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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
06:52:17 May 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

<3 Teirdel.  Good luck man ;)

07:04:51 May 10th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Thanks, what you think of banner? I think Jack did an awsome job finding it :). I just tweaked it a little to make the wings stand out more on the map :).

02:18:27 May 11th 10 - Sir Ajax:

need a kingdom for next era!

03:48:43 May 11th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Ajax wb! You are more than welcome to join mine my friend. though to be fair i will inform you poly is joining Holy. Though SS is short on members wed be more than willing to take you in. Small kd atm and will be small next era but every man counts.

04:09:24 May 11th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I like the banner Teirdel ;)  Black & White is awesome.

04:41:08 May 11th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Best color/non color combo there is!

19:58:33 May 11th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Is there somebody that wants to see the dragon.

Resign and join Music and have a look at the flying dragon.

You only have to commit yourself to join Music next era, if you are worhty that is.

23:19:15 May 11th 10 - Ice Prince Cyruss:

Everyone remember we POFF are still looking for some players.

13:44:17 May 12th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

If you are looking for colorful banners and bloody wars, Gladiators is the place for you!

22:12:36 May 12th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

Legion of the Risen Dragon!

LORD is Recruiting and we are looking for a few players who have skype and a few Eras of experience interested in a balanced experience. 

03:01:31 May 13th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm sorry to alert you Heimdall... but the wars here aren't very bloody.. just kinda.. you're dead. I wish there was blood. ZETA MAKE A BLOOD SPLAT ANYWHERE AN ARMY DIES. :D

03:05:23 May 13th 10 - King Robert The Burninglegion:

03:19:09 May 13th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

BL, thats a bit too cartoonish... I know you probably worked like 12 minutes on it and all...

idk. We will need a vote.

14:59:43 May 14th 10 - Duke Random:

looking for Kd next era.

Make your pitch, what do you have to offer for me?

15:03:40 May 14th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

The Gladiators offers the blood of our enemies. And some of our own. What more could one wish for?

15:04:22 May 14th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Buzz off Random, go join Fate, you are not good enough for Music ;)

15:18:51 May 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

BoW has to offer a glorious history, great people in the kingdom, endless war and an awesome banner ;)

18:13:53 May 14th 10 - Mr. Skull:

Skullz Vrs Human

Kingdom Banner

Name: Skullz Vrs Human
Members: 8
Created: 4/28/2010 11:01:38 PM
Leader: Mr. Skull


The Kingdom scope:

Our Goal is to achieve excellance and become one of the Named kingdoms for Greatness within the Next Few Eras.
We are here merely to become a Great and have a good History for challenging the bigger kingdoms of all MAPS.
We dont come in peace as It is a war game after all However we will consider Nap Partners for Durations with the Era.

"The strength of the team is in the individual, the strength of the individual is in the team"

"We The Skulls Vrs Humans are here to Punish the Kingdoms and Kingdom Members who Punished us"

"Justice is those who once struck our members shall be returned the favour"

We are here to challenge the members of VU,

To be within the ranks of Skulls VRs Humans... we need to know your past experiences.

- How many eras have you been playing?
- What kingdom(s) have you been in?
- What race do you usually play?
- Time displacement (Ex: GMT -7)
- How active you are
-Have you got skype

All are welcome just simply answer the info above in your application.
If you Are New Welcome we are Training New Members willing to learn and we are accepting Experienced members from all Kingdoms.


19:16:32 May 14th 10 - Mr. Zero:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Holy
Members: 6
Created: 5/1/2010 4:44:33 AM
Leader: Mr. Zero


Holy is a kingdom that has risen several times through the ages, and has usually done well in Fanta, Mantrax, and Zetamania.

We are currently rebuilding the kingdom, and all are welcome to join as of now. I personally have 35+ eras under my belt and can guarantee that you learn much in this kingdom if your active and willing to learn.

So send in your application, and begin your VU career in Holy now! :)

~~ Duke Salamon of Holy ~~


00:31:23 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

If you want to be part of an age old and glorious kingdom, join BoW!  We will help all newbs and we'd also love to have experienced players.

01:28:14 May 15th 10 - Mr. Skull:

Skullz Vrs Human

Kingdom Banner

Name: Skullz Vrs Human
Members: 10
Created: 4/28/2010 11:01:38 PM
Leader: Mr. Skull

Still looking for Members for Next Era,

If you have Interest in joining an up and comming kingdom join us here in skulls Vrs Humans.All are welcome.

03:53:25 May 15th 10 - Lady Boy:

We allow a lot of freedom and fight without hardly any NAPs or CFs.  Our leader gives good advice if anyone cares to listen.

07:21:48 May 15th 10 - Mr. Canucks:

random what KD are u goin to join?

07:28:10 May 15th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

he is joining the KD i am gunna make!!!

it is called "random whore lovers"and there is only gunna be 2 members me and random!!!
he will stay as he is "Random"
and i will be called "Randoms bitch"

and we will have no NAPs and no CFs and nothing just all out war with every fcker :D

then when we kill every 1 on fant (after 1week)
we will farm like badasses and then have scout pictionary ^_^

P.S i love RANDOO MANDOO and that special sum1 <3 heheh

15:37:31 May 15th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

Looking for a kd for next era, any will do, I just need competent kd members as a requirement before I place in my app.


