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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
20:26:05 Aug 11th 10 - Ms. Lunar Doom:

british petroleum

Kingdom Banner

Name: british petroleum
Members: 3
Created: 8/11/2010 3:45:46 AM
Leader: Mr. Insane

We are recruiting members for the realm of Talents. 

01:12:07 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox:

No Gulf people allowed, they bitch too much.  ;)

02:37:05 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Legion of Roma

Kingdom Banner

Name: Legion of Roma
Members: 7
Created: 7/10/2010 7:13:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Samual

Compare kingdom


Hey = )
First of all thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope what you read you are able to take in and enjoy. : )

--About us--
Here we are a band of good honest players who are just looking to have fun while playing this game. As I said we are based around honesty, this means if something is going wrong we are able to talk to each other honestly and we are able to sort things out as a kingdom. We are also based around trust, this means that we are able to trust one another to look out for each other, and we are able to talk to people comfortably. Finally we are based around respect, this means that there isn"t a order in which people are treated differently in terms of respect, we are all treated the same = )

Era 48- Nirvana- We were able to secure world domination by overcoming several kingdoms and players. Two kingdoms what played well would be Rising Phoenix and Zoo. Both of these two kingdoms put up a good fight and never gave up and although we were able to overcome them they were great to play with. Also after they were beaten they were able to take it on the chin and learn from what had happened.

The most notable kingdom though would be Riders of Rohan. Although our war with them was only declared towards the end of the era. It was a good fun war and I enjoyed it. Again they did not complain when things got bad and neither did we. I am sure they were able to learn from there experience and I wish them the best of luck. 

Finally I would like to praise Purgatory. Purgatory were great NAP partners and as a kingdom we enjoyed playing alongside them. I wish the kingdom and it"s members the best of luck and thanks them for the time we were able play together. 

--Next era--
Four targets for next era
-Get 15-20 players for the start of the era
-Land in Mantrax
-Have a good fun era
-Get overall world domination

If you would like to be a part of this then read on = )

Accepting players of all experience, just fill in the questions below and send in an application

1. How many eras have you played (If any)

2. What race do you play as, or if you haven"t landed yet, what race do you intend to play as??

3. What kingdoms have you previously played with (If any)

4. Do you have any previous names (E.G if for instance last era you were called Mr. Bob and this era your called Mr. Bill let me know please)

For relations you can contact myself or any of the vices of this kingdom
If you have any questions please let myself or a vice know and we will try to answer them to the best of or abilities
Well that is pretty much it really just everyone have fun and I will look forward to seeing you all about



04:15:22 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Zephyrius:

Alpha N Omega

Kingdom Banner

Name: Alpha N Omega
Members: 5
Created: 8/10/2010 3:45:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Zephyrius

Compare kingdom


τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω~


we are recruiting players from Talents please send in your app.

04:24:21 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

Everyone here knows that BP stands for Bitch, Please...

23:55:12 Aug 13th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Holy
Members: 11
Created: 8/2/2010 7:03:41 AM
Leader: Mr. Sage Salamon

Compare kingdom


Holy is a kingdom that has risen several times through the ages, and has usually done well in Fanta, Mantrax, and Zetamania.

We are a kingdom that strives to achieve victory through communication and teamwork. These two qualities tied with activity, can and will propel Holy to join the ranks of top kingdoms in VU through the ages. We require these attributes from all our players in order to achieve our goals. So all players applying must have a Skype account and frequently use it.

We are currently rebuilding the kingdom, and all are welcome to join as of now. I personally have 35+ eras under my belt and can guarantee that you learn much in this kingdom if your active and willing to learn.

So send in your application, and begin your VU career in Holy now! :)

If you already have Skype, feel free to add me if your interested in joining or if your looking to discuss diplomacy.
Salamon"s Skype: jaskom_sal

We will be on Mantrax or Fantasia next era.

To open Diplomacy between Holy, please message Sage Salamon.

