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Mr. Talwin Hawkins

Lived in Era 25 and got 0 heir(s) .

Fort Talon was founded several years ago, by a small band of knights, and operated as a waystation for weary travellers, offering a roof overhead and hot food.

Two years ago, the Adventuring Lord Talwin Hawkins arrived in the small community with his followers, and settled.

During these two years Talwin rose to become the leader of this small community, and set about building stronger defences and expanding the town, using much of the fortune he had made over the years in doing so.

As the months passed, Fort Talon grew from a small village, into a town, as more and more people flocked to this growing power. Taverns sprang up by the dozens, as well as armories, lumbermills, and places of magical research.

Farmland grew around the now strong, walled town, expanding out in all directions for several days travel.

Fort Talon grew strong under Talwin's energetic leadership.

It was at this time that several of the outlaying villages of the noblemans new domain came under assault by primitive tribesmen and were burned to the ground and pillaged.

The tribesmen came from the huge, but primitive, city of Muggermine, 7 days march to the east. Furious over the attack on his vassals, Talwin sent scouts to observe the activity around the primitive city, while he increased the training and recruiting of his own guardsmen.

Finally, after several weeks had passed, he virtually emptied his town of its defenders, pressing almost every soldier into service, and leading this, still small army hiself towards Muggermine.

Numbering less than a thousand, Talwin's force succeeded in drawing the much larger army of Muggermine away from the city. Under Talwin's energetic leadership, his small army crushed the primitives, using a mixture of devide and conquer, and guerilla warfare.

As the now demoralised horde fled back east, they fell into his final trap. His cavalry slammed into their flanks, harrying them the entire way home and drastically reducing their numbers.

Finally, Talwin arrived outside the crude city of Muggermine with his army. Knowing he did not have enough men to take the city, he dug in around it, and sent runners back to Fort Talon for reinforcements.

For six days his forces surrounded the city, throwing the occasional strike at its gates, or harrying its defenders walls with bowfire, but for the most part content to halt any from leaving or arriving at the city, and slowly starving those within.

On the seventh morning, his reinforcements arrived, almost 500 more infantry, archers, and heavy cavalry.

In a matter of hours, his infantry had taken and were in control of all three gates into the city, and Talwin himself led his cavalry deep into the city, where they gained control of the Longhall, headquarters of the tribal chiefs of the city and surrounding lands.

With the death of their chiefs, a strong force of cavalry in control of the centre of their city, and infantry pushing ever deeper from the gates, the last few defenders had no choice but to surrender.

Immediately Talwin set to making his new city habitable, increasing the farmland around the city, and bringing in his own colonists from Fort Talon.

While he was strengthening his new city, envoys from the far north arrived at the gates of Muggermine, with a proposal for the new Lord of Muggermine and the Mountains.

They came from a collection of city states and small kingdoms, that had allied together against the predations of the stronger kingdoms of the north, and called themselves the Sovereign States.

They offered Talwin a place in this new kingdom, with a charter to make a stronghold in the south for the States.

Talwin agreed, and immediately began pacifying the nearby area, and in just over a week, all the land between the mountains and the river had fallen under his control, with another, smaller, native city to the north of Muggermine falling to his army.

In order to completely secure the land to the east of Fort Talon, he began the construction of a formidable fortress, known as Castle Greylock, to anchor his two new cities, and prevent them from rebelling.