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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 46

Fantasia Era 46
19:45:59 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Jade:

I understand that people see it as unfair but it's not like we got together and decided that we were both going to war ROC at the same time.


19:46:33 Apr 21st 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Mr. Tyrgalon


19:18:06 Apr 21st 10
The problem is that fear and fate naped each other without a good reason, not that we are warring fear or that roc is warring fate...

IF Fate (OR Fear but most likely Fate) had managed to NAP 2 of the biggest kingdoms from the start, then yes it could turn out to be a problem.

Mostly for the other kingdoms but also for the game itself as I'm sure the interest for continuing this game would be decreasing unless you belonged to one of the biggest kingdoms.


Now that did not happend. Looking at the game as it is now, I can only say I'm happy.

Fate and Fear are fighting everyone else (I think) on Fantasia. But you (Fate and Fear) also have your more than fair share of very-very skilled players, so it isn't that unfair at all. We (the VU-mob) should fight you the best we can and will. Making this age interesting for all.

But if Fate and Fear also start fighting each others, I'll say that would take the steam out of this age.

19:51:32 Apr 21st 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Honestly if you look at it relatively speaking FATE and FEAR really didnt have much of a choice when it came to who they we're going to NAP.  FATE was fighting everyone the eastern side of Fantasia with the exception of History.  And FEAR fighting everyone on the west.  So honestly only really seems to make since that they'd end up NAPing.  They are on opposite sides are fighting their own wars really not gonna see them coming to each others borders until maybe the end of the era so like I said it seems to make since that they NAPed was a good move on their parts.  So ya seems like a well played move on their parts considering the fact that pretty much all of Fant is fighting either FEAR or FATE at this moment.

19:57:21 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Quietone:

ofc they had a choice- they could have not nap'd each other being on opposite sides of the world- like most kds would do - knowing logically that they were too far from each other to be any sort of threat until much later towards the end of the era. Then once the other kds are removed they could have a battle of the biggest left over kingdoms lol-

 They didnt however,  which was to be expected but there's no one really blaming them for that-   like i said- it was only something naturally going to happen when you have a closed off world with only a few kingdoms on it and the two largest ones always allied up.  This isnt the first time its happened in VU history lol- it is still an unfair advantage for other kds on the map but then again who ever said this game was fair? :P

20:31:36 Apr 21st 10 - Sir Muzzy The Rapist:

Please stop crying and go to mantrax., where you belong.

20:46:24 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Quietone:

lol nice

21:04:24 Apr 21st 10 - Lord Benjamin The Broken:

Fate and us have not "double teamed" anybody yet... so far, Gotf and ROC have done a majority of the attacking while we are mostly defending. 95% of the hits we make on them are when they come to our blockers or into our core. ROC and Gotf thought they would team us first... and so it's not our fault if they're being teamed now.

And it would have been totally illogical to war Fate OOP, as we are nowhere near each other. I have yet to see a Fate army larger than a platoon. Aside from that, they are good allies. I'm sure, if given the opportunity, any single KD would NAP Fate as well.

21:44:52 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Not really most hate them.

21:50:04 Apr 21st 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Mr. Slegna Naila


21:44:52 Apr 21st 10
Not really most hate them. 

Lmao, talk about subtlety :p

22:43:48 Apr 21st 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Too bad Lady Loudmouth doesn't play as well as he/she/it whines, then he/she/it wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people do.

22:44:52 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Quietone:

you speaking about me?

22:45:54 Apr 21st 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

F*ck off, Ademo.

22:49:16 Apr 21st 10 - Endless Muggings:

fear the paddle!


oh wait
the paddle got spanked
nvm ^_^

22:53:47 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Osiris:

Sir Muzzy The Rapist


19:31:36 Apr 21st 10
Please stop crying and go to mantrax., where you belong.



oit! dont insult mantrax biatch :P dont make me make zeta open borders and kick fate ass!

