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Forums / In game politics / A msg to LGC

A msg to LGC
22:24:42 Apr 19th 07 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

I wish Mr Joseph and the only U leaders good luck on zetamania or mantrax next eras ;)

LGC is like a big pink elephant, they don't forget ;)

22:33:54 Apr 19th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

Adelbert, you use the word disgusting alot when talking about kingdoms interfering with other kingdoms wars with eachother.

For the first eras I played this game Legacy was at a war with everyone(almost) and attacked everything in it's way, I'm still suprised they got allies every now and then, I guess you should call them disgusting x42 for interferring with so many kingdoms fighting other kingdoms and not even giving them a declaration of war, damn, Legacy are really disgusting, aint they Adelbert, I mean, like really really really disgusting..?   For that was what you said, wasn't it, interfer with two kigndoms fighting and you are...  disgusting.

@Toke, really good ideas you got there, let us let everyone know in advance what we are going to do, that way we won't have to fear spies anylonger, and our baby sisters and brothers can play the game as well, great.

@Adelbert, the first post you made here, are you sure you wasn't being ironic, cause if you were it was funny as hell! It was funny either way, but in a other way. Wow, Adelbert, a funny guy, you'r a funny guy ey? Tell us something more funny you funny guy, fun funny guy.

23:13:31 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

hahahaha...that post really was funny..

Dude, what are you getting pissed about? It's Legacy...even they aren't angry or digusted...I mean, I doubt anyone in Legacy is thinking of this as another  foe (no offense to Only U) them it's probably just another target joining the crowd lol.

23:58:53 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Toke:

You misunderstand, when i say declare a war. I dont freekin mean that they should wait til LGC gets their gates defended and armies ready. And i also dont mean that you should give every singel piece of intel on your strategy againts LGC to them. You just post on the forum; "we declare war on LGC"... aint that hard.
And dear Augh, ofc. When there is a huge and über pwning KD around, it is nice to feast on them when they are at they weakest, i mean its clearly the smartest thing to do.And you also refer to the real world with money and that *beep*. Well basically everyone declared their intentions towards another Country or Kingdom or whatever, by sending a messenger. Or later on putting it on the media and *beep*. Not declaring your intentions was considered both unhonourably and cowardly, and it still is. But i say no more, its a game. Do what the heck you wanna, i just like to state my opinions. No hard feelings..

00:02:48 Apr 20th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

"Because that leaves LGC undefended, unprepeared"

"I dont freekin mean that they should wait til LGC gets their gates defended and armies ready."

Ok, so what did you mean...?

00:20:33 Apr 20th 07 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Bleh! every1 take a :

01:04:20 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Joseph:

We did declare our intentions, we wanted a NAP with them to keep us safe lol. After that we didnt declare our intentions, and they didnt ask.

01:12:30 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Adelbert:

Hahahaha, you guys are childish nubtards. Either that or you've got your're facts wrong. My point was and remains, once upon a time, people followed what i like to consider somewhat a code of honor. A code that never were to clear, however, if you made an act such as this, you'd become the laughing stock for this whole community. The code prevented newbs from being killed in some proportion, and it helped kingdoms rely on eachother. This is not the only case i've witnessed since i started again from a years break. People accept unhonorouble acts more or less every day, and that is what disgusts me! Instead of flaming the ones who are doing wrong, we spend our time laughing of the individuals who defends the honorouble point of view! Why can't the legacy abydos conflict be waged without 4 other KDs interfering? Unity amongs this coalition is brought by a common enemy, which is legacy. Legacy stands alone, while the masses seek comfort, unity and growth in their common foe. The coalition seems to consist of kingdoms who currently claim not to work together, but of kingdoms which attempts to claim whatever spoils of the others struggle before the end has come. I've fought legacy alot, and never have they initiated the fight. Also, they've always taken into consideration whatever situation their foe was in with other KDs. And even if Legacy were as evil as someone seems to blindly believe, it wouldn't justify unhonorouble retaliations as this...

Since my initiating post, i realise there has been many misunderstandings. But i leave it for each and everyone of you to read, and interpret my message individually. I basicly just want to express my sadness for the recent development among VU players today. Honor and loyalty is indeed a short supply in VU these days!

I think Legacy makes a great rolemodel for emerging kingdoms. Legacy consist of a core of players which has been here since the beginning! This core is what decides the politics of Legacy. And this core alone has the strenght and teamwork to bring chaos and disorder upon the world of VU from the beginning of an era. However, they don't. Legacy is infact one of the few kingdoms who might let a weaker neighbour live. Know that the people who claim they're only reaching the top of the hill, as a natural way to face a growing threat are indeed trying to justify something i consider beyond justification. You're doing something wrong, and you should apologise and start negotiating. You should not encourage gangbanging of single standing kingdoms by any chance! My friends and foes, i bid you not to make my word of mockery. It is childish, and houses no room for friendly replies. I intend not to make enemies here today, i simply want people to understand that this phenonemon is indeed wrong, and though a growing group of people finds it agreeable, it is in truth not!

