Forums / In game politics / Kev and Max and pointbreak
Kev and Max and pointbreak | |||||
Honest John landed after us , in a position that meant dendarii could not reach them without killing my kingdom first, They used this position , DESPITE signing an MAP with us that they would attack dendarii , to sit behind us and farm. they won a grand spanking TWO battles against dendarii in the entire era, until dendarii reached there core and they were forced to actually fight. At this point they realized how weak they was and began recruiting members from my kingdom to help them stay alive. After ALL of this i still allowed them to survive , and then a situation with dendarii arose. a member of theirs joined my kingdom , helping us to kill dendarii. This is the facts behind the entire situation....Enjoy.
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OH MY GOD. And I thought that the Zet thread was long. | |||||
Too bad nobody cares about what you have to say. | |||||
i CBA reading it halfway down so i thought i would read a mile long page about the annunaki ^_^ | |||||
"After ALL of this i still allowed them to survive " Kath. The determiner of fates. | |||||
16:18:41 Jul 31st 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude: i CBA reading it halfway down so i thought i would read a mile long page about the annunaki ^_^ Did U learn anything ? | |||||
yes it was realy interesting actually ^_^ | |||||
I have to admit I read all of what Kath posted and support Kath, though at the end of the day having peoples support can not change what is happening in-game due to the fact worlds aren't connected any more. If you e-mail Zeta and give him the list of multi's you can confirm he will block them, more than likely. About dishonesty, there isn't a lot you can do about that. The reason for this is as you have seen pretty much every era there are dishonest players and/or traitors and there isn't a rule against this. Also you can't message Zeta as he doesn't deal with in-game issues between players unless it is bullying or racism (etc) because it would just take up to much time as many people complain about minor issues. Finally about reputations it is up to individual people to make up there minds about whether or not these people are still classed as good honest players or if they are not. EDIT: I just read over what I read and realised it is a rather intellectual peace making moment, so yeah if you want to just make some chill out topics rather than topics like this that would be pretty awesome = D | |||||
Thanks samual , atleast some people can see past the fact that the others in the arguement are seen as more honorable then me and actually look at the facts. And Admirable , yes i did ALLOW them to live , as troop wise at the time we had roughly 6-7 times there strength , and many of our members wanted to kill them as they had farmed up large mines that were undefended | |||||
I just realized that I can compare the whole thing about Gulcasa leaving to another game just like this. Dynasty Warriors and the Battle at Chi Bi where Cao Cao and his naval fleet were fighting the Wu and Shu alliance. Shu(MYTH and Pure Blood) had a general named Pang Tong(Gulcasa) who joined Wei(DMC) in order to spy on them but at the same time, gain Cao Cao's(Jondrus) trust. Wu(Honest John), in this case, did fight but had a strategy involving burning Cao Cao's(Jondrus) fleet. I cant thing of any event during this era like that one but anyways back to the story. When the battle commenced, Pang Tong(Gulcasa) was feeding info to the main general Sun Jian(Pointbreak) and Liu Bei(Kath though I am more of a Liu Bei person myself lol). When enough info and troops were taken, Pang Tong(Gulcasa) left the Wei(DMC) for the Wu/Shu alliance thus Cao Cao(Jondrus) was PO. He swore one day this would happen to the Shu(Pure) or Wu(Honest John). It happened when Guan Yu(Curro) so happened to leave Shu(Pure) for Wei(DMC). The End lol | |||||
I didn't read any of it, and I stand by my statement. | |||||
Kaths statement or my story? The story is based on true a game lol | |||||
As far as any "dishonorable" actions taken by HJ are concerned, I don't really understand what you're saying happened because I got confused with the long post and with the names. However, just from what you stated in the post about what Pureblood did, I wouldn't be standing all high and mighty. Spying in other kingdoms that you have a MAP with and whatever that deal was with the person you had in Dendarii, I wouldn't be calling Pureblood the purest kingdom either. | |||||
