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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 70

Mantrax 70
09:12:20 May 5th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:


09:20:23 May 5th 20 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Audaciter):

Kingdoms in Mantrax
The Legion7Mr. Travadixxen100
Pestilence4The Oppressed100
Royal Order of Claidhmore11Battlemage Mcmax The White89

14:09:02 May 6th 20 - HorusPanic (Mr. Score Whorre):

oh boy, this map is going to be fun (not your fault mcmax,its pretty)

14:12:33 May 6th 20 - Dakarta (Mr. Dackarta):

Hopefully people don't abuse it.

14:15:14 May 6th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar):

I already told you on our forum.

Oh well, just let me repeat it here then:

18:57:59 May 4th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):
Now remember to copy the whole list when you enter your preferred race.

And as a "side-remark". We shall play on one of my maps. And it is (as most other maps) also buggy.

It's not as in old days where my main-income was made doing IT and we had this:

What you see is what you get (or WYSIWYG).

Here you get the terrain admin did plot - nomatter what you see.


14:16:09 May 6th 20 - HorusPanic (Darth Qanon):

i acknowledged this, i know it is out of your hands

14:45:01 May 6th 20 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

Yeah, we know Max lol. I guess we just didn't know how glitchy it was.. Usually it's a small part of trees or water.. But this - cuts right through a mountain.

14:50:50 May 6th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:

Moria ?

15:23:55 May 6th 20 - HorusPanic (Mr. Score Whorre):

my question is are the pathing mechanics and the resource bonus tied together?

ie, are those mountains there for the resource bonus if i build?

15:26:15 May 6th 20 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

my guess is that only the path you can move through doesn't count for resource bonus, but because there's still all sorts of mountain you can't move through around it, the result is that you'll get your resource bonus all the same. Would be interesting to see a dwarf city there though, if it fits.

16:14:06 May 6th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar):

My guess is, that ONLY the marked terrain gives bonus.

So in this case it depends on: Is there - somewhere in this mountainrange - a 40x40px square marked as mountain? Or isn't there?

Edit: And a second guess is, that Admin have seen too many "Indiana Jones" and/or similar movies, where all the terrain is dangerous and unpredictable.

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