Still looking for people >.< like 5-10 more >.< shoot me a message if ur playing on fantasia and wanna play on mant too because ur bored :P

06:34:20 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Eddo:

Kingdom of Hearts

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom of Hearts
Members: 2
Created: 8/14/2010 6:07:33 AM
Leader: Mr. Eddo

Compare kingdom


~~~Kingdom of Hearts~~~~~

Kingdom of hearts is a small kingdom with Mr. Eddo as Leader. Right now we are a small Kingdom located on Fantasia. We are based on teamwork, trust and communication. If you wanna have fun and be part of a small kigndom community then this si the kd for you. We accept New or Old players alike so don"t be afaid to apply. We won"t Bite =P (unless you liek that)

In your application please include the following:
-Your past names
-Era"s of Experience
-Are you willing to stay with us for a couple of eras?
-Are you able to restart and keep on fighthing should you get killed.
-Past kingdoms
-Who invited you (if applied)


We could use some members =)

22:09:00 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Panic V:

16:05:31 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Panic V: (Edit post)

My other names are Horus and Fvckup.


I will be running a training kingdom on Midgard for whomever is interested. I'm not the best, but I'm very active and I am happy to help and generate enthusiasm in the game. I have 15 eras experience and have most recently been leading Black Flag for the past 3-4 eras. I will do my best to instill SOLID fundamentals for anyone willing to listen. I will foster an atmosphere of honor and dignity. I will teach PROPER rules of engagment and kingdom conduct.


If interested in joining OR helping me as a vice/instructor, please let me know.

Someone please write my name in as kingdom leader...



I haven't decided on a kingdom flag yet

01:22:54 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Holy
Members: 19
Created: 8/2/2010 7:03:41 AM
Leader: Mr. Sage Salamon

Compare kingdom


Holy is a kingdom that has risen several times through the ages, and has usually done well in Fanta, Mantrax, and Zetamania.

We are a kingdom that strives to achieve victory through communication and teamwork. These two qualities tied with activity, can and will propel Holy to join the ranks of top kingdoms in VU through the ages. We require these attributes from all our players in order to achieve our goals. So all players applying must have a Skype account and frequently use it.

We are currently rebuilding the kingdom, and all are welcome to join as of now. I personally have 35+ eras under my belt and can guarantee that you learn much in this kingdom if your active and willing to learn.

So send in your application, and begin your VU career in Holy now! :)

If you already have Skype, feel free to add me if your interested in joining or if your looking to discuss diplomacy.
Salamon"s Skype: jaskom_sal

We will be on Mantrax or Fantasia next era.

To open Diplomacy between Holy, please message Sage Salamon.


23:41:58 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Munchies:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Swag
Members: 3
Created: 8/18/2010 8:56:54 AM
Leader: Mr. Munchies

Compare kingdom



We are recruiting anyone on Midgard who wants to have some fun :)

"Come to the Swag side, we has cookies.."

02:45:57 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. John Dope:


Kingdom Banner

World: Fant
Members: 2
Created: 8/19/2010 2:29:36 AM
Leader: Mr. John Dope


yEE yEE iyt iS WHAt iyt iS!




15:45:27 Aug 19th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

DragonLords Of Midgard

Kingdom Banner

Name: DragonLords Of Midgard
Members: 2
Created: 8/19/2010 2:30:47 PM
Leader: Mr. Rohan of Skyrim

Compare kingdom



anybody who has a spare character, and doesnt have a character on midgard come join ^_^

16:08:14 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Marksmen:

i would like to start a Kingdom would someone that is with out a Kingdom please go to Kingdom Tab and scroll to the bottom and enter my name in the text entry thank you

Create a kingdom

Two people are needed to create a kingdom. It costs 0 gold to create a kingdom and you can only create one kingdom for every era.

Write the name of the ruler you want as leader or tell others to write your name.Ruler name [            ]: < -- enter my name ( do not put the title )

16:59:06 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Marksmen:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Hardcore
Members: 2
Created: 8/22/2010 4:29:52 PM
Leader: Mr. Marksmen

Compare kingdom


Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me.
The Carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality

Death is a debt we all must pay. ~Euripides

We are willing to Recruit anyone who wishes to join us just as long as you are active and don"t F**k around like a little child


**** We are in MIDGARD ********

01:40:35 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Munchies:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Swag
Members: 11
Created: 8/18/2010 8:56:54 AM
Leader: Mr. Munchies

Compare kingdom


An attitude characterized by well-deserved confidence and arrogance; A way of carrying oneself in a way that you know you"re going to own the map without any trouble. Swag is not to be confused with cockiness. Cockiness is someone who thinks they are the shit, but if you got swag, you probably are the shit.

