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Forums / In game politics / PHI II

12:06:59 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

The kingdom will be reformed after the era officially ends.

For Former PHI players, you are reinvited to rejoin.
For Non PHI players who plans to apply,
pls include the ff
1.) former kingdoms
2.) former nicks
3.) eras players
4.) online time(GMT) and how many times/hours per day
5.) why PHI
for inquiries message me in YM/MSN or ingame.

14:36:39 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

  1. vampire freaks , POFF
  2. mbeidas , prince of darkness
  3. 3 era xp
  4. 12 pm on GMT till 12 am GMT , active all these hours
  5. because before you disband i wanted to join , but  if you were the leader you said yes but i had to start in the first in the next era
  6. i will give my e-mail when i am in the kd

so is this accepted ??

16:09:01 Oct 4th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Nice to see you guys returning :)

23:40:53 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

I just would like to take the time to address this thread properly..

Yes, PHI will be back next era.. to all those who were once before, you are invited to join back again, to those who are new and wants to join.. you may send us your application together with the following info (stated above by Zero).

Oh, and thank you lgc/db for the warm welcome.. =)

02:34:54 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Hello PHI good to see you back.. GO NOYPI!!!

04:20:50 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

go Mavich!

06:36:26 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Draven:

it'll be a pleasure to war phi again ;) i grew respect for your kingdom 2 or 3 era's ago, when we warred til the era end.

06:39:12 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Draven:

but there is a disapointment in this also, Carnage will lose Mavich. but i wish you guys the best, may we kill each other cleanly on the battlefield again ;)

07:00:52 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Welcome back PHI ;)
Glad to see one of those true fighter kingdoms back instead of a farming kd =P

01:10:42 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Greendeath:

Hé you still alive, i just started again so i landed on The newest world. How is Phi holding up? 

Oh yeah, i´m still the same greendeath that played all the ages before.

02:30:49 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

phi didnt play this era, though we will be back the next one. you are also reinvited to join as soon as the era ends.

07:36:44 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

Hey old fart!!! Your Back!!!! How's it been?

and Greendeath, welcome back again!! it is good to see you..

15:07:28 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Phi is cool.

As long as they keep their recruitment policy good :)

16:06:22 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Greendeath:

Hmm, i´ll see. I´m on the newest world now so maybe i won´t even be able to land on Fantasia.

Mavich good to see you again. The same for the rest of you offcource.

16:07:15 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

Hmmm, i don't know what to do next era lol, stay with BoW or return to phi i have driving inovations to do both :P, i guess at the end of the Era i shall decide..

16:22:48 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

Greendeath, all you need is to apply to Phi before next era starts and you officially spawn in Fantasia together with us..=)

Ahh, it really is nice to see old names coming back..=)

23:14:37 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

I'll ofc be back with Phi next, Lets kick some butt

23:31:39 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

For all the *beep* LGC/DB nubs/cheatorzzz/BT buyers/river-jumpers/flamers etc etc, I have a sad announcement.

Upon trying to build up something rather unknown to you (life) [just a joke ;)], I will be unavailable for you to kill me :)

I'm sure you might hate other people as much as you hate me, so you'll do just fine ^_^

PHI is my home and I have no doubt that with leaders as implicated in the game as Marc and Zero they will do just fine and have another great era as all those that we had together :) [Yes, I am praising us :)]

Good luck to all and may the next era bring satisfaction to all Kingdoms involved.

Carnage, good luck to you too <3 [Such a sweet bunch of guys :)]

01:28:25 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ahhh, Lewatha, dont hurt me :D

Zero, Marc, ya'll know that we are the bomb, and we KICK ALLS ASSES!!!!

as for anyone else who wants in PHI, give it a shot, send your applications. upon joining you'll be renoun as one of the Key players in one of the best kingdoms in the world!!!!!!!!

05:31:33 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Epyon:

:O :O :O

Senturu?? *gasp*

he must be the evil Senturu!!

*Epyon punches "Senturu" in the face*

You wanna let me into PHI like you said before?? ;D

dont think I didnt forget!! ;)

09:37:34 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Senturu:

YES Epyon i did not forget.

Marc Zero. Epyon has shown respect and valar among the battle field.

that should do it. and ill add in a "Personal" favor to you marc :D

10:09:18 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Gallyon:

:) you serious??

ooh, i'd like to c Phi Reformed.... Good luck, and welcome back

14:56:13 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

Epyon, if ever you are interested, just send an application with the data stated above. cya..

17:20:18 Oct 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

It's the Senturu-mon! What's he doing outside his VU-mon ball?

*Fizban throws it again, trying to catch him.*

17:27:32 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Love:

Yay Phi be back!

18:35:42 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

No I think he's upset because I didn't write "I'll trade you but not Fizban-mon"

But thats not even my best one. This is an even better one.

"I spill my guts online at
 No one hits my site but it's home to me and I blog alone.
I dish out brilliant quotes on the bloggers boards of broken links
Guess who leaves me notes.
 Yes I'm the only one and I blog alone. I blog alone. I blog alone. I blog alone. I blog alone. "

There's more but I think you can figure it out from this.

20:23:49 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Uhm... that's a punk blasphemy! NUB! :P

01:47:49 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I wonder if I am allowed in PHI? Hmmmmmmmm...

19:41:03 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Legend:

Hey i was in Russians, Zeon, and Bow and i my previous names were Immortal and silver....I was going to join nem but seth just told me they werent going to be around next era. I would like to join you guys i think a lot of people know me that are joining also...i have played for about 5 eras or so and i am on about 10 clicks a day or more. I will play any race needed. Dark orion told me to join u guys instead....Any question or what not you can pm me

00:36:51 Oct 13th 07 - Sir Archias:

I'm pretty sure I'll apply, just wanted to say hey to the cool people of PHI, if I were to apply could I be accepted?, 3 eras exp., this era with nem., want to go to phi to stay with asytole auratus and all the people I play with about every era

yea boi!

00:41:24 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

theyre all fleeing to PHI you say? interesting. =P

01:37:07 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

Phi Empire has been recreated as Phi Factor... pls reapply. thank you

15:19:43 Oct 14th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

hmm... Phi's going to be a mass kingdom like BoW too? Or are they actually not going to accept everybody they see?

15:28:11 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

Naahh, Phi's going to be a mass combination of BoW/Nemesis/Zeon =)

21:51:46 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

Phi is back in black, lets kick some butt =)

18:04:29 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Ptah:

I know that some of my old family and friends are gonna hate me now!

I'M BACK and on the otherside of the battlefield. Ez I'm coming for ya!

Ptah!! Wearing the Black Banner of PHI!

18:42:55 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Why Phi is in black I do not know as I have never seen a black Phi Banner but what I can tell you is that if you see a black banner you better run for safety as the black banner of Phi symbolizes death is coming.

19:22:42 Oct 15th 07 - General Ezatious:

lol Ptah bring it on boyo :)

17:06:50 Oct 16th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:


17:17:33 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

omg more flaming?!?!?!?!?! and im missing out?!?!?!?!??! come on you people gotta tell me when we are gonna flame!

20:03:48 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Verll:

*walks in with this


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