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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Wars- Era of Messiah

Zetamania Wars- Era of Messiah
21:42:49 Mar 23rd 09 - General Gokken:

hehe, dont sound like much of a punishment to me :P

I think im going to have to steal the cookies and see what happens

01:26:49 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Aussie:

Bloody place is full of clowns may as well hav some amusement parks.

01:40:36 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

I'm in Orlando, have enough of the amusement parks thanks tho =P

01:55:05 Mar 24th 09 - Endless Delight:

*gives Falcon a spanking and a get with the program you clown! note*

14:29:51 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

iv'e lost nearly 2 million troops to you guys now lol

14:59:54 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

sooooooooooowwy =(

18:53:24 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

buy my stones....

19:03:53 Mar 24th 09 - Endless Delight:

If it's any consolation... most of mine died in that last spanking ^_^

19:04:35 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

dang im pleased to hear that lol

im replacing my troops again for you :) with more again ;) if i have time :/

19:07:33 Mar 24th 09 - Endless Delight:

and I'm building more MUs for you :)  don't want any premature spankings ;)

19:11:42 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

put up some more and drop the price to .83 and I'll consider it =P

00:42:38 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

grrrrrr :@

3 more days we can do this !!!

01:52:34 Mar 25th 09 - Sir Moroten:

hahaha! Well rebirth is almost cleared :P so hows the spag vs foundation war going? can someone give me a summary im too lazy to read the other 17 pages.....

01:53:49 Mar 25th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

You have stone still?  I thought I plundered it all?

02:37:59 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

all my stone are gone now

You are selling 161000000 stone for 143290000 gold (0.89) on the Zetamania market.
buy up...

war between spag and fate is rather... errrrr fate about to hand it to us... but we'll do what we can to stop/slow em we got plenty of troops still...

03:35:50 Mar 25th 09 - Endless Delight:

Hmmm. here is what I have saved so far, the start of the war... the great horde takedown and that is about it ....doesn't really mention all the spankings inbetween  (and I still need to figure out when the rest of Fate got into the action so I can add that) but it has been a long war so far

lotso spankings   :)

2009-02-21 - Todays News
Spaghetti western wars on Zeta declared today!!

El Indio (Sir Spoon) and his gang  vs The Good (Aussie), the Bad (Graybeard) and the Ugly (me--I really am that nasty).  YUM!!
I love pasta ^_^

2009-03-21 - Todays News
First Horde kill participation . Yum :)

03:44:53 Mar 25th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Damn, I didn't even make the news :(

Just call my topic; "A Fist  Full of Dollars" ;-)

LOL can't use Fi*beep*ll with one space, has to be 2.

03:47:12 Mar 25th 09 - Endless Delight:

You can make the news, I've been watching you wreak some havoc down there ;)

Adding you now ^_^... and added the Fate posse!, they jumped straight into the fray down there

21:15:20 Mar 25th 09 - Ms. Mzzery:

So many hours left, and nooooo cookies :/

21:23:03 Mar 25th 09 - Sir Prised:

You are NOT ugly Jules, you are somewhta of a nerd tho.

21:35:47 Mar 25th 09 - Endless Delight:

Carina... lots of spankings tho ;)

*retals endless hugs*

21:37:07 Mar 25th 09 - Endless Delight:

LOL, Ryan.

*sends Ryan another facebook come play Naruto Wars invite*


00:26:49 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killerking:

do i get a spank?

00:38:44 Mar 26th 09 - Endless Delight:

*runs in with drive by spanking for Pad * :p

01:52:42 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killerking:


03:42:04 Mar 26th 09 - Sir Prised:

I am NOT ever gonna play anything to do with anything to with narudo

03:45:32 Mar 26th 09 - Endless Delight:

LOL.  So how are you liking the Spaghetti western war show?  Or rather how are they liking it? do you know? Haven't heard from any of them today :(

08:12:51 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Syphillis:

I kinda like it its a good show, we lose ground slowly... to a kingdom twice our size :p

08:21:09 Mar 26th 09 - Endless Delight:

Ha Ha.. that time you were fighting just 3 peeps :p Yes I remember that :)

I've been asked why you never asked for a CF with us but cried for one PDQ for everyone else... hmmm... I wonder why :p

Been lots of fun! Seriously. 

15:02:11 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Graybeard:

I had NO plan to take on Spaghetti until they began their offensive on our troops. Sure gave us something to do rest of era! Aside from some inside deals with Dark on a few early occasions, they have fought very well. My hats off to the whole bunch for helping provide hours of quality entertainment. Good luck to all next era.

15:32:10 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

we're not dead what you on about ;)

we're not losing we're making a tactical fall back :P


16:09:03 Mar 26th 09 - Endless Delight:

Heh - I'm going to go get some sleep!, have fun :)

16:14:36 Mar 26th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

I kinda like it its a good show, we lose ground slowly... to a kingdom twice our size :p

But I gained ground quickly against a Kingdom 16x my size, so I guess it all kind of evens out.

16:24:41 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Ignis The Evil One:

so  how is silver doing ?

16:27:15 Mar 26th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

he is doing goood :P

16:30:03 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Praetorian Wyzer


3/26/2009 10:14:36 AMI kinda like it its a good show, we lose ground slowly... to a kingdom twice our size :p

But I gained ground quickly against a Kingdom 16x my size, so I guess it all kind of evens out.

Hehe, dun forget Monkey, he took a chunk of Spaghetti too earlier in the era =)

16:33:11 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Silver The Destroyer:

i am dead soon but´i will kill some of them

17:37:12 Mar 26th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Hehe, dun forget Monkey, he took a chunk of Spaghetti too earlier in the era =)

I won't, too bad he was over 21 days inactive, damage would have been much worse!

17:41:16 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

The bum! :o

21:58:49 Mar 26th 09 - Sir Prised:

Silver is heading my way with a large dwarf army I just finished the last large stronghold after they trapped me inside for a few hours (nice trick btw) and im marching south with 40k nazz, in otherwords the army of oompa loompas heading my way is dead man walking.


Im curious though Graybeard, what is this inside deal with Dark business?

05:37:25 Mar 27th 09 - Endless Delight:

endless curiousity wants to know

whois Mr. Megas Nikos and why is he making me finish the era and not get any sleep? ^_^


Which city did they trap your army in Ryan?

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