point was the one who spied on your KD , and when i found out about it i put a stop to it , he then for 'other reasons' left within 4 ticks of me demoting him for this. The deal brokered with gulcasa was made by point , due to the fact i am FRIENDS with gulcasa however i allowed him to join us anyway. And HJ are our MAP partners , war being and point together have close to 300K troops in the area nearby to where curro is attacking me personally , HJ Must have troops in the areas we are getting attacked in , AND they have not helped us. a MAP is a mutual agression pact , it means those WE are agressive to , YOU are agressive to. however HJ have not even tried to help us , and have as a leadership , decided they will not. One of the vices even tried to DENY there was a MAP on your forum. On top of this Honest John has ignored my messages regarding curro , claiming he was inactive , yet he has been posting on your kd forums in the time he hasnt been replying. | |||||
kath mann stop trying to fight your argument mann!!! | |||||
Well as far as the MAP, you will see that I personally was the one that made the forum about attacking Curro asking if we should attack considering he had left your kingdom in apparently bad standings (which was correct). And I was informed not to, as you can see from your very own spy. So don't go around ranting and raving about how dishonorable HJ is when it really has to do with a handful of people that have little drama issues. Part of honor is doing what you are told by your leadership and the whole of HJ have done just that. I'm new to this game and to HJ, so I don't get all of this drama. Maybe the handful of you have a past of this kinda stuff but what I'm trying to say is, don't let your little personal pickering tarnish the reputation of either kingdom, Pureblood or Honest John. Not to mention the persons within those kingdoms and about whom you're talking. Edit: And this drama that you guys started just fractured your entire kingdom.
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dont worry about it hahaha it is kath :P | |||||
OMG can't read | |||||
Kath, MAP is not Mutual Aggressive Pact MAP by definition is Mutually Assured Protection/ That if someone attacks you then it is like an attack on your MAP partner as well. If you are the aggressor in a conflict(and i recall a situation eras ago between fate and mad with RVL as naps/maps who didnt join in because one of the parties attacked first.if it had been reversed they would of been forced to join in) the MAP doesnt need to fight(mind you most do for an excuse to war). As for the rest, well i warned Point and he gave you the benefit of the doubt. You going your separate ways is highly predictable. the fact you even have these convos and posting them here doesnt make you white as snow either. if the others are cheating by all means report them to zeta then brag about it if and when they are banned. | |||||
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I vote Palpy for thread winner. Game, set, match. | |||||
lol pointbreak has always been a dirty multi. about time he got caught. | |||||
yeah but we are all multis of random....i only exist in his would think he would imagine hot babes or sumfink... | |||||
hmmm where is random :O???? | |||||
Palpy , i wasnt the agressor , we was attacked by curro jimnez , who had just left our kingdom and attacked us , so either way they still should of helped us. Lando , i have nothing personal against you , however the people who made these decisions were the leadership of honest john. If you had more vices maybe it would be different , but as it is your entire leadership backed this coward move , despite the fact we spent the first half of our time on zeta shielding you from the fight with dendarii. Do you honestly think thats fair or honorable on your leaders behalf? | |||||
i was merely stating that you were incorrect in your description of what a MAP stands for | |||||
What do you expect us to do? Our leaders said no so we didn't. Sound pretty honorable to me. Take it up with the leaders personally instead of ranting on the forums about it. | |||||
Duke Kathandarion The Pure Blooded: | |||||
oh look you are no longer with them hmmm.. to bad | |||||
Ummm I am new this era and started near pureblood so I joined them. I did not want to post anything but I just have to I can't stand it. Why I was in Pure blood I rarly saw kath online or anything nor did they seem to be winning any war with these others guys dmc. I saw no plan of action that would work and only really saw one or two players that even cared to try and cordnate moves one of witch was pointbreak. No one msged me to leave them I left on my own free will as even in skype chat these pure blood guys were fighting and looked to be a kd falling apart before I even joined witch was about the time HJ spawned and rapidly grew and secured a area so Ofc I left and begged them to let me join and you KNOW WHAT! Their leader declined to take me in cause he did not want to hurt his relations. I ofc convinced him that I wasnt going to play in pure and he can either take me or not but either way I already left them and it had nothing to do with anything beside internal leadership problems with in their ranks. Point left rite after me prolly cause I did and he could also see that pure blood was falling apart from the inside. I see kath crying and complaining and blaming everyone but the truth is that no one other then kath can be blamed for the members leaving, and no one can blame HJ for playing the way they did this kingdom seems ok and better organized then what I saw in pureblood. Sorry kath no hard feelings I just really think you should look at things different and step out side the box and see it from anothers veiw point. I dont know anyone in this game and I have no agenda to lie here just wanted to put my few cents out here :) ~Ty~ | |||||