22:57:43 Apr 21st 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

You first, Wraith :)

23:21:20 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch


21:43:48 Apr 21st 10 Too bad Lady Loudmouth doesn't play as well as he/she/it whines, then he/she/it wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people do.

I don't see anybody complaining in this thread? Maybe you're on the wrong window/tab. If not, care to point at whoever you're insulting? I don't want some confusion here :P

23:29:55 Apr 21st 10 - Lord Deno:

Ohhh wut, its Wilberr. I thought you were to busy being useless in game to post on the boards :-) 

23:31:40 Apr 21st 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

I guess FEAR really is dumber on the whole than they look :o

23:32:03 Apr 21st 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Go back and read it from the beginning, there's plenty of whiners :)

23:37:46 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Serenity:

Yes I can't get out of this so I'll respond to this too.
I can see why most people are making a hustle about Fear/Fate nap.

1. They aren't even near eachother so that they even will meet eachother was very likely. ( but than again there is the IF )
what happens when all other kd's are dead ? is it than a farmfest ?
2. When there was connected world it was different to make allies cause you would have way more enemies than the kd's that's in Fant now.
3. It's most likely that FEAR/FATE combined are going to win against all others.

but than again I'm not gonna say that the nap is a bad thing just pointing out what the other people trying to say. Yet again this is a war game and most of the time it's about the relations you got with others. If you have friend in an other kd it's very likely that you will end up fighting eachother. So Gotf , Hema or Roc could have done exactly the same to counter both FEAR / FATE relation.

So far it seems like that History Matters is the only kd that hasn't gone for any relations yet. And prolly going to stay this way .
And no we aren't farming as we've been in war since start of era none stop :) And we like it :D

23:45:27 Apr 21st 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

You're running around with 7k MU, I hardly think your previous war efforts were that tough for you... and just because you don't HAVE any relations, doesn't mean you didn't try.

As for 1. : We'll see what happens IF that happens. I don't think we'll get there with such a short era tho.

23:50:05 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Serenity:

My previous name is : Fordius.
So if you wanna sound like a tough guy maybe do your research a bit earlier.
Maybe you also would of have noticed that the army isn't finished.

As it was a quick move that had to be made I risked going into the open.
I think also you can come teach me the game after you accomplish as much as I did :) alright ademo :)


Also our kd policy is no nap.
And people that know me very well knows that I'm not a guy that likes to nap alot.

Tip Ademo -> do your research before you you try 2 make a guy sounds noobish :)

23:55:17 Apr 21st 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

I know exactly who you are and believe me, doesn't impress me one tiny bit :)

Where did I try to teach you anything? Just saying your previous war can't have been too hard if all you bothered to carry around was 7k MU. Your statement about it being "unfinished" just confirms it.

Your KD policy is a lie then because I know for a fact that you've been seeking relations, so don't try to BS your way out of it now.

23:59:36 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Serenity:

You think it's a lie ? want me to post my msg with darkmoor ?
or let darkmoor confirm it. I only told darkmoor if there was room open for any talks I also made it clear to him that I wasn't asking for a relation just see what your guys intention was and that was war.

I can prove the msg-es with darkmoor ( and he can also state that )
when fighting Havok there was an other army but after killing 300k + troops it goes smaller right :) maybe if you attack someday you'll notice the same effect happening to you :)

can't see you on fearsome :D than maybe you shouldn't talk to much about fighting I guess you can go to the farm section :)

When I saw your armies coming I worked on a new project that explains the low mage counts so dont try 2 steer the subject into your advantage :)

23:59:47 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:


22:29:55 Apr 21st 10 Ohhh wut, its Wilberr. I thought you were to busy being useless in game to post on the boards :-)

Not as useless as you obviously. Wheres your whored up army gone?

I should of known if I even rear my head around the boards nowerdays you're there instantly, penis in one hand, tape measure in the other. Stop poking you're head into places where it's not welcome and keep it up your own arse?

Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch


22:32:03 Apr 21st 10 Go back and read it from the beginning, there's plenty of whiners :)

I know there is, I agree. But I hoped you weren't directing it to the lovely Quietone.

I have my answer I think, I'm out of the thread. Enjoy constantly refreshing waiting to see if I post again Deno.

00:05:19 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Let's see FEAR and FATE are about as far away from eachother as humanly possible on this map, there's not really a security reason for us to be NAPed...yet is there a reason not to? There's no real tactical advantage - at this point - to be NAPed. Even where we set on killing eachother there's still the matter of all the people in between us and them:P

Since it seems to have been widely known we would NAP, other kingdoms could easily have put counter measures into place before the, not warring eachother until one or both of us are dead. -.-

Oh and lets not get personal in here please, we are just discussing relations ;)

00:07:06 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Selling attitude adjustments, buy 3 get one for free!

00:11:42 Apr 22nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

You're trying to make yourself sound all uber for warring Havok? Give me a break. Killing 300k troops it goes smaller? So what, you started with 15k, 20k MU then? Yea you were def. up against some hardcore players there.

I've seen your messages to Von, but that's not the only relations I was talking about :) Thanks for letting us know of your so-called policy though, now we know for -sure- that any future "talks" are just a stalling tactic while you finish feeding on nubs.

Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator has won 38 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 545570 men and women.


  1. Mr. Serenity has won 30 battles, captured 53 cities and killed a total of 313830 men and women.
  2. Mr. News Network has won 53 battles, captured 39 cities and killed a total of 341605 men and women.

More cities, less troops killed. Sounds to me like you were warring nubs for easy gains. Not quite as fearsome as you try to make out now, is it?

As for how I play.. I don't even need to dignify that ridiculous statement with an answer :)

00:13:50 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Lemoncloak Greenbeard:

Quiteone is such a lesbian

00:18:43 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Serenity:

Ademo alright mr smartass than what other relations did I go for ?
Ask Deno of FEAR if I talked about relations with them :)
than let's ask HEMA if we asked a relation with them :)

than we'll see how much relations we have tried to talk about :)
than let's get to an other position your talking about

The so called noobs fought you guys with MAD & AOA previous era and won right ? Means those noobs did right doesn't it feel strange to be beaten by a nub ? @least that's what you call them.
I'm not gonna call anyone nubs as everyone earns the equal respect from a vet or something else.

Maybe if you learn to respect your enemies we'll talk again.
Cause I can't bother talking with people that haven't performed yet and dares to call others noobish or whatsoever :)

So Have fun

00:19:30 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Funny how things said without any cruel intentions end up getting one flamed. Think we need angry/happy smileys in here to clarify what we mean. Oh and lets ban sarcasm -.-

00:20:00 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Less QQ more pewpew ppl!

00:23:22 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Sorry, I'm a pacifist Vuggy. Want a hug? :)

00:24:53 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Ummm.... as long as it's not like Fate's hugs... :(

00:26:47 Apr 22nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Yes, Havok rode the coattails of AOA and MAD last era, they were/are (for the most part) nubs. If you'd bothered to pay as much attention back then to what was going on with Fate, as you seem to be doing now, you'd know that.

You wanna sling shit our way about our NAPs, then you lose any respect you think you deserve (and you already had none from me, so nothing to cry over there) and open yourself up to criticism in response.

I don't feel the need to air your relations/talks in public. I know you're full of shit in what you're saying, that's enough for me. You dunno who I do and don't talk to :)

Cause I can't bother talking with people that haven't performed yet and dares to call others noobish or whatsoever :)

The only response that needs, is: LOL :)

00:26:52 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Naw I'm very tender and sweet ;)

00:30:44 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:


Define "wh0red up army". As far as I know, there's only one way of training troops - by using your accumulated resources. Or do you talk your peasants into becomming soldiers? With your charm I'd say that's impossible darling. :)

00:32:49 Apr 22nd 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

nnghh.. I have alot of peeps I call friends  in FEAR/FATE but....