16:16:27 May 15th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

You can join Skullz Vrs Humans, Darkentel. We need another vet to help us with the training of new recruits.

18:17:26 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Competent KD members?  Oh don't join us then... <3 ;)

18:20:33 May 15th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

I'll be sure to avoid you then.


18:21:41 May 15th 10 - Mr. Skull:

Darkentel you would be welcome into our kingdom mate, send your app.

18:24:29 May 15th 10 - General Zondy:

Dendarii Mercenary Corps

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dendarii Mercenary Corps
Members: 16
Created: 10/30/2009 11:56:08 PM
Leader: Duke Insane XV


Combat and Honor.!
Dendarii Mercs

The affordable solution to all of your security needs at home or on the battle front.

Minimum cost, maximum efficiency.

Born killers

Kingdom Anthem: Hed PE - Renegage


18:30:35 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I jest though.  BoW has the best kingdom mates around ;)  You probably wont join us but anyone else is welcome!  We still need recruits.

19:34:06 May 15th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Seventh Sanctum still recruiting! We currently have 5 active members and 6 total! (One inactive till era start). We are currently looking to bolster our ranks with anyone who wants to play fun, hard and in the future if not now skillfully.


Kingdom Slogan

A new Kingdom among the many of Vu. We are here to strive for friendship and loyalty, comradery and obedience, commitment and ambition.

19:38:49 May 15th 10 - Duke Random:

SFD!!!!!! <3<3<3

20:48:09 May 15th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

oh yeh mann!!
im gunna use the naked picture of you, you sent me as the banner <3

<3 xxx

22:24:59 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

All players looking for a kingdom should join Brotherhood of the Wolf!

kingdom banner

Brotherhood of the Wolf

Very sexy kingdom with a sexy banner and sexy people
We work together to win all wars we fight
We always fight OOP wars and take few NAPs

Join us if you are new or old.  Old if you want to have fun and kick A$$ with great players and new if you want to learn how to play the game.  Everyone in our kingdom will help you get better ;)


22:39:28 May 15th 10 - Mr. Samual:

I would recommend this kingdom, it is good with people who are looking to learn as although I was relatively used to playing the game I still learnt some good tips and tricks from this kingdom. It is also good with veterans as from what I saw when I was on 'Zetamania' it seems to have a good team working structure and co-ordinates attacks well.

22:40:46 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Thank you very much Samual, we appreciate the compliment.

23:30:38 May 15th 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Join AoA!!

10:50:36 May 16th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

mm, looking for a small kd, on low world, which wouldnt bug me about the acitivity.

17:23:12 May 16th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

Well if I make a new kingdom will you join it?

20:00:36 May 16th 10 - Ice Prince Cyruss:

Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Kingdom Banner

Name: Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame
Members: 17
Created: 10/15/2009 9:57:22 PM
Leader: Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Blackknight


Every man at arms, or capable of bearing them, kneel!
On your knees!!
Be without fear in the face of your enemies.
Be brave, and upright that Lothon may love thee.
Speak the truth, even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless.
That is your oath.
Rise a paladin of our order.
Rise a knight, and a defender of the flame.
Rise, and be recognized by all.
Rise, and ready yourself. For we march at once to do Lothons will!!

---Kingdom Applications---
We are currently accepting applications
Please let us know:
1) Eras of Expirience
2) Past Names
3) Style of Play


20:05:56 May 16th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

Legion of the Risen Dragon

Looking for a small KD experience with a few experienced members?

Had enough of the massive KDs and their issues? Dont want to spawn on Fantasia and get crushed by unofficial alliances of the two top Kingdoms?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then LORD may be the Kingdom for you!

Message Theophilus or apply through the Kingdom page to join today!

20:28:29 May 16th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Lol Theo, nice pick up.  Good luck mate

21:48:09 May 16th 10 - Mr. Doctor:

We are recruiting but only if you meet our ridiculous demands!

Oh and don't PM, just post here for everybodies entertainment!

22:05:59 May 16th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I don't need to meet your ridiculous demands. Hanky wants me too bad for there to be a need for requirements for me. But I said no, and he cried for hours. And as he's reading this, he's probably crying some more.

03:00:58 May 17th 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate

Kingdom Banner

Name: Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate
Members: 3
Created: 5/16/2010 5:24:52 PM
Leader: Mr. Die Kill Die


Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate!!!!

Join us, you"ll like it.

For Diplomacy and relations talk to Die Kill Die.

(It"s a Japanese building and a sun.)

P.S. I did it for the lolz.


15:30:25 May 17th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

Want a fun KD join Genocide! lol :)

15:46:42 May 17th 10 - Prince Anonymous:

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 12
Created: 4/23/2010 4:19:21 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than don"t waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Victory
- Future aggressive expansion


- 2 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 4 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.

We are looking for more members, currently on Fant.

18:37:48 May 17th 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

Skullz Vrs Human

Kingdom Banner

Name: Skullz Vrs Human
Members: 11
Created: 4/28/2010 11:01:38 PM
Leader: Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill

Still Recruiting send your apps

05:16:56 May 21st 10 - Mr. Annunaki:

Relentless Recruiting ORCS, TROLLS, and HALFER in FANT join now why the era is still early:)

 Must be active to survive!

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