Someone mentioned that everytime legacy has been beaten, it has been done by greater numbers. I disagree! I personally consider Legacy beaten twice, both times it was by the leadership of Fordius. And the coalition which mainly consisted of *beep* Table, Mirror and Serenity did so fair and square. Against Legacy and Narrse, two worthy foes, and strong kingdoms if i remember correctly.

I call upon the attention of every willing ear! Let there be common agreement on the fact that this statement is a testiment of greed through immoral actions. You're petty attempts to justify this has been mockery and claims of innosense. I'm a member of Mirror. A kingdom which has a history of disputes with Legacy. I've had, as augh and many others, my ass handed to me through endless fightings with legacy. Nevertheless, i've never ever done anything in my struggle such as encouriging imbalanced coalitions or other unhonorouble actions such as this...


01:25:10 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Joseph:

Dear Adelbert
I agree with much of what you are saying. But such a code never existed. There was a code about not abusing early flaws in game design, such as riverjumping, but generally it was considered fair to take out *beep*s in your area since they could eventually cause trouble and becouse they serve as food. It has also been generall that you take your targets one at the time if you can, its common tactic to chose to strike at your foes when they already have other fronts. This way diplomacy, timing and warfare are combined into a great game of misinformation, politics and intrigue. Again, I call it fun. And its the way that this game has been played.

04:02:40 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

You keep referencing how the other Kingdoms are joining in to take the spoils...dude, there are no spoils. If you're fighting Legacy, then you're doing it for fun or for some other reason, not to win and divide up the territory. Generally, if you fight Legacy, you don't win.

04:38:01 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi:

You don't bad-mouth your chess opponent when you lose, but have the graciousness to accept defeat and try harder next time. The mutual respect between PHI and LGC is highly commendable. You can see the sense of honour. However, VU is more than a game of chess. You are playing 3 games of chess at the same time: politics, diplomacy and war. When played in tandem, it lays down the fundamentals of strategy.

I am not a fan of politics, but I deeply respect the diplomats and generals. I am not a huge fan of LGC, but they had shown me time and again what does it mean by applying correct diplomacy (having agreements with mutual benefits) and applying correct war tactics (element of surprise, magic). Of course, as always I am at the losing end (unless I am on the 'friendly' side, but maybe not this time), but as I had stated before, I learnt from the mistakes I made against LGC and WAR. Majority of the LGC members are not senseless killers of new players. They are looking for players who have the attitude and aptitude to learn and enjoy VU. As such, these players gained my respect (though I am still having a hard time accepting their flame-mouth members).

Another point is that LGC is always game for any fight. They feel they are up to it, even if they are warring the whole map. Some may take it as y-ness, but then, wouldn't it be challenging to be warring them? And they know it if they lose at the end of era. I had not seen them send unpleasant posts when they lost due to tactics and strategy. (Of course, they will 6itch if intelligent game mechanics are used). They always look at themselves first, before coming out next era. In fact, their flame-mouth members' behavior seem to be getting more well-mannered as the eras passed (perhaps they also grow old as well, plus a very attractive head-mistress...)

@ Adelbert, if element of surprise cannot be applied in war, can you name me a better alternative? And you are belittling LGC by saying they can't see it coming.

07:12:01 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Twamao:


07:18:19 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Are Adelbert, Token and Twmanao joining Legacy?:) that the tribute you guys need to pay?:)...just kidding of course.

09:32:34 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I don't understand the hole trouble here.

If you don't want to war a kingdom, NAP it.

No Nap = protect your boarders, it is that easy :)

If I am placed next to another kingdom who is bigger and stronger then me and I don't have a NAP after 400 turns with them, I would also attack, to have at least a little chance of success and casusing damage insteat waiting till the big kingdom has time and gatheres his forces to wipe me out, once it is no more busy somewhere else.
No matter if the other kingdom is LGC, Carange or Abydos, or Hinz und Kunz (whatever)...

17:07:06 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

...or baccus


17:52:48 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Warlo:

well mr dreadlord i don't think you can attack your own KD.

18:34:52 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

ok, this is only my second era, so maybe im not up to speed on whats acepptable concerning the declarations of war and peace but i think this can be summed up with two earlier posts

first Ra said-

"you should always declare on the strongest kd ... you have to beat them anyway in order to win ... lgc needs to be beaten, just and only because they are the strongest kd, not bad or evil or good or whatever, ... and what's wrong with trying to bring them down with politics and working together? (if you are to weak yourself, then you get an allie to help you out, nothing strange about that;  opportunities arise and people take advantage, what's new about that?)"

a valid point and one which goes hand in hand with what cyrano said which was-

"Well, I always see it as the best thing to fight the strongest, it's king of the hill. LGC is top on the list, they're the kings, we're just trying to get them down.

