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Mr. Lightinthedark

Lived in Era 26 and got 0 heir(s) .

This Story Starts a Long Time Ago When not much about the world was good, when everyone had to fight for what little they had. While liveing through this you never would have thought that somebody would train him self day and night to protect those who were unable to fight for themselfs.
after many fights with the scum of the earth he started to get a title given from the people since he was the light who saved them from the darkness of this cruel world they gave him the title Lightinthedark after many years of being called this name he slowly stoped being a normal person and started to become the man they discribed in there tales as the years past he slowly changed from the quiet wariror to a proud defender of all that is good and eventually he himself believed that he was unbeatable and he could no longer rember his real name and now wonders through Darkness searching for those in need of some Light forever searching for someone who can challenge his own might