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Forums / In game politics / Eternity

01:32:28 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

No Lady Q, to have an idea requires intelligence.

01:34:48 Feb 17th 08 - Lady Quietone:

how would you know Donut? lol


you're the biggest *beep* there is....

01:40:12 Feb 17th 08 - Lord Oya:

donut, you realise speaking english to full grammatical quality does not make you any more intelligent than the next man, think of the logic.... as long as people understand the words on the screen then that is all that is needed. So i believe you are very arrogant to believe that you are intelligent compared to people you do not know. Wisdom is about how you use knowledge, having the knowledge alone makes you nothing more than knowledgeable, please keep your forked tongue behind your teeth before you insult people and think about what you say

01:44:13 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Lord O, I totally agree with you.  I'm just a little worried by the fact that Lady (which I have to take at face value) Q seems intent on stalking me round the forums.  Wherever I post she can't seem to leave me alone and, for all I know, she could be some obsessive 6 foot bricky living just round the corner.

It's quite scary really.

01:46:02 Feb 17th 08 - Lord Oya:

maybe if you didnt use such vulgarity in your wording you wouldn't gain such popularity?

01:50:48 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Donut em...did Q not respond to a post in relation to me and the stalemate. Then you insulted her....seems like your the one stalking.

Your like a fart that doesnt go away.

Someone open the damn window.

01:54:58 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Lord O, I apologise for any vulgarity, but when someone seeks you out to insult you every era, there comes a point.

Ftw, I think you'll find that she jumped in (yet again) with the insults in a post on the previous page. If she can't take it she shouldn't start it ;)

01:56:25 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

/me opens window


Oya was that you!!!!!!!

01:58:12 Feb 17th 08 - Lady Quietone:

who said i cant take it?  Your just an absurd lonely little man with an invisible girlfriend that you have invented as your multi acct why would i care what you have to say... you can barely play the game and simply because you can write an insult well doesnt mean it is effective in its delivery sweet cheeks...


anyway enuff oops...i mispelled....makes me stupid right? haha

05:58:31 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Such children trolling about my embassy. Take your petty squables to a place I do not have to read them. It can be quite tiresome and I find many of your rudenesses quite offensive. This includes you D. There is no reason to be rude to each other, but if you are going to do it you will do it elsewhere.

12:42:07 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

My apologies, Dak - I should know by now not to play in public, and that saying "she started it" really isn't an excuse :P

13:00:51 Feb 17th 08 - Lady Gangel:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 13
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Lady Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


20:17:26 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

Toenut? weird name eh?

hey! i've always wanted a Sir title and now this toenut guy gets it! im gonna right an angry letter!

20:36:58 Feb 17th 08 - Prince Mielo:

you go 'right' an angry letter! Evil you!

01:33:32 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Wizardus:

Dnega Toenut = Tnega Doenut = (Anti)Agent Doenut

08:57:42 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

damn!.... my internet spell check failed me....

04:09:26 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

btw dak. i was thinking.. i might join you next era if there is room.... ya.. and i might bring a friend

04:32:13 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

The more the merrier

my internet spell check is nonexistant :)

15:13:52 Feb 21st 08 - Lady Selkirka:

Dak, everything about you is non-existant.  You are just a part of your computer, so stop trying to act like you are not.

Millenium, it would be great to fight will you again and don't hesitate to bring friends.

15:06:53 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

@ PKS Sorry we can't give you the fight we had intended to give.

01:26:56 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

The way so many of the current players seem to be happy to defend backstabbing has just confirmed what I felt a few eras ago that this game has none of the appeal it used to.  So, I've resigned and will not be restarting. 

It's not backing out of the fight (anyone who's played against me in the past knows that doesn't happen), but it is walking away from a large (and growing) group in VU who's personal values and standards are so far removed from mine that I get no enjoyment at all from associating with them, even on here.  I don't do bullies  or backstabbers in real life, why should I waste time and bandwidth on them here?  Most of the ones on here probably wouldn't last 10 seconds in the real world so why should I feed their online "I'm hard" egos? ;)

To those who this doesn't apply to, you know who you are & it's been fun.

02:03:19 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

@ PKS Sorry we can't give you the fight we had intended to give.

This is just absurd if 1 guy can prevent you from giving all of PK the fight you intended just how much of a fight was it going to be?

Sheesh, I'm not even that good of a give me too much credit, and refuse to give PK the credit they deserve... They get stronger and stronger every age, and it was them who broke your 4 city blockade on their own without anybody's help at all...

They are a great group of players...

02:08:36 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

??? im still goin to fight til i lose everythin i dont back down even in the face of losing

02:14:18 Feb 24th 08 - Lady Selkirka:

We do acknowledge that PKS is a good kingdom and we are saddened that we can not give as good of a fight that we could have done, because you took resource centers from various members.  How can one fight as effectively as before if they have little to few resources?

02:17:39 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

were bad at farming :) we like fighting its so much more fun lol

02:23:13 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

You don't get it, anything I took was still lost, Pk would have taken them, just as they are doing now. Nothing changed...

1 mediocre, AT BEST, player cannot affect your fighting prowess...if it can...well that is just sad.

