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Mantrax 51

House Mormont for the era win, nice job Blah on maintaining the #1 spot

  1. Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal of Forgotten Warriors (Halfling)
    Had 110,829 land, 2,219,362 troops and 95 science points. Killed 725,245 soldiers, won 30 of 52 battles and captured 14 cities.
  2. Mr. Stewie Griffindor of Why So Serious (Elf)
    Had 1,615,047 land, 5,092,008 troops and 35 science points. Killed 4,182,132 soldiers, won 83 of 104 battles and captured 76 cities.
  3. Dragon Prophet Theo Targaryen of House Mormont (Halfling)
    Had 691,976 land, 2,640,512 troops and 65 science points. Killed 1,181,312 soldiers, won 39 of 59 battles and captured 28 cities.
  4. Mr. Unbroken of House Mormont (Halfling)
    Had 586,245 land, 1,535,737 troops and 49 science points. Killed 151,412 soldiers, won 13 of 18 battles and captured 7 cities.
  5. Duke Sfdees Nuts of Ferox (Halfling)
    Had 186,827 land, 1,119,559 troops and 36 science points. Killed 813,524 soldiers, won 17 of 35 battles and captured 10 cities.
  6. Mr. Commisaar of House Mormont (Dwarf)
    Had 602,864 land, 2,245,081 troops and 28 science points. Killed 150,295 soldiers, won 9 of 17 battles and captured 5 cities.
  7. Mr. Vilehelm of House Mormont (Halfling)
    Had 572,246 land, 826,257 troops and 28 science points. Killed 152,072 soldiers, won 6 of 19 battles and captured 4 cities.
  8. Mr. Justanius The Elf of Why So Serious (Elf)
    Had 453,987 land, 1,398,306 troops and 33 science points. Killed 1,372,293 soldiers, won 7 of 12 battles and captured 7 cities.
  9. Mr. Poole of Why So Serious (Human)
    Had 436,757 land, 924,556 troops and 33 science points. Killed 218,256 soldiers, won 4 of 7 battles and captured 0 cities.
  10. Mr. Farmville Dragpone of Why So Serious (Halfling)
    Had 289,434 land, 599,882 troops and 17 science points. Killed 356,127 soldiers, won 5 of 16 battles and captured 4 cities.

13:55:36 Apr 21st 17 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Hooray for Karma :)

16:48:07 Apr 21st 17 - Mr. Toothpick:

Like I said, congratulations to Blah and House Mormont. In addition, the crap WSS pulled has to be one of the biggest fails in VU history. 

Good luck everyone!

17:04:21 Apr 21st 17 - McMax (Mr. Magicus Maximus):

But doesn't this belong on the Mantrax 50 thread?????

17:54:50 Apr 21st 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros Monk Funk):

In agreement on every comment so far 

18:51:19 Apr 21st 17 - Mr. Justanius The Elf:

I dont really think we pulled anything. Or that anything was done in that era. 

17:44:35 Apr 22nd 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

House Mormont really needs to work on their application response times...

18:16:23 Apr 22nd 17 - Chilean (Mr. Sniperfox):


We're less active before an era starts

05:12:37 Apr 26th 17 - Lady Leilah:

This map is probably the worst possible for a kingdom returning to the game after a long period of time. Almost not possible to block core, you are required to have extreme activity if you do not want to log on to all cities gone. But I guess its for everyone this way, I wish we had better maps.

08:04:54 Apr 26th 17 - Mr. Evens:

Mr. Evens.

We now have The Shire under siege, cutting off all supplies.

We killed or injured total of 910 troops.

Your character Mr. Evens has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 113 men and women

Something seems a little off on one of those numbers :P

08:06:32 Apr 26th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):

You injured like 800 :p

12:15:48 Apr 26th 17 - Mr. Evens:

Thats insane :P So how much is his mil sci above mine?

14:34:23 Apr 26th 17 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

siege work differently than other attacks when it come to calculating injure to death ratio.

18:33:30 Apr 26th 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Also you should calculate medicine level into it as well. 

22:10:46 Apr 26th 17 - Lady Leilah:

Next time don't attack kdless people and avoid this confusion ^^

00:29:31 Apr 27th 17 - Lady Leilah:

Fun coming :)

Through the eye we can see this information about The Move from Mr. Binh:
Move from Mr. Binh

04:22:41 Apr 27th 17 - Sprout (Mr. Ormus):

Through the eye we can see this information about The Leila III from Lady Leilah:
Leila III from Lady Leilah

Yep fun indeed :P

12:53:40 Apr 27th 17 - Prince Chade:

only 70k Binh? c'mon mate you can do better ...


