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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
01:39:06 Mar 29th 10 - Prince Anonymous:

AoA will not change, we will be respectable and strong like we was in the old days. Just this time we will be bigger and have more influence which is why our current member goal is 40. Do not care if i have to personally recruit every player, we will reach our member goal.

I am building a empire not a common KD. To achieve this AoA needs members who wish to fight endless wars from OOP to the last few ticks of every single era. We need loyal members, which in my opinion new players are better then recruiting vets who just leave in a few eras or when things do not go there way.

All in all its just a matter of time.

u guys should know AoA will almost always stay in good standing with RoC as long as me, kev, and mcmax lead them. We do not forget those who are honorable towards AoA.

01:41:40 Mar 29th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Hey Anon dont forget your buddy me :(. I even sent you a list last era to help you fill your ranks lol.

01:54:23 Mar 29th 10 - Prince Anonymous:

sorry did not recognize u :(

Thanks for the list tho ^_^

01:55:21 Mar 29th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Its okay :). By chance did you happen to grab anyone from that list though?

02:00:16 Mar 29th 10 - Prince Anonymous:

none joined :(

19:45:39 Mar 29th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

They all will be joining Music, i hope we can keep it under 40 members without dissapointing anyone.

01:00:30 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Han Solo:

Galactic Republic

Kingdom Banner

Name: Galactic Republic
Members: 1
Created: 3/30/2010 12:52:32 AM
Leader: Mr. Han Solo


Those who join will get Lightsabers!!!!



I am looking for roughly 5-6 players. No more than that.

07:39:36 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Kreed:

Relentless is still looking for more members for next era. We may be small in size but it's because we don't carry dead weight. all the players we have are quality players. We are accepting both veterans and new players. Anyone new to the game and wants to learn, we will gladly teach you 

14:26:58 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Don Kichotas:

LFK more then 20ppl.

20:45:38 Mar 31st 10 - Mr. Kreed:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Relentless
Members: 9
Created: 12/28/2009 6:15:39 AM
Leader: Mr. Annunaki


Taking active players looking for a fun era.
New or not, as long as active.
We kill inactive dead weight!
Only the Active will survive!
We Are The Active!
IRC #Relentless


21:20:38 Mar 31st 10 - Mr. Bubba:

Join us !

00:44:56 Apr 1st 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

Kingdom Of Jarri

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Of Jarri
Members: 7
Created: 3/28/2010 4:59:41 PM
Leader: Sir Jason of Antioch


The Lands of Paradise , The Legions of Jarri ride out to harrass their egyptian neighbours.

We trade with the ethiopian tribes of the east , whilst swallowing tribes full of men to be shipped to the pale skin ghosts as slaves.

We are....Jarri
We are ....The Gods Of Egypt


Recruiting , we plan to have 15 members by next era as things are going , we have set a limit at 25 but it is flexible , however the limit for new player recruits is 25. any above that have to be experienced players.

Hoping to do quite well , and can i ask that everyone ive messaged regarding this at the least replies

02:42:01 Apr 1st 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

Fallen Legions

Kingdom Banner

Name: Fallen Legions
Members: 1
Created: 4/1/2010 2:19:27 AM
Leader: Ice Prince Isis


Join us now or perish fighting us...


03:29:53 Apr 1st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Just saying... BoW has 8 guys so we will accept quite a few players, experienced or not!  We are a tough kingdom with very good players.  And when we're not inactive we kill all in our path ;)  JOIN US! :D

06:31:40 Apr 1st 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Ice go back to the wicked wolf banner! the white wolf one! twas the best. n gluck bow ..

21:56:11 Apr 1st 10 - Mr. Selos:

best of luck bow

anti-federation is truly a force to be wreckoned with it has 3 highly experienced leaders and members who were all the leaders of their own kingdoms if you want t truly learn how to play this game join our kingdom

00:32:20 Apr 2nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

Mr. Teirdel


00:31:40 Apr 1st 10
Ice go back to the wicked wolf banner! the white wolf one! twas the best. n gluck bow ..


