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Ms. Tauwarrior

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Gjall) and was a member of Dragon Masters

hello, i use 2 play this game, i think it was about a year ago. so now im back n looking 2 pwn some ppl. ^^ or find new ways 2 aviod getting pwned.

joined up with music 4 a wile, that was fun ^^.

Mr. Hemmer:
We have made a personal NAP with Ms. Tauwarrior.
She left us unfortunately, and joined up with the Dragon Masters.

I don't want to attack her though, and we can be peacefull to ex-members So remember: Don't attack Ms. Tauwarrior!

ty ^^

neways, i left music n joined up with the the kigdom i joined the 1st time i played this ^^ and im hoping 4 1 final big fight with an army music sent 2 attack me leader, still need 2 talk this over with them tho. ^^