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Sir Torbjrn Starke

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Erikur Torbjrnsson).

As the son of an influential chiftean among the Herillaz he was prone to be a great warrior and general.
His chance for glory came when he was eighteen, when a war broke out between the Herillaz and the Gauti tribes. He was noticed for his curage and his great tactical sense and was soon among the most influential war leaders. His success seemed limitless and by the end of the first Gautir-war he was elected king of the Herillaz (Konungur Heri), the old king had been forced to abdicate after having lost a battle against Gauti raiders in the south of Roden.
It didn´t take long before new Gauti incursions created a cause for a new war. At the battle of Gutnaharg the Gauti hird was utterly defeated and the rest of the campaign was characterized by continuous success. At the end of the war all the Gauti lands had been conqured and its people were forced to swear allegiance to their new king.

After having organized the peoples into three folkland (Tiundaland, Attundaland and Roden) the tribes of the Herillaz once again got show their valor in a war agaist duke Madice in the southwest. The people either swore allegiance to the king of the Herillaz or were taken away in shackles and mr. Madice himself was flayed and trown ower the city wall. Victorious our armies turned back and on the way the city of Vaestmark was founded.

Back in Tiundaland he heard that the independent tribes of the Sagar had been overun, enslaved and slaughtered and that the agressors already had settled among the still smoking ruins of the Sagar capitol. To avenge their deaths and to secure the eastern parts of the empire the proud warriors of the Herillaz moved East. In just mere weeks the last of their towns and forts had been taken by our victorious armies and those who resisted had been slain.

A new thret had risen in the southeast, vast hordes of foul Trolls had taken advantage of the declining power of the Elves to get a foothold by the river. However the Elves living there had fought valiantly and our forces only encountered minor resistence when clering the land of the vicious beasts. After a few minor skirmishes they were seen running like the dogs they are and most of them were hunted down by our warriors, their bodies are still seen polluting the plains, even the ravens seem to dislike theese foul creatures.

Great armies came from the West to burn and conquor, not even the great western wall of Augustus could hold them back for long. Aid from the tribes of the Herillaz were requested, and no allies of the Herillaz shall say that the Heri has no honor. Tens of thousands were the warriors that turned south to meet the hordes. Cities and brave armies alike fell to our might, but soon, from the lands of Augustus returned a horde so vast that the men could not be counted, as it moved the ground trembled and the earth itself seemed to groan in agony. not even the bravest of the Herillaz could help feeling the grasp of dispair. To fight this army would have been madness, Torbjörn realised this and they embarked on a long march without sleep or rest to save their homlands from the fire and the sword. At Madices Keep, where so many brave warriors fell by our swords in the past, the enemy had managed to catch up. The slaughter was horrible, 25 thousands died to make way for Torbjörn and his lifeguard to escape. All who stayed in Madices Keep were slain, no one was spared. In the west the lands stood in flames, it was a sight that would even cause the gods to cry for the faith of men. Perhaps it was the pity of the gods that made the enemy attack the Trolls, that made them settle, if so only for a while.

New Armies are seen in the west, the dust that it stirrs up blocks the sun and creation itself seems to mourn. Aid has been promised, but the lands to the west is no longer accessible, we can only hope that help will arrive through the mountain pass and hope that the full military power of the west does not hit our land but break agains the great western wall.

The wall did not hold, not agaist treachery, that is the only way an army that large could march strait through. Theese men are no ghosts, their blood has stained our land and their slain are seen in every corner of the land. These men are no immortals, yet they marched through the walls of Augustus.
The peoples of the Republic were overwhelmed, a great pillar of smoke is seen rising from Amplus.

Aid arrived, an army lead by Octavius attacked the towns and forts of the invaders. But hope soon faded, they wore themselves out against the walls and awoke a sleeaping beast. Great armies are once again seen roaming our land, but this time they are not ours. The young are talking of leaving theese lands, to find a new home, far away from bloodshed and death. But this is not the way of the Herillaz, we will fight, we will die at the edge of a sword, not in shame.

Roden has fallen, the people was put to the sword, Octavius arrived to late. The city was set ablaze, the dead were burned inside their homes, this is no time to mourn.

Vengence! the land of Zulu Ullazz are in flames, their dead lie in piles along the streets, the smell of death is ovewhelming.

Our attempt to resist have been futile. our people has been put to the sword or dragged away to a life of slavery.
The kings son, Erikur, has left with one third of the people, one full half of the hird and Torbjörns blessing in search of new lands, to secure the survival of our people. Many did not want to leave, to run. They will stand and fight with their king in the battle to come. Their victory will be hard fought.