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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Wars II

Fantasia Wars II
19:41:40 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

Fantasia Wars.

20:57:11 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

ur kingdom will not last long................

21:29:07 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

ooh comon im missing it all tell me hows it going down

21:30:05 Feb 10th 08 - Lord Marche:

Well. Carnage is currently wondering where the rest is :)

22:10:56 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol.... Is that why they are ranked number 1?

22:15:20 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. William:

LDK (lets say the big bully's) Vs Dacii... we have lots of towns yesz.
Dacii will reign supreme and become the first superpower with encoded nuclear subs as unit. you like?

22:15:39 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Stormcrow:

@Pesterd: no, its because we all alone in our part of the map:(

Hmmm....pks is starting to look might tasty.....




(of course i'm joking lighten up:P)

22:29:15 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

Slowpokes! We already have a really detailed map of Mantrax in 3d!

00:11:32 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Omg zeta put ships in?!

00:19:22 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

yea but you gotta pay unfortunately for you hehe ;)

00:47:46 Feb 11th 08 - Prince Sprout:

Man ... Its just not fair!

How come I never get the good intell?


13:35:31 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Here's all intel u need Sprout: Abydos is NOT warring you. Therefor you should take out all your soldiers and go attack LDK to save those poor Dacians..

Also, Zeon has NAPed LGC and DB.

13:55:20 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

why did u said that? it was such a secret!!!!

14:01:22 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

Go go Dacians!!! Dont forget to use your ICBMs too, to waste every city on the map!!! I missed your superior power. What can i do against rockets, subs, tanks etc. with my reversed blade sword :-/

15:28:27 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Khan Zoltan:

Mr. Messiah

2/11/2008 1:35:31 PMHere's all intel u need Sprout: Abydos is NOT warring you

lool : )we are not waring bow :) we just want their citys:)) peacefully:) s ohand it over .... damn .. it   Sprout :) hand your town over : )

16:25:18 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

hehe , thanks to all our supporters and fans out there =)

16:37:34 Feb 11th 08 - Prince Sprout:

Never!   Never..... I swat the, 14000 flies soon :p

16:42:56 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. William:

we like LDK very much, in this war we lost 2 towns and they lost 3:O but for us its 33%:p

16:54:09 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

yea and we killed one of heir guys

17:21:55 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. William:

:D we rock:)

18:06:12 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Mr. The Gladiator

2/11/2008 4:54:09 PMyea and we killed one of heir guys

I've personally killed 2 scouts.  Well, killed one & the other ran away.  It's an exciting place at the moment!*

* This message brought to you by Sarcasm Ltd

18:51:04 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. William:

we did more damaga to LDK then LDK did to us... but for you guys its nothing because well... we just started to screwed up;) with an in-active team:S

20:25:52 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Stumbras:

I think Mr Williams you should shut up, because you didn't do any damage to LDK yet, you even didn't come out of protection

21:54:04 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

there are no wars in's simply an action of bowing to carnage and delivering the cities as tributes.

22:03:37 Feb 11th 08 - Prince Sprout:

Bad ABY!


 Why u guys so dam active? 

Help ! I am being shoved in a corner and I cant get out :P

With all these armies camping out side my gates I must really be popular, O no wait... they might just want some cookies and milk... to bad I dont share :p

23:32:33 Feb 11th 08 - Lord Crom:

i think db will crouch back to the master when zeon has killed em they will restart in the security of lgc and the townswapping games can beginn

00:15:10 Feb 12th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:


Your Grace. We have burned and destroyed Stalingrad.
We killed all of the 8842 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

We lost 200soldiers :) hmm

Cavemasters 0 0

00:24:17 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

  RIP Stalin, life continues after death Let the celebrations begin!  *Joins the celebrations with the rest of The Dacians*

00:58:06 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

We havent met our goals as of now - we planned on wining or having a tie at least =.^  but you learn from mistakes and ive made some this era

01:19:41 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Zucox II:

Gladiator.. whos' your papa??? :P..
Even LDK declared war with you.. we didn't use all of our forces.. we only need one player to destroy your whole kingdom... what a shame...:)

01:35:58 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

My papa is a weightlifter national champ that lifted 180 kg

Dont change the facts on the forums to make your kd look good, you guys are no brains, 3 guys did more damage than 31 did,

 you were 6-7 bugs on stalin, the king and vice overcome are farming and theyre putting you to fight *beep*ie.

LDK leadership is brainless or inexistant, youre lucky this time we made some mistakes consider urself lucky that only one of your guys died and a few weakened.

