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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
04:21:03 Feb 21st 10 - Sir Burninglegion:

Mr. Millman XIV


DAMN IT!!!! milman ... lol you got me, im not that hot at banner maker



Architect your welcome with anti federation, bringing down the corruption through any means possible

04:21:50 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

The White Fang is still recruiting

Corruption is a we some!

05:43:41 Feb 21st 10 - Sir Ajax:

NEBC still recruiting.

05:53:04 Feb 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Demonic join us ;)  You too Architect!

06:01:04 Feb 21st 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Why dont you all just give in and do the inevitable...

join me.

It'll be less painful this way


12:59:29 Feb 21st 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Less painful for Uther because we'll be slightly more tired after killing the rest of his kingdom by the time we reach him :)

21:08:35 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

my kd didnt get enough membs and the era was gona start soon so I will join kds with active membership and more than 10 people in it.

02:28:33 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Join US!!!Shazsaro

02:29:45 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 12
Created: 2/20/2010 5:42:47 AM
Leader: Mr. Anonymous


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than don"t waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- VU AoA Career/Honor Rankings
- Future aggressive expansion


- 3 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 5 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.

JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02:31:07 Feb 22nd 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

If u had posted that 4 hours ago I might have joined.

02:49:55 Feb 22nd 10 - Lady Boobson:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Hematolagnia
Members: 18
Created: 2/19/2010 8:02:41 PM
Leader: Lady Boobson


We may accept new members, if you fit our requirements!

We accept those who are willing to be part of a close-knit team of friends, work hard, be active, communicate, kick ass and most of all, have fun.

If this sounds like something you"d like to be part of, contact any of the leadership and we will have a chat to you, or just apply with all your info.

However, if you have any history of cheating, bug abusing, multi-ing, kd hopping or sexual relationships with Ezatious, we may not accept you. You will have to inform us of any of the above and we will discuss it. Otherwise, if you don"t tell and we find out, spankings!

Info required:

1. Why you want to join us.
2. Do you have experience?
3. Prefered race and playing style.
4. Past KDs you have been in.
5. A little bit about yourself, such as name and timezone.
6. Activity

For diplomacy and relations, contact any of the leadership, they will pass on the info to me.

PS No Swifties.


Figured I might aswell post it.

02:52:19 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

great group of leaders. 

09:18:53 Feb 22nd 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

Flame Lords Legion

Kingdom Banner

Name: Flame Lords Legion
Members: 12
Created: 2/3/2010 11:35:00 PM
Leader: Flame Lord Phoenix


A group of friends gathered together to have fun. If you wish to join us then by all means send in an App. There are a number of experienced players who are more than willing to impart knowledge unto you so that you too may grow in skill.


all are welcome =-D

14:37:21 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Arkantos:


Kingdom Banner

Name: NEBC
Members: 7
Created: 2/11/2010 3:06:15 AM
Leader: Sir Arkantos



NEBC is a kingdom that was created in era 34 by Arkantos and Polydeuces.

We are currently looking to recruit active, dedicated players. If you wish to join, send an application with the following information:

-Era"s played
-Past names
-Preferred/Current race
-What you can contribute to NEBC

*For diplomatic inquiries message Polydeuces.


16:02:02 Feb 22nd 10 - Duke Salem:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Submission
Members: 12
Created: 2/20/2010 3:25:13 AM
Leader: Ms. Isabella Rosselini




22:44:16 Feb 22nd 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Late starters are still welcome in Music.


22:57:10 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Mighty:

Just wondering since when did new players to VU not get an option of what kingdom to start with?, randomly places you in a kingdom or no kingdom but then if you join the kingdom you want your probably in the wrong world

i know this isnt the place to talk about it

03:02:44 Feb 23rd 10 - Duke Kevdwayne:

Royal order of Claidmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal order of Claidmore
Members: 19
Created: 8/10/2009 10:56:37 PM
Leader: Duke Kevdwayne


Still taking new and experienced players. 

03:07:56 Feb 23rd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

 Burninglegion we have the same issue.  Only way for them to choose you is for them to do the tutorial then choose to start with friends.

We are still trying to get our nub to do the tutorial so he can drop.

03:34:06 Feb 23rd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Our nub left the tutorial and said forget it.  :(

16:33:34 Feb 23rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Wow guys

there is a option there.

Theres a bubble that asks if you want to be placed in a kingdom and there is a check bubble that says ill join a kd later.

Click the later one, send your application, get it accepted and then spawn


08:46:44 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Annunaki:

  Relentless has it set to take new players in automatic. We choose were they spawn. WE did the same last era and cant say we gained but maybe two players that were active out of the 15 or so that were placed in our ranks, most never even built a town or moved : ( 

15:15:38 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Seniorchickenfries:

Well I am old to the game but new since all of these updates came I am on TALE in the north east

19:43:19 Feb 24th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i give them 5 days to get going and at least settle a town and post in the forum or even just ask questions. if neither happens i kick them and kill them.