12:57:00 Apr 27th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

You chaps on Mantrax are not worth Binh putting in his full effort, commitment and demonstration of his full abilities..... :|

14:17:05 Apr 27th 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Whatever, go measure your streams elsewhere. 

23:50:17 Apr 27th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros The Zombie):

Where the halfers at with the cheap food

10:10:09 Apr 28th 17 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Farms are also cheap :)

10:25:17 Apr 28th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Whoever puts up food on the market, go plunder them.

05:08:30 May 2nd 17 - Sir Dilemma:

That moment when you're annoying just how come is Binh never offline, 

You still manage to outtrain him, and you move to catch him
Reach his army, have 88% on him and lose.

You make a new army called cheating dice roll user, use two bonus turns from start to catch him again, and then
Get to his army, have 95% this time, and lose again.

Its the moment when you quit the stupid game.

14:42:14 May 2nd 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

That's a little insane

14:48:48 May 2nd 17 - Sir Dilemma:

Its easy to be the best in the game when you know how to cheat the diceroll.

14:49:53 May 2nd 17 - Lady Leilah:

17:47:04 May 2nd 17 - Sir Dilemma:

He should change his name from Mr Binh to Mr I'm Too Good to Write Back to Anyone.

18:32:44 May 2nd 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):


Normally I get an answer from Binh (if I ask for something serious).

18:39:35 May 2nd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros Butt Slapper):

Bihn why the vu sweatshop no let you answer us man


19:09:57 May 2nd 17 - Mr. Gwap:

Well he told me he has a bunch of kids running his account for him in some sweatshop. Thats how he manages to be online 24/7, Binh isnt in the sweatshop....he is the sweatshop :/.....

19:30:34 May 2nd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros Butt Slapper):

Δ confirmed

20:39:23 May 2nd 17 - Insane (Mr. Insane Warrior II):

08:42:14 May 2nd 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

That's a little insane

No its Not :p

04:40:40 May 3rd 17 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Oh my bad, I meant no offense :p

00:16:40 May 5th 17 - Princess Aisha:

Well that took forever... 

Thumbs up for my guys for not giving up in bad times, we were facing an army that was 3 times stronger than anything on the map, and most maps when such thing happens, people lose will to fight, and lots of kingdoms just go less active and give up. Similar thing happened few eras ago in Aesir when we pretty much lost to Binh, this era was going in the same direction with his crazy huge gaia armies. 

It shows when people are hooked up to the game, when you get up in middle of the night like many of the young ones in the kd, and "shadow" him, I have seen word shadow at least 50 times on our forums in the last two days. Not much you can do but shadow him till we get good op army. Thumbs up for Hills for getting that army to beat those nasty bugger gaia bastards :)

Even I have been annoyed in the few situations early this era, when Binh never seemed to be offline, and possibly the giving up thing that many do brushed up on me, had to be yelled at by the kingdom to snap out of the feeling, and now we're back :) Thank you kingdom :)

Its silly to celebrate victory over a single person, but when that person is the best VU player, you have to celebrate those small wins :) 

00:28:24 May 5th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):

....just me that gets a tingly feeling when aisha swears hehe :P

00:33:08 May 5th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

00:34:14 May 5th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

Im gonna follow you with this gif all day Dean


00:37:33 May 5th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

pssh i dont wear red pants..... burgundy all day! 

00:47:40 May 5th 17 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

I am always tingly when aisha is near :O

16:47:26 May 18th 17 - Sable (Mr. Sable Blackblade):

Chade, what are you trying to teach me? I might be too dumb to learn.

21:25:54 May 18th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

ye you are :)

13:01:12 May 19th 17 - Sable (Mr. Sable Blackblade):

RoC's strategy seems pretty straight forward though. Let your allies get wrecked, then teleport their cities away and take them for yourself, or earthquake them into oblivion.

^ I could not have said it better myself..... except add NAP everyone 

05:13:31 May 20th 17 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"except add NAP everyone"

I would like to applaud your irritation at this, but based on Mormonts previous eras I have to assume it's because they got in before you did.

;) Trolling, its been a good war

23:49:36 May 20th 17 - Lady Elisa Day:

Are people really struggling this much for food on fanta? Has it been that lucrative that you need this many farms...  First time seeing this...

Through the eye we can see this information about Elvaron, owned by Pirate Lewatha:
Pony riders:2493
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:4057
Lumber Mills:0

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

23:52:38 May 20th 17 - Mr. Evens:

If it was a first city I imagine it worked quite well...
Food sat at around 2+ gold for over 4days to a week im sure...

Same theory as if a troll went pure wood to start....

00:07:28 May 21st 17 - Binh (Mr. Binh Late Again):

Keep in mind that mining is not alway necessary for money production. Can always sell food to native. And to a halfer with high farming science, and farmers, farming can be a good way to earn money.

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