I respect Lithuanians and LDK but dont criticise us, ur kds leadership dosen exist, its similar to a bug type kd, you put 31 bugs together and let them on their own. LDK has as many troops as if they were in a war with legacy now, although we are just 3. So I respec LDK but what a shame you posted above, dont try to lie for good impressions at least

01:39:19 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Merged armies

Owned by Vytautas Didysis

For Glory
Owned by Mr. Hitokiri Battousai

Firechamp lifeguards
Owned by Mr. Firechamp

Java lifeguards
Owned by Mr. Java

Owned by Mr. Sazunas

Necrotic lifeguards
Owned by Mr. Necrotic

Owned by Mr. Java

Merged armies

Bleed Out IV
Owned by Zypher

Liberation Army
Owned by Mr. Zucox II

Owned by Mr. Stumbras

Light Brigade

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Ambrosias ArilyonisKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Great Duchy of Lithuania
Size:Regiment (2000-4000)
Status:Moving North East


Army Info
Commander:Mr. Ambrosias ArilyonisKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Great Duchy of Lithuania
Size:Battalion (500-1500)
Status:Moving North East


Army Info
Commander:Mr. OvercomeKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Great Duchy of Lithuania
Size:Battalion (500-1500)
Status:Moving West

And Im missing a good bunch now, we only see half of your core and dont include all the armies that are in to defend the cities...

08:08:01 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. William:

yup, zuco donīt change the truth. there are way more then 1 player that fought our 3 players. so if you want to look good for the world just donīt say a thing because if you do.. and you change the facts poeple start to dislike you a little bit..

09:21:08 Feb 12th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

"I respect Lithuanians and LDK but dont criticise us, ur kds leadership dosen exist,"

I don`t do anything with your kingdom.... I have more jobs , more plans... You are small thing... nothing is be just time question ;) do you think all troops just try come and kill you ? yes ofc we merged more armies , because we don`t lose alot troops , now u lose 8000 we just 200 ;) You burn our 2 towns , we burn one yours and take 4 or 5 :) you can`t move nowhere.... ;) in all war we lose about 2000 maybe little bit more and your kingdom lose more 15000 :) i don`t see any damage... for us.. How i tell u is be just time question...

We win , you lose , so leave us, go with luck in another world and try create big kingdom :)

12:56:34 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

Dont change the facts on the forums to make your kd look good, you guys are no brains, 3 guys did more damage than 31 did,

 you were 6-7 bugs on stalin, the king and vice overcome are farming and theyre putting you to fight *beep*ie.

LDK leadership is brainless or inexistant, youre lucky this time we made some mistakes consider urself lucky that only one of your guys died and a few weakened.

I respect Lithuanians and LDK but dont criticise us, ur kds leadership dosen exist, its similar to a bug type kd, you put 31 bugs together and let them on their own. LDK has as many troops as if they were in a war with legacy now, although we are just 3. So I respec LDK but what a shame you posted above, dont try to lie for good impressions at least

you say that we are shall not criticise you, then you bring out a bounch of bull*beep* against us? LOL!

and you see only half our core, then you don't know a damn thing on whats going on. and you say: "LDK leadership is brainless or inexistant"

once again you don't know what you are talking about! we used the neccesery force to kick your asses, and still have a good income. and half our KD started later then yours, we actually still have people in protection. so don't give us that *beep*.

i respect your KD, but what you are saying looks like a desperate attempt to put us in a bad light. i don't back up what Zucox II said. i dont agree with him. i think you put up a good fight, but there was never a doubt that we was going to strike you down, and win the war. so please just focus on the game and good luck on the next world.

13:57:19 Feb 12th 08 - Lord Crom:

silentia ! unworthy stupids you all will die and the soccerfutzy first of all.

14:18:29 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

hmm, where did this guy come from? angry fellow aint ya?

14:22:17 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

what does crom ryhme with?? crom pom tom

 i cant think of anymore!!!!!

15:09:18 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

ops sorry, I think I went too far and didint realise after zucox post...

Well LDK is a good kd, you are better than us as of now and i think you can stay a strong kd too congrats for your win even if its still not over, we got 1 more member ;) . So good luck LDk , we will give you a good lesson sometime though ;)

15:28:21 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. William:

I don`t do anything with your kingdom.... I have more jobs , more plans... You are small thing... nothing is be just time question ;) do you think all troops just try come and kill you ? yes ofc we merged more armies , because we don`t lose alot troops , now u lose 8000 we just 200 ;) You burn our 2 towns , we burn one yours and take 4 or 5 :) you can`t move nowhere.... ;) in all war we lose about 2000 maybe little bit more and your kingdom lose more 15000 :) i don`t see any damage... for us.. How i tell u is be just time question...


take 4-5 burn more? how did you do that if we just had 4 towns? o.0

17:31:59 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

whoah we flaming LDK? Where was I?

18:33:55 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

dont even start with that Pesterd. ;)

18:20:35 Feb 18th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

And todayīs speacial offer is the PHI Kebab with mashed Lithuanian.

18:24:51 Feb 18th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol brashen that was definatley perfet timing :-)

19:50:49 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

do I sense a touch of despair in your voice .. ahem .... writing, towards Pesterd, Duke? :D
is he kicking your armies so hard?

12:13:14 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

why isnt anyone talking ? :D no news? :D oh there is one new thing :D 1vs1 penguin against Ducha Vytauta Didijy :D still our kds is in war :D so it will not be 1vs1 :D:D:D

12:31:27 Feb 23rd 08 - Ms. Geneva:


19:06:33 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

whoa! i detect a hint of hostility...







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