If i could xP

16:21:07 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Bran:

i keep sending apps to kingdoms but i havent been accepted by any since yesterday, either cos they dont want me or theyre offline for ages. either way, first leader/vice to reply to my message. ill join them

16:46:33 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Bran:

ok nvm i found a kd

19:22:49 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Wormdigger:

Returning to VU after 10 months absence to find my account wanished.. and being spawned in Starta.. but anyway, I´m back.

Sir Gravedigger, Digger, Wormdigger.. of Zeon, Peacekeepers, Vengeance, Dendarii mercenarys and so on..  Maybe some recognises me? 

*waves randomly*

19:30:12 Apr 6th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Doesn,t ring a bell

23:59:50 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Canucks:

join us!

05:38:29 Apr 7th 10 - Sir Jondrus Solardoom:

Hmmm, I know digger. I swear he is in anti-feds though.

18:55:37 Apr 7th 10 - Mr. Wormdigger:

Joined the first kingdom I came across and follows the red flag while I´m in starta.

Jondrus: There seems to be another "digger" now. I tried to re-register both Gravedigger and Digger but now those names are taken by new players I guess.

21:39:13 Apr 8th 10 - Mr. Blacklocust:

Yes we have a gravedigger in our kingdom, hes a first era newbie

21:41:12 Apr 8th 10 - Mr. Blacklocust:


Kingdom Banner

Name: AntiFederation
Members: 4
Created: 4/8/2010 5:45:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Blacklocust


We are The Anti Federation hear us roar

Recruiting blind followers ...application details
-Preferred Race
-What you like to be called
-Are you an asshole
-Anything else you think would be important

All is fair in Love and War, especially if you have bigger guns



The Rest of my kingdom is still transfering so it will definately fill to 10 in a day or two.... i may have a position open, i suggest applying quickly and in detail so you will be accepted over another player.

01:03:09 Apr 13th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

Evil Kings

Kingdom Banner

Name: Evil Kings
Members: 4
Created: 4/12/2010 4:07:10 AM
Leader: Mr. Evil


We"re evil and we love a good battle. Looking for active & weekend players Everyone from just starting off to seasoned players. JOIN NOW!!! and you to could be an Evil King


New Kingdom in Starta accepting new and experienced players :)

03:09:29 Apr 13th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:



Any new player will be taught as much as they want about the game.  We're a great kingdom who like to be the underdogs ;)  Yet still win :P

Experienced players are also extremely welcome!

23:15:31 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Siegfried:

^^ listen to this man hes not kidding :P they will help ya tremendously

12:27:52 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Soultaker:

Join Evil Kings Bump :)

03:07:22 Apr 22nd 10 - Ms. Cleopatra:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Biohazard
Members: 5
Created: 4/20/2010 5:59:55 AM
Leader: Ms. Cleopatra


This great kingdom is now reborne!! It is made up of great experienced players who learned form the very best...we are now accepting both experienced players and those who are willing to learn and work hard. So come join us!


03:25:06 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wow... Biohazard's back?  Good luck Bio!

10:41:41 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Kiryu:

biohazard? wtf is biohazard???

13:40:06 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Soultaker:

Hi Gamers,

I am looking to start up my Own kingdom for Next Era I have messaged some people already to see if there Interested so hopefully I will get some experience into the kingdom.

I am looking for the Following:

Diplomat/Magic Co-ordinator:

War General:

Defence Technichion:

Member 1:

Member 2:

Member 3:

Member 4:

Member 5:

Member 6:

Member 7:

Member 8:

Member 9:

Member 10:

Member 11:

Member 12:

Member 13:

Member 14:

Member 15:

Member 16:

Member 17:

Member 18:

Member 19:

Member 20:

The Kingdom scope:

Our Goal is to achieve excellance and become one of the Named kingdoms for Greatness within the Next Few Eras.

We are here merely to become a Great and have a good History for challenging the bigger kingdoms of all MAPS.

We dont come in peace as It is a war game after all However we will consider Nap Partners for Durations with the Era.