I didnt join FATE this era cause of the NAPs they do, but also the endless kindergarden wars.  FEAR sadly has the same friggin problem this era, seems you Adam is one of the top cat in that misson in your club.  Cant you just friggin pretend to be friendly??? Also I oop warred FATE untagged, true (and HAVOK)  I died, with big shabang, but then in the HM logo. Fordius knew when I entered HM that I was gonna continue hitting  FATE however I pleased like, before and after death :PI like suicides more ^^ (ahem as a part of the war game, just incase there was doubts)

well, I guess u can always question my statement too, but the no nap preferably stands lil more confirmed then.

Also I always wondered? since Im posting in the first place. why nap someone you dont need to? If not strategy then what is it? Kindergarden mentality? Im your friend and now u see it? Im gonna continue beeing friends with those who can be ar*ed across alliances. Warring them or not. but dam if u bitch on forums then so will I XD

00:34:00 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Serenity:

Ademo I clearly asked for you to post in public.
You state something so I'm asking for clarification.
You state that we had more relation talk besides darkmoor(FATE) now it's your chance to proove me / others.

You claim that you don't wanna talk in public about it cause you got nothing on me / us. So what you basicly say is that the one full of shit is you here :)
anyways I really can't be arsed anymore to respond to your msg-es.

I don't know you at all but you take this game to personal I guess.
and made should change your behaviour :) so have a good day :)

* Valar if vuggy doesn't want the hug give it to me :P

00:35:48 Apr 22nd 10 - Lord Cao Cao:


...that will be all =)

00:36:55 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

no no no, not getting close to you mr! Never know what your intentions are:P

00:37:06 Apr 22nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

When we constantly get trashed for our relations (whether we have 1 or 10 seems to make little difference), then no, I can't be friendly.

If we NAP little KDs instead of smashing them, we get ridden about having "too many NAPS". When we don't NAP anyone and war everyone, we get bitched as for "nub bashing" and "farming". When we NAP ONE big KD, we still get flamed.

As i've said numerous times before - These vocal whiners have nothing better to do than trash talk us at every turn, so damned if I'm even gunna pretend to be nice.

00:38:59 Apr 22nd 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

=/ ahh well, i tried to end the flaming.

00:39:08 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Serenity:

Like I stated before I haven't flamed FATE in anyway.
Maybe you should re-read.

my point was split in 2 ways.

1. Telling what most of the guys thought in here.
2. was me telling that what others could have done to counter it.

I can't be arsed in anyways what fate or someone else does.
what interest me more is how my kd is doing.

Anyways I'm done for real now :)

00:39:14 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

It's the nature of Politics Ademo, why do you think the term "no comment" is so popular?:P

00:40:19 Apr 22nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

oh and Ford, that filthy ruler name you are using is a disgrace:P

00:40:24 Apr 22nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

I don't have to "prove" anything Ford. You know who you talked to, I know who you talked to. If you want to lie about it, go nuts. Doesn't really affect, or bother, me.

How many times is that now you've said you don't want to respond? If you don't, then don't. Simple really :)

edit: and if you really don't care what FATE does, then feel free to STFU anytime now and keep your comments about what we do to yourself.

00:44:22 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Hi guys!

Hi girls (Pm me!)

Whats happening here?

00:46:25 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Serenity:

Well this time I gotta reply cause there is no way you can make me STFU just by commenting.

You claim me to be lieing yet you can't give an honest answer to back up your stories. While I obviously can again this tells enough about you :)
so maybe you should stop making false accusations.

than to you edit. We live in a free country where everyone can talk about everything. Free Speech you know everyone has his rights for his own opinion. Maybe those things are unfamiliar to you but please don't try to make you way of thinking be pressured on everyone else please.
I think we all love or freedom of speech :)

that being said I will defenitly post something regarding fate when I think
I feel like that. :)

00:49:34 Apr 22nd 10 - Sir Agro:

Have Margaret River cheese  for all to have with their whine.Keeps us all amused so should contribute :)

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