22:44:23 Feb 24th 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Mighty:

Uther .... there is no way u can be accepted before spawning

if you select join a kingdom later , and u hit accept you spawn immediately



this is definately a problem, btw anti federation is recruiting still =]

02:11:54 Feb 25th 10 - Prince Toki Wartooth:

To anyone who is unaffiliated with a kingdom: Please enter my name into the ruler box at the bottom of the kingdom page. Riding with no banner is absurd! Thank you.


08:36:46 Feb 25th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol soth. the offer still stands ;-P

08:55:10 Feb 25th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Soth you know you can join us if you want.  :P

00:34:48 Feb 26th 10 - Clan Elder Mcfarin:

Hey everybody,
GotF has it's very own recruitment thread (though we've been talking about our new banner a lot over there).
Come and have a look.



04:30:40 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Annunaki:

Relentless Recruiting

Kingdom Banner

Taking active players looking for a fun era.
New or not, as long as active.
We kill inactive dead weight!
Only the Active will survive!
We Are The Active!

13:54:07 Feb 26th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

Want to say something for the entire forum of in game politics aren't things too restive of late or is it just that there're no wars outside Valhalla.

16:12:24 Feb 26th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

No wars on Zetamania, we are all farming and happy

03:46:12 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

hey theres wars on arma we just keep them quite

05:46:05 Feb 28th 10 - Duke Salem:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Submission
Members: 14
Created: 2/20/2010 3:25:13 AM
Leader: Ms. Isabella Rosselini




Submission still recruiting!

05:10:21 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Recluse:

well this thread is said to be for newer players and i guess i would like to post. i am currently on mantrax i have some minor experience though it is not much. i am currently looking for anyone that would be willing to help me out when i need it and other than that like my name suggest i prefer not to speak to much. i am playing the orcs and have a slight understanding of the game. I have read all the guides and if anyone is looking for someone let me know. i am usually on in the mornings and late at night. Other than that maybe depending on practice might be on sooner.

08:19:42 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Basch:

You read all the guides? that sounds like someone who is really willing to learn, and could potentially become a very very good player. How many turns are you online for, on a average day?

I would say come and join submission, but we're on talents and the borders don't seem to be opening up anytime soon :(

13:35:02 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Recluse:

Well i joined predators and yes i have read all the guides. I have always been interested in strategy games and am a fan of the total war series to boot. I appreciate the comment as well. I would say my activity may vary depending on practice as i do play basketball and football.

15:24:06 Mar 2nd 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate

Kingdom Banner

Name: Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate
Members: 3
Created: 2/28/2010 11:18:41 PM
Leader: Mr. Die Kill Die


Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate!!!!!

Welcoming all players. New or old. Man or Woman. Everyone is welcome to join. And the longer you stay, the better it gets.

Join us, you might like it.

(Before you ask, it"s a Japanese building and a setting sun.)

(P.S. I did it for the lolz.)



We are on Starta, JOIN US!!!

17:39:00 Mar 2nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Haha i didn't actually notice it was a japanese building until i read it there! =P

10:51:48 Mar 7th 10 - Duke Salem:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Fallen
Members: 2
Created: 3/6/2010 6:18:25 PM
Leader: Duke Salem


A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished.


Because i can!

21:12:36 Mar 8th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

If you got yourself killed and want to become a better player, join Music we learn you how to play, survive and win.

05:10:20 Mar 9th 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

I recommend the kd of Music for newcommers. =P

02:46:16 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Pan:

Junior Guildmaster Shmeh


18:39:00 Mar 2nd 10 Haha i didn't actually notice it was a japanese building until i read it there! =P

Sadly you are mistaken. It's not a japanese building, it's just Mr. Diekilldie's way of trying to show us, his sexuality.

(nah just kiddin around. bored as hell... but funny though :))

21:33:24 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Octavious:

YAY!!!! I"m one of the two!!!! of the 15!!!!!

19:55:05 Mar 17th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

any old KD mates that i can join for next era?
or any good KD's that will have me?

01:40:18 Mar 18th 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Join AoA they are the best!!
Random's with us.

02:57:25 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

ahhh that would be cool if random is there!!

03:22:16 Mar 18th 10 - Mr. Canucks:


00:42:49 Mar 19th 10 - Mr. Uzari:

Hey dudes anybody want to join the League?

It is for new or experienced players in Mogrox. I hgave played 6 or 7 eras before but just cmae back from a long break. c'mon people, join us!

not really many requirements for joining...


Kingdom Banner

Name: Leauge 
Members: 2
Leader: Mr. Uzari


The League is a brotherhood of warriors, young and old, who have banded together. We will defend the weak and keep the strong from abusing their powers. We will cooperate to stop the tyranny enforced by others. We are the League.


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