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Forums / In game politics / The Native People Recruiting

The Native People Recruiting
17:24:03 May 21st 09 - Ms. Antianara:

Dear all,
It has been a good long era with all its ups and downs and I am willing to give it another era with the Native people.

- Survived the era though we were attacked by 3 fantasia kingdoms and were at war with almost everyone including Heaven which was more than double our size
- Survived internal treason of players who were multis of other players on larger kingdoms
- Made friends with few honorable kingdoms like Godlike

Plans for next era:

  • Restructure of the Vice team so there is space for promotions
  • Recruiting (looking for era long members)
  • Diplomatic Alliances (open to have an era long partners)
  • Militaristic Restructure (Races and strategies will be fully reviewed)
  • Creating a communication channel for more efficient connection to one another.

If you are interested in being a part of a new and promising kingdom with dynamic leadership then send me a note and I will interview you personally.

Member Requirements:
  • Online presence: not less than twice a day (if you have circumstances then you could notify us before you just disappear for a day or two)
  • Honorability and Commitment to all our Political decisions. I will not host any players who break NAPs
  • Obedience: If you have problem following orders then this is not the place for you. My vices and me will only give strict orders for few things like Core defense and Politics. But other wise you will have a lot of space to make your own decisions when you are attacking or taking new lands.
  • Basic knowledge of the game is a must but the more experienced the more chance you have with us. We will have few places to teach new members.
  • Communication: You have to have MSN or Yahoo or Skype or mIRC this will be discussed later. This is a must. no one is allowed to join without being online on those as well as the game for twice a day.

04:20:21 May 22nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

Good kingdom.  Tough as nails had a great time fighting them.  Good luck guys.

04:29:14 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Antianara:

Thank you Sir Struddle, it is so honorable of you to give such recommendation yourself as you are a strong and experienced king yourself!

04:31:52 May 22nd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Yup I would say the same as Struddle. Great kingdom with strong players who never back down. They put up a strong fight. Good luck to you guyz =)

04:38:22 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Antianara:

Thanks Lord Stewie Friffin, I appreciate your encouraging words

05:00:25 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jill:

Great kingdom i enjoyed my time fighting there. good luck

09:59:40 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Doc Bolger:

respected their NAP perfectly trustworthy.

16:53:32 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Antianara:

Thanks Ms. Jill and Ms. Doc Bloger it has been pleasure knowing u!

16:54:47 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Antianara:

By the way we are accepting new members who would like to learn and perfect their skills. let me know if you are interested.

02:01:42 May 23rd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

The Native people are no longer recruiting.

they will be disbanding. all send in your applications to The Dark Empire. These are the orders of Anitanara.

Thank you..

hahahaha they will never guess

02:15:39 May 23rd 09 - Ms. Antianara:

:D very witty of you Divine Grandmaster Corollin but I am sure all people would notice that you are from another kingdom.

02:57:30 May 23rd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:


15:51:16 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Xerxes:

This kingdom is crazy.  I mean, they actually SHARE their cookies with everyone.  EVERYONE!  SHARE!  I mean, who does that?!?  Come here if you want cookies, but honestly, who actually would want cookies???



Oh wait, I do! the cookies here are amazing 

16:01:10 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Bragi:

but that would mean i had to share mine aswell rigth? =(

16:12:49 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

good luck guys

17:17:16 May 23rd 09 - Mr. Kob Salad:

 This KD is promissing.

02:40:41 May 24th 09 - Ms. Antianara:

We are looking for honorable Queens and Kings to join us and share our vision. Honor, Teamwork and Commitment is all that takes. VU doesn't promise a peaceful world and so anything can happen. Sticking together and not giving up is the way to survive and prevail!

04:33:54 May 24th 09 - Mr. Ninjas Theyre Everywhere:

Wait why was I not informed of these cookies? There must be a cookie monster somewhere stealing mine :(

06:07:32 May 24th 09 - Sir Struddle:

because I stole all the cookies >:D rawr

11:17:08 May 24th 09 - General Gokken:

just remember your promise Struddle... i get 40% of everything you steal

btw Good luck to the native people.

14:00:46 May 24th 09 - Sir Struddle:

but i already eated all the cookies

14:16:22 May 24th 09 - General Gokken:


you broke your promise and my heart =(

14:19:37 May 24th 09 - Sir Struddle:

*gives gokken a hug* i love you

20:05:57 May 24th 09 - Ms. Antianara:

I am almost in tears now, it's hard to watch friends part :(  you can always join up Gokken. stay with ur friend here if u want to

02:42:27 May 26th 09 - Sir Llenad The Nomadic Warrior:

hey people the best of lucks to you

17:39:20 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Caesar:

The Native People

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Native People
Members: 15
Tag: Native
Created: 4/11/2009 12:47:41 AM
Leader: Lady Ginormica


The Native People are the rightful owners of this world. We were once separated but now we have united to retrieve all the cities that was lost.

~ For Diplomacy please contact Mr. Caesar
~ For new Recruits please send in your application with some information about your history and the race you are leading. Please keep in mind that we only accept applicants who intend to stay for the whole era.  We are primarily based on Zetamania, but we will accept anyone from anywhere.  Remember, the Native People were here before any one else, and in the end, we will be the last ones here.  We will destroy any that may oppose us, and we will regain our lands that have been lost through the ages.


18:52:26 Jun 2nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

Full of a bunch of nubs that think they know how to play the game but totally cant

;) <3

*stamp of approval* ^_^

good luck!!!

20:15:09 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

*smacks Struddle*

Were in disguise!!! Were not complete nubs yet :)

20:32:10 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Kob:

Who is calling me a nub ?

21:17:43 Jun 2nd 09 - Sir Fever:

i think struddle is =/

22:00:56 Jun 2nd 09 - Lord Bishop:

Sir Struddle


16:19:37 May 24th 09 *gives gokken a hug* i love you

You two timing bastard!!!!!!!

And can i join :D

19:16:09 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Famous:

Hehe :D

19:17:51 Jun 3rd 09 - Sir Llenad The Nomadic Warrior:

hey yo Famous

12:03:29 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Hey there mate :)
Care 2 join our kingdom? ;)

17:37:59 Nov 22nd 09 - Sir Famous:

We are back ;)

The Native People

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Native People
Members: 6
Created: 11/18/2009 7:42:30 AM
Leader: Sir Famous


*Greetings to all*

We are the ones who protects the inocent from the darkness and evil creatures in our homelands.We were chosen by the united gods of heaven to do as much goodness as posible for beings that realy deserves it.Our goal is to protect and serve honorably in every region of our worlds.

*Currently recruiting*

18:48:42 Nov 22nd 09 - Sir Imral Of Dol Amroth:

Were is the actual leader of them?

02:09:52 Nov 23rd 09 - Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead:

we are darkness and evil.

10:51:23 Nov 23rd 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

good luck :)

12:23:35 Nov 23rd 09 - Sir Famous:

The Queen stoped playing because of no merges and other changes in the game.

Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead: Soo your saying we can not expect no NAP with your kingdom? ;)

Thank you Mr. Tyrgalon, hope you play fair :)

15:58:03 Nov 23rd 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

I play fair, can i attack you now?

16:01:45 Nov 23rd 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

No one tells me anything :(

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