If you ain"t know, wez got that killa swag.

If you"d like to join, send an application with the following:
-Era"s Played
-Activity Levels
-What your theme song would be
-Why you would like to be a part of swag


We are located in Midgard :)

15:08:20 Aug 23rd 10 - Master Death Row:

i would like to start my own Kingdom will someone please start me up?

20:03:51 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Arkantos:


Kingdom Banner

Name: mythology
Members: 2
Created: 8/23/2010 9:06:08 PM
Leader: Mr. Arkantos

Compare kingdom


Mythology is a kingdom that is just beginning and will be around for awhile. Only apply if you plan on staying more then one era DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO RUNS AT THE FIRST SIGHT OF DANGER


23:55:34 Aug 24th 10 - Master Death Row:

The Salvation Army

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Salvation Army
Members: 2
Created: 8/24/2010 5:04:53 PM
Leader: Master Death Row

Compare kingdom


"Doing the Most Good"

We are Accepting anyone just be active!


***** LANDED IN STARTA********

22:07:24 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

currently on Valhalla and im looking for an active kingdom.

Era's of experience: since era 40.

Activity: Im on every morning for an hour then after work at 5 to 10.30 pm on all days minues one day a week where i will be on from 9 to 10.30 pm.


  Tbh i really dont care who i join so long as you are within the bottom half of the map and are active. I also would prefer to see some active forums as well. I have no desire to be a vice position but only wish to remain a grunt and just beat someone besides holding myself up without any assistance from allies.

19:21:14 Sep 9th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

Sol Invictus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sol Invictus
Members: 1
Created: 9/9/2010 7:11:27 PM
Leader: Konig Polydeuces

Compare kingdom


*~Sol Invictus~*

We are a kingdom based on:

We are a family, and we take care of eachother on the battlefield. We plan on working hard, and doing the best we possibly can to win our wars. We are going to be hell-bent on warring as much as we possibly can.

We are currently recruiting a few more members if you would like to join send in an application with the following:

-Era"s played
-Past names
-Past kingdoms
-Race you plan to play 
-Preferred if you had Skype



17:39:50 Sep 11th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne:

Royal Order of Claidmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidmore
Members: 16
Created: 8/11/2010 2:39:41 AM
Leader: Prince Kevdwayne

Compare kingdom


“Remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.”
Mahatma Gandhi

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." 

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil but as a necessity, or even a duty."
Simone Weil

Evil. Mistrust those who rejoice at it even more than those who do it. 
Victor Hugo


If you wish to join please submit an application with PREVIOUS NAMES and the race you will be playing.


Only a few days left for us on Mant..... join us on our next adventure! 

19:08:15 Sep 11th 10 - Mr. Thissucks:

Apologies for the triple post..... not sure how I did that.

17:18:35 Sep 12th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

Looking for a kingdom on Vahalla

Played for: 14 eras

Willing to play any race and will give it my 100%

I check VU twice a day once morning and night Mon-Fri and weekends I sorta get on periodically.

20:58:48 Sep 16th 10 - Mr. Scheriously Tuhpointoh:

Making Your Talent Heard

Kingdom Banner

Name: Making Your Talent Heard
Members: 2
Created: 9/16/2010 8:30:31 PM
Leader: Mr. Scheriously Tuhpointoh


- Making Your Talent Heard -

Looking for:
Liu Bei,
Khaos Lord Irule,
Roderian Dragoria,

new members for new MYTH.


11:18:06 Sep 17th 10 - Ms. You Got Nothing:

Insane Asylum

Kingdom Banner

Name: Insane Asylum
Members: 2
Created: 9/17/2010 11:09:24 AM
Leader: Ms. You Got Nothing

Compare kingdom


We are unstable. We are mental. We should be locked up. You"ll be made to regret attacking us. members are free to do as they please.


21:51:37 Sep 20th 10 - Sir Sexy Kool:

going to restart in mant any kds need a player?

22:41:44 Sep 20th 10 - Prince Anonymous:

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 19
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those then don't waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Future aggressive expansion


- 2 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 4 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.

We will be on Mantrax again and looking for active long term members.

00:57:18 Sep 21st 10 - Mr. Millman XIX:

Greetings, Mant. has been destroyed by Armageddon so I am currently looking for a new kingdom, preferably one on Fant...

14:38:50 Sep 21st 10 - Mr. Stay High:

Happy Hippies

Kingdom Banner

Name: Happy Hippies
Members: 2
Created: 9/19/2010 11:05:38 AM
Leader: Mr. Stay High

Compare kingdom


This is a new kingdom that is looking for players who want to battle for the kingdom, Follows all rules, respects VU and all the players!

<{World of Nirv.}>


14:49:43 Sep 21st 10 - Mr. Manowar:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 6
Created: 8/10/2010 3:21:13 PM
Leader: Mr. Manowar


The Kingdom of METAL!

If you like metal, if you like VU, if you like having fun and if you like having fun on VU with people who like metal, then the KoM is for you!

