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Forums / In game politics / Armageddon Wars III

Armageddon Wars III
22:33:27 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. System of Down:

its already open for a few days, but no forum about it (till now xD)

its Death vs WAR and there are some stupid persons in Death :p

Mr. Zenknight [Death] (12/2/2008 7:38:45 PM) GOOD BAD
turn back now you bannerless kingdom for you will lose this attempt of revolting

you know who i am Zenknight?? you wont survive this xD (try to attack me, if you are brave enough)

23:12:25 Dec 4th 08 - Sir Struddle:

I started in Armageddon......... good times good times........

23:15:53 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

Im just going to try stay neutral.

survival is my aim XD


23:17:41 Dec 4th 08 - Sir Struddle:

eh just surviving is boring gotta go to war you may win you may lose but war is always fun.

23:21:26 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

i will probably end up joining a kingdom  anyway though :/

23:21:57 Dec 4th 08 - Lady Vampire Queen:

Dark started on Armageddon :-)

23:36:34 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Bartimaeus IV:

Down you are one to talk arent you? If you are so mighty LMAO (doubt it) like you say you are then why are you flaming on Armageddon. =P Plus i dont think anyone knows who you are? Soooooooo I would like to know lol :)

02:52:57 Dec 5th 08 - Sir Struddle:

awwwwwwwww come on Bart dont be mean to the new people...........

03:00:20 Dec 5th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Well blocker you can join outlawz. All depending where you are on the map that is.

OutLawZ RuleZ

05:50:09 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Frosty The Snowman:

Im pwning all on arma... so... yeah...

10:29:58 Dec 5th 08 - Master Cloutier:

really??? Thanks for the warring

17:50:08 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

im wedged between a highscore player and DR :(

wow i sure am lucky at where i spawn XD.

18:58:29 Dec 5th 08 - Duke Random:

high scores mean *beep*

03:10:17 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Bartimaeus VI:

lmao struddle i dont mean to be mean lol i just state facts =P

13:50:27 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. System of Down:

indeed, hoh means nothing, ceertainly that one of the armies... Justinius have got hoh nr 1 atm, but i will slaughter him with at least 99%! his using gaias xD

17:32:59 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

  • 12:02:57: Yarrrrr lead by Ms. Kozz attacked and plundered Elven Haven. They took 32079 gold, 38011 stone, 4908 tree, 7906 food and 0 slaves. We lost 0 Ghosts, 50 Archers, 0 Riders, 48 Spellweavers and 5 Archmages in the battle.
  • ......git.

    23:15:30 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

    hoh does mean something... at least the killing part!!!

    23:40:02 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Bartimaeus IV:

    hoh is so dumb. I just use it to determine how many troops are in an army. Like last night i had an hoh army called Warlords End now its not hoh so that tells me all those armies have more than what i have, so it can be useful kinda.

    05:00:01 Dec 7th 08 - Mr. Feasel The Questor:

    Looking for a KD.

    06:23:19 Dec 7th 08 - Mr. Koss:

    hoh is (as far as im concerned)to pick out players andgang up on them it is usefull it used to be better when it showed the most lucritive cities instead of the most powerful kingdoms
    ah the good old days

    09:09:44 Dec 7th 08 - Mr. Grin Reaper:

    join WARLORDs, we are killing a few ppl

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