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The Mantrax Minute
15:53:04 Jul 22nd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God):

Rouges, Adventurers, Warriors, Farmers, and Mages!

Orcs (if ye can read), Trolls (<< ditto), Elves, Humans, Halflings, and Dwarves!

I introduce to all of thee the "Mantrax Minute", Mantrax's premier (and only) source of news for your wars, almanacs, and editorials.

This news source is not a debate forum, but rather a place where history will be recorded for the ages to come. Whoever would like to do so, please post your articles here! Slants, biases, or just factual truth are all welcome as long as it is in article form.

15:53:31 Jul 22nd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God):

Mantrax, Age 71
VU Day 88147

The world has just begun and it seems that there are two mighty kingdoms striving for greatness this era. On the one hand, a giant of Mantrax - the Forgotten Warriors - known as FW have won 13 of the last 15 ages in Mantrax. Some say they are spirits who where crafted from the Mantrax bones of VU, but the grand challenger - the Church of Zeta - CoZ, knows better. An anonymous source from CoZ stated that they have clashed in the past, and have seen FW bleed, and whatever bleeds, can die. Only time will tell if the great leader, Grand Moff Phat, will lead CoZ into greatness and end FW's tyranny over Mantrax, or if CoZ will go the way of the oh so many who have tried in the past.

16:52:27 Aug 5th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God):

Mantrax, Age 71
VU Day 88484

After a hectic period where Ferox was overrun by FW forces, and Riven was dispatched by CoZ, the two behemoths have claimed their territory and are now facing off. The first skirmish went to CoZ, after Rockstar Games, the vanquisher of Ferox, sent in his forces in order to take the first strike against their nemesis. CoZ was prepared though, as Benedict, the destroyer of Riven, was there to intercept, and dispatch the intended intrusion.

Who will make the next move? Only time will tell.

18:24:20 Aug 17th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God):

Mantrax, Age 71
VU Day 88774

In today's news we have reports of Benedict, destroyer of Riven, sending a significant sized assault upon Rockstar Games. With the help of Baloo, who lured out troops by offering hugs, Rockstar Games repulsed the invasion. Seemingly upset by uninvited guests, Rockstar Games and Baloo have decided to also attempt a visit in CoZ lands, uninvited of course.

We also just got in, that both Baloo and Rockstar have been warned that they may be accursed upon entering CoZ lands. Asked for comment, Rockstar replied with a grave misunderstanding of how curses work, "the curse of zeta has protected me against Benedicts zerks so far!". To that statement, the "Most Fearsome" Curse of God (who we all know is Zeta) replied, "I have made the proper sacrifices of war to the Mighty Zeta, and can assure you that Rockstar and Baloo will be repelled". 

Will the full might of CoZ awake with Rockstar's and Baloo's invasion? Or will FW gain a forward base? The skirmishes have abated, and real armies have come out to war.

23:48:26 Aug 21st 20 - Ms. Jasmine:

Mantrax, Age 71
Vu Day 88875

A single large CoZ army was wandering the south, killing what comes into path, but with no major battles, all outside of the FW territory. Mission brings the trolls closer to the FW lands, but then lots of movemements are noticed from the enemy, looks like FW are launching another large invasion.

Back in the core, the other portion of the army grumbles seeing some enemy armies are going its way. Suddenly the Mages up in the towers start screaming and shouting, rocks crumbling could be heard, explosions that seem to be under control, some of the towers get damaged, and then it could be heard around the streets "we have it, we got the eye in the sky!" 

Attention moves over to the war generals, who are talking to the mages, discussing what was seen. The expression on the face of the war generals seem to be unchanged, to the surprise of the soldiers, they were unsure what to gather from that. It almost looked like they were unimpressed by what they learnt from the mages, was it a sign of disappointment as well?

A very well known FW general marches toward the CoZ lands with a massive army, but there does not seem to be fear visible among defenders. The army down south got word from the generals as well what to do. Will it turn back to core, or maybe attack FW blockers while some of the large armies are marching to CoZ core, especially given the large Archmage army is trying to flank them. 

Only time will tell.

00:38:45 Aug 22nd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God):

Mantrax, Age 
VU Day 88876

While the south is in flux with invasions and counter invasions, it appears that all armies in the north have fled before the Great Curse of God (in Zeta we trust!). It was rumored that the armies fled so quickly that the Halflings and Dwarves left a trail of uneaten food, which the Orcs followed almost back to their dwellings. A general of the Curse was available for comment, "Adns adkjsdos salksd saldjf askjdfow alskdjo aslsiejl aslkdjiow lieow dlijdowj slkdjwoie  lkndoiw llifiow lskoijioew! Oidlsk doiwjl aiiesse! Didilsidiiisl!:.

In other news, Polstians have discovered several new dishes for Dwarves after 25,000 Axemen came to dinner. The Axemen gave a wonderful rendition of, "the Fall of the Dwarves" where they were fried by fire from the sky. Afterwards, both Orc and Nazgul alike, had a feast. In honour of the Lord who brought them this wonderful cuisine, they have named one of the dishes "The Delicious Durin". It's where a Dwarf is put over an extremely hot fire, and flash cooked as a spit roast.

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