to the north where they could settle down and start a new empire, away from the wars. As Duric left the Silversledge Mountains, his father stayed behind with the main army to safeguard the retreating refugees, it is said that the army faced an enormous horde of unspeakable size.

Now the dwarves are under the leadership of young Duric and he is struggling to keep his father's and family's kingdom alive in these dark days. Though the threat from the west, east and north are always there, the race has done well this far to preserve what little they have left.