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Forums / In game politics / New Kingdomm

New Kingdomm
06:38:32 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

Am maybe looking to start up a new kingdom.
About me:
Located=Currently on armageddon
Activeness=1 or 2 turns a day or so. If that.

I will take over the world and rule with an evil dictator ironfist hand. Then i'll rape all your men, women and children. Then your dog. None will stop me haha

Just add my name in that thingy

06:41:33 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

You almost sound like me.

Is this you ? have you come to fullfill the prophecy ?

welcome back my multi-account :)

07:32:38 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Almehdi:

As long as you don't take my hamster, i'm fine with it. The hamster is mine!!

08:52:52 Jan 4th 10 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

i dunno he seems like he wants to rape hamster will be spared :/

good luck fellow dwarf

13:47:59 Jan 4th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

I will take over the world and rule with an evil dictator ironfist hand. Then i'll rape all your men, women and children. Then your dog. None will stop me haha

seriously its FORDY ROFLOL

04:52:22 Jan 6th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Ford stop multing lol

07:10:16 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

Sorry. Can't help it. Need to rape as many as possible to satisfy my *needs* ;p

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