"The strength of the team is in the individual, the strength of the individual is in the team"

"We The Skulls Vrs Humans are here to Punish the Kingdoms and Kingdom Members who Punished us"

"Justice is those who once struck our members shall be returned the favour"

We are here to challenge the members of VU,

To be within the ranks of Skulls VRs Humans... we need to know your past experiences.

- How many eras have you been playing?
- What kingdom(s) have you been in?
- What race do you usually play?
- Age
- Where you live (in general)
- Time displacement (Ex: GMT -7)
- How active you are
-Have you got skype

All are welcome just simply answer the info above in your application.

18:31:56 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Osiris:

should think of a better name :P that name doesnt really sound like it belongs in vu

19:58:46 Apr 22nd 10 - Mr. Soultaker:

I like it mate Its a different Theme to the Norm

I hope youll come onboard also it will be different form most kingdoms and I will have it structured so people will keep an Interest in the kingdom.

I will also try get more new people into the game from former games I have played like warbook,Nebulous, and so on, I like many others am addicted to the game as its brilliant.

21:10:49 Apr 22nd 10 - Ms. Cleopatra:

yeah bio is back...were asking all veteren players to come join :P

02:13:05 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Rosahn The Blackheart:

Black Heart Legion

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Heart Legion
Members: 3
Created: 4/23/2010 12:48:58 AM
Leader: Mr. Rosahn The Blackheart


This is just a makeshift kingdom but we are still willing to take in both experienced and new.


02:19:24 Apr 23rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

we are/will be on val!!
so any dead players/dyin players wanna join feel free!!

02:35:26 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Soultaker:

Best of Luck Guys

15:22:29 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Dark Angels

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dark Angels
Members: 2
Created: 4/24/2010 3:02:50 PM
Leader: Mr. Samual


Accepting players of all experience, just fill in the questions below and send in an application

1. How many eras have you played (If any)

2. What race do you play as, or if you haven"t landed yet, what race do you intend to play as??

3. What kingdoms have you previously played with (If any)

4. Do you have any previous names (E.G if for instance last era you were called Mr. Bob and this era your called Mr. Bill let me know please)

For relations you can contact myself or any of the vices of this kingdom
If you have any questions please let myself or a vice know and we will try to answer them to the best of or abilities
Well that is pretty much it really just everyone have fun and I will look forward to seeing you all about



03:56:38 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Evil:

Name: Evil Kings
Members: 8
Created: 4/12/2010 4:07:10 AM
Leader: Mr. Evil


We"re evil and we love a good battle. Looking for active & weekend players Everyone from just starting off to seasoned players. JOIN NOW!!! and you to could be an Evil King


join now we are a evil,helpful kd join the brotherhood apply now!!!!!! join the dark side of the force


04:21:46 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Taruk Macto:

Last Shadow Currently recruiting! Please visit the Last Shadow Kingdom thread for more info!

04:52:43 Apr 25th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Miner:

Last Shadow? 

I smell a lawsuit from James Cameron coming.

04:58:06 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Taruk Macto:

What do you mean?


o nvm. Ya i just got done watching Avatar when i started and liked Taruk Macto, i have seen other names used so im not worried. :) Plus Last Shadow sounds nice.

14:07:55 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:


17:45:43 Apr 25th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

 im am thnking of making a KD in the next 2-3 era's just giving a heads up so i have a chance at getting my goal of members lol

2 leaders
5 vices would be good but may have to knock it down lol
and 14 normal plyers.

the kingdom will be called the black hand so if you wanna join it when i make it just send me a msg :)

i dont care wetha you are new and it would be good if you have some EXP


18:51:39 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Imperial Commander:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Skullfcuk
Members: 10
Created: 4/20/2010 1:35:47 AM
Leader: Sir Imperial Commander


we pledge to rid VU of all homogheyvuplayers.

lots of retards here playing this fukd up game, come visit us and we will end your VU existance.


*please note, we are not recruiting, this is spam.*

21:29:12 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Soultaker:

Sir Some Fcked Dude

I like the Banner Mate Impressive:

21:31:45 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lol thnx mann i didnt get it of google ;P

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