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King Galadorn

Lived in Era 14, got 0 heir(s) and was the leader of Ashfall

These are my memoars, my thoughts and feelings during the last few days of this world. The last hours of of tranquillity before the sky shall rain fire and death upon this land and from it, take all that is of the living. I am Galadorn, first King of Ashfall and ruler of a kingdom.
These few strings of text is all that I will leave behind me when this world ends, and if life would ever return after the horrible Armageddon, then perhaps someone or something will find my notes and read them, to understand what it was like in the days I lived.

- The Days of Mantrax -

I spent my early days, both the early days of my rulership and kingdom, in the lands of Mantrax, struggling to settle a strong and decent settlement in order to feed and ready my people. A lone city was created, which I named to be my capital. Alas, soon this city would not be sufficient, for though it could feed my people with both fish and grain, it was lacking the resources one needed to further expand it. I realised soon that there was no other option then to send settlers to the north, where the mountains lay. But sadly, the road was long and many brave soldier followed in order to safeguard the settlers, but this left my capital vulnerable, which later proved be fatal as a vicious warband came through and ravaged the entire city.

I was able to flee on the river, along with a few soldiers and some survivors... We travelled many days, looking back at the burning capital and regretting our poor choice of location. But our eyes and hopes were lifted once we lay our gaze upon the realm of Fantasia.

- The Days of Fantasia -

A small kingdom, vulnerable and unable to defend itself. Me and my surviving countrymen had landed upon the most south-western shore imaginable. For many days we had travelled on the river and we now deserved some rest. With the few resources available, we began the construction of a primitive town, from which we start our new civilisation. But as our town grew larger and as our numbers increased, so did the greed of our neighbours, and it was not long before citizens began to report sightings of enemy armies moving towards our regions.

The bridge to our south was eventually overrun, I watched from the walls of my newly founded capital as the hordes of enemies swarmed over and began laying siege to the southern villages. My trusted Viceroy at that time, Wulfgar, could not manage the defense on his own and it was not before long that I observed his cities being turned to ruin by the relentless forces of our foes. Knowing Wulfgar had both had stronger walls and larger armies then I, it was clear I would not survive if the enemy turned their attention to me, as they of course did. When the catapults and ladders began harassing my walls and the soldiers began ramming the gates, it was clear what had to be done in order to preserve Ashfall. Again, with a few settlers and a low score of soldiers, we abandoned the capital and made way for the southern bridge. Luckily, the enemy had left it unguarded and their fortress behind it had not closed it's gates. By the cover of darkness we snuck through the main street and began making way for the south-east... Always looking towards the horizon.

- The Days of Dark Genesis -

Our people was weary and hungry, me and my newly appointed Viceroy, Chenda, had managed to find a small refuge in the south-middle mountains in Fantasia. Here, we began re-settling with what little resources we had left. Around was the many cities of a mutual ally who had granted us safe passage, alas we would soon regret having come to this... Canyon of no-return. It was not long after the kingdom had begun to grow, that our northern neighbour switched allegiance and joined our former enemies. As a servant of their cruel king, the former friend became a vast enemy whom at once sent armies to defeat us, joined by his friends from across the river to our east.

Chenda and I knew we would not survive, the few soldiers my new city had provided could not stand a chance against the vast enemy armies that counted to thousands and utter thousands. I was again, heart-struck by my will and lust to lead my people was greater, thus, I and my viceroy, left the valley of Dark Genesis, and with the help of the river and the cover of forests, we began heading north-east, as far as we could...

- The Final Days -

Cities were founded in the north and east, alas they fell to the might of enraged enemies, whom jealously and greedily clinged to what was theirs. My people were forced to abandoen the proud cities of Kings Bridge, Lonelywood and even the strong and heavily protected capital was left behind, as we began heading south, chased and harassed by a large enemy force. But for once, we found some peace in the southern east, here it would seem, not all too many had settled, and our cities were left un-hurt except for the northern-most ones that fell one by one for each passing day. I remember staring out as I watched the capital burn, thick black smoke rising from within it's ruined walls. The screams of my subjects and loyal followers as the brutal enemy swiftly put an end to their restless lives.

Now in the south, waiting and hoping, I, Galadorn, have begun the re-construction of Ashfall, with my people around me and my own followers, I shall hold my lines now. Forever keep the banner raised to sky, ever-holding the shield with our proud tower. The Dawn and the Black Tower is our mark and it shall stand until the end of Time. We may have suffered numerous defeat but we have never been destroyed completely. Our people cry out for blood and vegeance, our time of glory is at hand. And even if I shall not live to see the days when our enemies suffer, my children and their children will surely be around, to wear my crown and wield my sword, as we put our adversaries to their justly desrerved grave!

But the horns of battle sound, the soldiers call out in shouts. Orders are given and orders are taken, horses and warmachines are being prepared. Soldiers are being equipped and trained. I stand now here, on the walls of Sanctuary, gazing out to the west and the north, and from this, my final days in this world, I know that my people shall live to see the ending of this world.

~ King Galadorn, Firstborne King of Ashfall.