All you have done with this flame thread is to blame inadequacy on me and belittle PK efforts.

Personally, I am proud to have PK as friends and will valiantly fight by their side whenever possible...

02:42:14 Feb 24th 08 - Lady Selkirka:


Stop twisting our words!  I am saying nothing against PKS's fighting skills!  We have been fighting to survive this whole era, and you waltz about and backstab us by stealing important resource cities in our core.  I do agree that that was foolish of us and we should have never let you in, but your raid on our core, which what it is, has deprived us of resources to create more troops, which causes us to be lame for the PKS (before you misinterpret this, I am meaning that I wished to give the PKS a good fight, not that we were ever greater than them.  We had 15 members for crying out loud).  We thought that you were still in cf with us(what fools we are for believing that) and so you were allowed free walking space within our core.  You took advantage of that privilege, and now Eternity is having to swallow that blunder.

As far as I have seen, PKS is, and has been, an honorable kingdom and I would never wish to belittle them.  They would have probably (who knows.  we might have had a chance to survive, if you didn't screw us over) defeated us, but now we can not put up as much resistance as we could have.

Over and out!

03:42:18 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Again I attacked alongside Bidi, Baldwin, Grim, Noa, Raek etc... When I took one, someone went a different way and vice versa. I was simply 1 player out of many that were attacking. If I were not there, the same cities were still lost.

It was not the actions of 1 man, it was the fact all your cities were undefended, ultimately there never was any resistance...

I don't have to twist your words when they are twisted to begin with...

It was foolish to even start this thread, if your intention was to fight me, you should have done it on the battlefield and not here so you could hide behind me and blame that for your sound PK spanking...

04:25:06 Feb 24th 08 - Lady Selkirka:

And there you go with your word twisting yet again...  How dare you even speak like I have been bad mouthing PKS this whole time.  I would have not even be having this word battle if you did not start it.  And, yes, there would have been resistance, if we knew that you were going to backstab us.  I would have not minded if PKS raped me and then laughed at me.  I do not care if all of my cities are lost.  The fact is that E was fighting PKS(I will not say war if that will offend you, members of PKS);therefore, them taking our cities would have been their rightful rewards.

05:31:46 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

Ummm I think we don't want our leader being raped and laughed at so we'd  come to your aid selkirka :)
Your just cool like that but the question is would Dak agree???

06:07:44 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Funny thing about your damage, if we knew you were the enemy, you would not have taken a single city. your mediocrity was agumented with a suprise atack which had to have been planned out for a while seeing the number of cities you were able to take in various locations within just a few hours.

Dak agrees

07:46:30 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Selkirka believe it or not I like you, you are polite and courteous and I respect that. However, no malice was intended.

My first post explains my and Toenut's actions and lists evidence. There was no surprise attack or CF. My CF only lasted until the point where Stormie told you we had no relations. I could have attacked there and then, but chose not to.

Toenut in fact made the first hostile act and attacked me, to which I forgave. I told him I wanted to attack when things were overrun, and he not only agreed, but he offered to point out the need when I have eyes...

I messaged him I'd be attacking gave him until morning and attacked. All this is posted. It is not my fault if he chose to ignore messages and to not keep you in the loop...

Every time you blame me for E's shortcomings it reads as an disrespectful attack against PK, who deserve just as much credit to your downfall as you claim that I do. I am just another player, nothing more and nothing less...

At least Einstein's quote makes sense now... "When the world ends, it well not end with a bang, but with a whimper..."

02:05:38 Feb 25th 08 - Lady Selkirka:

I will not continue this dispute, then.  But I remain firm in all of my claims, especially the one that I am in no way belittling PKS, who are much bigger than E.  :P

03:21:56 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

I am letting this go as well. You guys are handing me my butt, so hats off to you.

17:32:36 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

they made a comeback :)

19:13:00 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

We have a request for anyone close enough to excecute it. could someone please kill Rocketace, he's not online and we don't want to kick him, but he his anchoring us to Fantasia. So, if you see our banner cru*beep* so we may start anew.

01:44:10 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

*beep* filter sux

14:05:28 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

We are awsome :)

14:37:46 Mar 9th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

wow u guys hav dun lots ov fiting! i hope im gud enuf 2 be wiv u lol

23:23:26 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:


23:39:43 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

oh noes she is a chav!! :(

23:17:48 Mar 23rd 08 - Lady Selkirka:

For all who are wondering, E is hopefully going to Mantrax for the Era of White Widow.  For those who want to apply, don't unless one of Eternity's members suggested us for you.

16:40:01 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Who let this embassy drop so?

07:35:06 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

im guessing the last 2 ppl who posted here b4 you and i

04:01:27 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Oh lookie I'm leader! Now you are all going to die >:)

05:46:30 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Well we've lost a ton of people, so doors are open to new and old alike!

13:55:53 May 11th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

bump, waiting for old members to return.

15:22:04 May 11th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

im returning next era! what members do eternity actually have?

03:26:55 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

My beloved Selkirka has left the kingdom....there is no point in continuing to exist.

03:56:50 May 17th 08 - Duke Krasksagon:

How much of ya'll is left?

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