Actually I was the first pure blood on site. It was me(Jango) and Arkan who made the kingdom up in the first place. I was already on Zetamania while MYTH was losing to Glads. Just to let those know that kath was not the first one here rather me. Why I was in Pure blood I rarly saw kath online or anything nor did they seem to be winning any war with these others guys dmc. I saw no plan of action that would work and only really saw one or two players that even cared to try and cordnate moves one of witch was pointbreak. As for you thunderfoot. The reason why kath could not get on as much is because of internet issues. I noticed that he was inactive for some time and he left Point in charge. Thunderfoot, you are not the only one who was fighting. I was really trying my hardest but you did not see it. We tried to put up blockers but DMC really knew how to get us down. Pointbreak was trying hard too but again he was not the only one so dont say there was only two ppl actually doing something. Some had our share in the work. | |||||
I seem to remember thunderfoot running off and leaving because she get froze? | |||||
Enjoying the end of era forum fights so much :P | |||||
Kath, you are undoubtedly one of the stupidest person that VU has ever seen. | |||||
shutup stewie , and thunderfoot youve proven that you was not online at all , and was very one sided in your view of the kingdom. we was losing in YOUR part of the map , were as we were winning in EVERY OTHER part of the map we was in. Overall we was winning the war , clearly to anyone who actually looked across the whole map instead of one part , hence why WE , not HJ , but WE won the war in the end , and reached there core WITHOUT help from gulcasa. were as HJ done what? o yeah just follow us in. And Cutthroat if you PM'd that from point , he was the acting leader of Pure blood as i had connectivity problems. | |||||
My opininon is that there are two ways for understnading you, Kath: You are a compulsive liar. Nothing in your post is true. Even when you write contradictory things, no one is the truth. You know you failed as a leader, as a player and as game mate, and now you are trying to change your image into VU community. Believe me, it's easier to change your attitude than change our opinion, man. Try acting as a loyal mate or enemy, you will get more and better results than trowing all this crap on everybody except yourself. Or you are insane. Maybe your mind has the hability to recreate the reality and show it as you would like it to be. I hope you are only a poor liar. If not, then you have a problem that could be really dangerous in your real life. | |||||
Don't worry Noa. I just found out who Kath really is - found him "on stage" on youtube: "> | |||||
Okay Kath, because you love to spy into our forums why didn't you share this?
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Wow multis in a kingdom. What a great observation and what a fail that was. There was no multis within the kingdom. | |||||
Only a multi would say such a thing. | |||||
Arthur, I have never said anything bad about you really and then you go and do that. Seriously? I have the utmost respect for you and former BoW members. I am not a multi. I will admit I had one but that one was this one. The one on zetamania does not exist anymore. I deleted it when I lost competely. At least I didnt log into a friends account and fix up things on it. | |||||
hmmm what is worse helping a friend or being a multi | |||||
Yes and SFD I know you as well. | |||||
You don't know me. Nobody knows me. I lurk in the shadows, and now I shall return to them. | |||||
Haha Ignotus :D I was just joking man :P Sorry you thought I was serious, but I guess the internet is not the easiest place to use sarcasm. | |||||
ignotus arthur lies i swear it wasnt 2 mins before he wrote that, he was tellin me your a multi :P | |||||
SFD thats not cool lol. SFD, you know this is SWK right? | |||||
See? You completely bypassed my message. Mwuhahaha it's working! | |||||
Pssh I know you Vuggy. You are in every thread, annoying the crap out of ppl but thats your job and you do great at it. | |||||
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