We are looking for around 10 players, although we can have more if more people want to join. We don"t really care about experience, as long as you know how to play the game. Although experienced players are VERY welcome. However, we play to have fun, not to win... (although winning would still be nice. lol.) So if you"re looking for an easy-going kingdom then METAL is here for you!

(They cant stop us, let "em try, for heavy metal we will die!)

For diplomacy talk to Manowar.


(on Mantrax) (If you're going to join it would be nice if you change your name to a heavy metal band you like. Although not compleatly necessary.)

04:53:56 Sep 22nd 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

Anonymous can I join?

05:22:54 Sep 24th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

I am currently looking for a kingdom in mantrax, if you need personal info or anything else drop me a pm.

19:09:02 Sep 24th 10 - Mr. Drako:

looking for a fant kingdom to start with next era.

21:05:25 Oct 1st 10 - Mr. Fvckup:

Not sure what Relentless is doing next era, so I am wanting to know what kingdoms will have opening on Fant for this upcoming era...



21:09:46 Oct 1st 10 - Mr. Osiris:

Abydos will attempt to make the move to Fant. Applications welcome

01:01:43 Oct 2nd 10 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

09:28:48 Oct 2nd 10 - Mr. Millman XX:

I am currently looking for a Fant kingdom for the upcoming era.  Any questions just PM me, i'm sure most of you have come across me in the past eras and know who i am...

04:32:31 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Stormcrow:

Dominion has moved from talents to fant to spread our perviness to the world:D

actively recruiting now:)

17:03:40 Oct 5th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

Taking applications on Fant now, please be reasonably active. 

Death Angels

Kingdom Banner

Name: Death Angels
Members: 8
Created: 10/4/2010 6:39:59 PM
Leader: Princess Aisha

Compare kingdom


New Kingdom with active leadership and very skilled players. If you want to talk relations contact Aisha or Kevin.

Accepting new members:
Give us information about yourself in the aplication
-previous names and Kingdoms
-what race you prefer to play


16:13:21 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

The Unbreakables

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Unbreakables
Members: 6
Created: 10/2/2010 10:26:21 AM
Leader: Mr. Tyrgalon

Compare kingdom


To never surrender,
but to fight to the last man

To not know the meaning of defeat,
but to keep going until victory is achieved

To never break,
but to be unbreakable


The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
- Sun Tzu

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death
- Sun Tzu


We are recruiting, please answer the following questions in your application:
- Eras played?
- Main charatcer name? (optional, but might increase chance of getting in)
- Past kds?
- Preferred race?

Any SIN, Some Guys or Breezy members will be automatically accepted :)

21:21:15 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Osiris:


Abydos has a long and great Fantasian History. We are recently reformed and are seeking new members. This is your chance to join a kd that was once one the most powerfull kds around.

 My wish is to restore glory and fun to Fant. We welcome newer players as well :D

If you wish to apply please add how many eras and what kds and names you have played under :)

21:27:04 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

PS ignore the 2 kds above me they suck

21:54:21 Oct 6th 10 - King Burninglegion of The Orcs:

I am seeking a kingdom, im located in fanatasia and have a solid secure amount of land  in the northern sector.



23:25:02 Oct 6th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

PS ignore Osiris, he has stale cookies.

14:23:35 Oct 7th 10 - Ms. Elf:

BL still plays VU? How about that....

17:34:58 Oct 7th 10 - King Burninglegion of The Orcs:

i layed low and didnt play the last two eras much.

20:03:07 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. Stay High:

Happy Hippies

Kingdom Banner

Name: Happy Hippies
Members: 4
Created: 9/19/2010 11:05:38 AM
Leader: Mr. Stay High

Compare kingdom


This is a new kingdom that is looking for players who want to battle for the kingdom, Follows all rules, respects VU and all the players!

<{World of Nirv.}>


14:58:31 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. Markus:

hey folks. Kd recruiting for the upcoming era on Talents. 

Any friends would be most welcome to send an app or just enjoy killin us!

british petroleum

Kingdom Banner

Name: british petroleum
Members: 3
Created: 8/11/2010 3:45:46 AM
Leader: Mr. Markus

Compare kingdom


BP: when you absolutely, positively gotta kill every mother fuker on Talents.


thanks, coolcat

04:10:50 Oct 16th 10 - Mr. Nonchalant:

Looking for a kingdom on Armaggeddon. Just message me if you need an extra guy.

13:51:27 Oct 19th 10 - Sir Horus XI:

I'd like to selectively add some people on Zetamania...


Kingdom Banner

Name: Japan
Members: 3
Created: 10/19/2010 1:18:46 AM
Leader: Sir Horus XI

Compare kingdom


Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. As a ceremonial figurehead, he is defined by the constitution as "the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people".


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