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Mr. Teejay Ball

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Dave Ball) and was a member of Southwest ordiance

Tee-jay Ball was born in 1145.His mothers name was Caty Ball and his father John Ball.In the age of 11 Tee-jay sneaked into a army camp and posed as a soldier for the British Military.He went into battle and took the enemy commander called Lucian.Then when he returned home he got arrested and was thrown in prison for 16 years.Tee-jay trained his mind hard in prison and waited for the time he came out.Tee-jay learned the ways in battle the use of tactics in battle and other certain things in prison.In 1172 Tee-jay was released and sent back to the real world and Tee-jay was only thinking of one thing revenge...

Tee-jay Ball started off raiding villages and pillaging with various bandits and thief's and one night Tee-jay overheard something in one of the bandits tents the leader of the bandit group said "lets hand over that Ball guy to the Town Guard then we could make a lot of profit for ourselves.After that Tee-jay sat in his tent and waited for everyone to go to sleep.He then tied up every bandit and threw everyone one of them into a cart then Tee-jay set off for London.Tee-jay Got a handsome reward for the capture of the deadliest Bandit Group around in them times also Tee-jay was awarded 40 swordsmen bodyguards to protect a man of nobility.Tee-jay soon gained followers of up to 1000 people.Tee-jay Left England and met this Mage called Merlin He asked Merlin to transport him and his followers to the distant world of Mantrax a some what mythical world but somehow Merlin knew how to get their and teleported all of Tee-jays followers to Mantrax.Tee-jay then said thanks to Merlin but Merlin lead Tee-jay into a trap.Tee-jay and his 40 swordsmen held off a 50 spearmen assault from nowhere then Tee-jay got Merlin from the collar and demanded him to teleport to Mantrax Merlin said "wheres Mantrax".Tee-jay threatened Merlin by saying he would cut off his ears if he did not tell him or teleport him there.Merlin Then teleport Tee-jay and his merry band of followers to Mantrax and as soon as Tee-jay arrived he was attacked by Orcs 5 of them they did not pose much of a threat to Tee-jay and he laughed at how feeble that attack was.Tee-jay traveled for days until He found a nice place to build his settlement.The wise wizard Merlin advised Tee-jay to do various tasks for his village and Tee-jay obeyed.Then Tee-jay was ordered to assault a native settlement to test his army and they succeed in their mighty attack but many people died mostly innocent Natives.But Tee-jay Knew why he had to attack them they were going to attack him if he did not attack them 1st.
Tee-Jay is now settled somewhere in Mantrax waiting for you and your army he may look weak but when you meet him you'll regret ever attacking him like me I got severely injured When i ambushed him now look at me i am a adviser to this Man.
-Merlin A.D 1190