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Forums / In game politics / need kingdom

need kingdom
04:40:56 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

need kingdom in Nirvana pm me

04:45:25 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Delekros:

I need ANY KD. no less than 9 members.

Edit: No, I haven't stated yet. This is my third or fourth era.

05:17:43 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Justin:

My kd The Devastators are still recruiting.

06:02:07 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Hassassin II:

Good to see you buddie.

06:20:59 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Giorgio:

Romanum Imperium is recruiting in Starta.

20:03:25 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

TAK in nirvana. we can always use new members

20:11:03 Apr 4th 09 - Sir Santa:

You'd think a kingdom worth joining could at least read! He needs a kingdom in Nirvana, no need for Startans to recruit!

01:02:15 Apr 5th 09 - Sir Lynus The II:

Fallen Empire Legions

Kingdom Banner

Name: Fallen Empire Legions
Members: 2
Tag: FEL
Created: 4/5/2009 12:47:57 AM
Leader: Sir Lynus The II


~~Currently accepting members, new and experienced.~~

If you would like to join, please answer the following questions.
*Note: if I have played with you before, just type your old or new name.

1 - Past names and kingdoms
2 - Number of eras played
3 - Activity: how active are you?
4 - Are you a defensive or offensive player?
5 - How long do you plan to stay with FEL?


we are located in Nirvana

07:12:29 Apr 5th 09 - Mr. Justin:

I went for this one santa

Mr. Delekros


4/1/2009 7:45:25 PM
I need ANY KD. no less than 9 members.

Edit: No, I haven't stated yet. This is my third or fourth era

09:06:44 Apr 7th 09 - Mr. Delekros:

I STILL need a KD

09:07:47 Apr 7th 09 - Mr. Delekros:

and I STILL haven't started. (You get creamed without a KD) don't worry, I'm active and can catch up.

12:59:05 Apr 7th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:


10:43:48 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:

The Allied Kings

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Allied Kings
Members: 19
Tag: TAK
Created: 3/8/2009 6:44:46 AM
Leader: Sir Brizen Corbin

TAK will be soon slowing down its recrutment. Located in Nirvana:

Get in now and earn your long term placement within the Empire.

A few simple rules to the oath:

  • Loyalty to yourself- This is your kingdom.
  • Loyalty your brother kings- It is theirs to.
  • Help in Wartime- That we may be found a worthy foe.
  • Be loyal to our allies- That we may be found a trusted friend.
  • Follow the policys that all kings decide upon in the council- That we stand united, and as one.
  • And above all, regardless of race, be honorable- That all may know our empire is of good and fair Kings.

This is the oath.

Lord Brizen Corbin

Need to know more?

16:52:53 Apr 8th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Shouldn't of ran off from us to join lgc Ark, tut tut. To think I got you in prosapia too :P

17:16:03 Apr 8th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Flipping Unlucky Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Flipping Unlucky Knights
Members: 2
Tag: FUK
Created: 4/6/2009 6:04:07 PM
Leader: Duke Kev The Bastard


“All men are scoundrels, or at any rate almost all. The men who are not must have had unusual luck, both in their birth and in their upbringing”
Bertrand Russell

“I"m so unlucky that if I was to fall into a barrel of nipples I"d come out sucking my thumb.”
Freddie Starr

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Do not apply, we do not want you.


I would say join FUK but, well.... we don't want you. 

17:48:54 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Brutii:

Delekros joind TDS on starta!!!

05:04:23 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:

rofl@Do not apply, we do not want you.

that gets me every time man

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