Adelbert, maybe you suggest we should ally ourselves with LGC and fight all else? I'd rather be unhonourable than a coward."

both posts say basically the same thing and its a very valid point. but also let me add that a sneak attack has always been a part of war. Is it not the element of suprise that turns the tide in battle? And if your in a smaller kingdom would it not be wise to unite with other smaller kingdoms to take down a common foe, wether intentionally or through circumstance?

i see no lack of honor here on either side. Much honor to legacy for facing multiple opponents and much more if they win and crush said opponents. But also much honor to those against them, they have their eye on the prize so to speak, and strike when there is an opening. Their honor is in striking him who is on top rather than just cowering in his shadow nipping at smaller opponents who pose no challenge. If they just sat there hitting smaller KDs for farming rather than going for the big dog that would be dishonorable.

Lets look at this situation from another view. suppose there are two nations of giants and five nations of humans all on the same continent. If any one of the humans attacked the giants by themselves while the giants were ready they would be crushed. Similarly if the humans dont attack its only a matter of time till the giants attack and crush them. Now suppose war breaks out amongst the two nations of giants. Would it not be wise to unite against one of those giants and strike when they are distracted by their war? If they can bring down the biggest Giant nation, only the smaller would be left, giving the humans a better chance of their own survival. There is no honor lost, the humans were indeed brave for taking on giants for even distracted and without ally, a nation of giants is no small threat.

well that rambled on a bit but it touches theart of this i think so ill end with sayin that if legacy was unprepared for an attack from the smaller kingdoms its their won fault for dismissing said kingdoms as not a threat, they should always have all their land preped for defense, they had half an era to grow strong and are spoken of as the best of VU by many. if they mistakenly left themselves open, or ignorant of a possibility osf assault from their smaller neighbors they have only themselves to blame

19:17:51 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

A little off-topic,but I was wondering,does Fireforge=Firendash? =)

19:19:50 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

no ive always been fireforge, dont know this firendash but fireforge is the last name of good ol flint in dragonlance, now if only i could remember to pick dwarf

21:17:01 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Warlo:

last era there wasn't enough war. now there is war and it still isn't good!

21:28:48 Apr 20th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

Firendash wouldn't be able to type such a long post without an insult in it :)

21:53:03 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

nor would he make so much sense ;)

21:55:34 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

lol, off-topic sort of, but this era is really awesome. Everyone is taking on other, it's awesome, last era was rather boring. very few major wars.

11:35:13 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. EW Its Crusty:

How is this going for you Only U?

13:12:20 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Lol is that above me like the only post from a LGC member in this thread? =)

09:59:55 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Mcikan:

It's awsome! it's a game war, isn't it? ;)

14:27:13 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Hmmm,i think Fireforge got deleted in the multi-sweep? xd

15:09:48 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Flint Fireforge:

na, i just always used auto log in and either somebody deleted the cookies on my comp or something else happened because it stopped auto logging me and i couldnt remember by sign in name for anything so i started a new account, then like 2 days later it auto logged me onto fireforge so i just deleted him and went with the new account

15:27:08 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Fair enough :)

15:37:28 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Flint Fireforge:

yeah but trust me when i say you dont want it to happen to you, they put me in nirvana and theres nothing going on, might just attack my neighbor to make the last 10 days more interesting. or maybe ill go to each thread and taunt people to make the next era more interesting. anything to cure the boredom.

13:10:51 Apr 25th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Weird, I´ve been gone for about 5 months and absolutely nothing has changed.

06:15:56 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Jameson:

who the hell has time to waste typing this much geez...  they have like 10 min speeches up there talking about a freakin game or game conduct

09:19:38 Apr 27th 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

Says it all..

13:18:49 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:


13:16:01 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Gj Augh.

13:18:06 Nov 7th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:


13:18:58 Nov 7th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Ms. Lewatha

21:28:48 Apr 20th 07 Firendash wouldn't be able to type such a long post without an insult in it :)


13:20:18 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Brown Bear: old is this :/

13:23:11 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Mr. Cyrano


22:17:31 Apr 19th 07
Did LGC start it with IE?


13:23:14 Nov 7th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

2 and a half year.

14:02:31 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Augh.... I always wonder..... why would you play in a kingdom that has Revenge as a vice....???

14:29:47 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Fate.... I always wonder..... why would you allow TBL in your kingdom.. period?

14:52:04 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Horny Honey Bear:

♪♪ I wonder how many times you’ve been had ♪♪
♪♪ And I wonder how many plans have gone bad ♪♪
♪♪ I wonder how many times you had sex ♪♪
♪♪ I wonder do you know who’ll be next ♪♪
♪♪ I wonder l wonder wonder I do ♪♪ 

15:33:20 Nov 7th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

LOL! i remember that era :)  <3 Augh & Morgan

16:25:46 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

wow back in the days x)

17:09:26 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

what era did this happen, I wonder if I was around then yet, maybe it was a bit before I started.

17:41:11 Nov 7th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Rev wtf bring this up? xD <3

TBL: Why not? Sure he is a retard but I wouldn't feel at home without atleast one of those in my kd. <3

18:11:21 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Adelbert:

flaming ftw xD

18:21:35 Nov 7th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

<3 it was era 25, 26 or 27 i think. i'm to lazy to go look it up =P

Image 1

Image 2


Mr. Joseph
Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Messiah) and was a member of Zeon


must have been era 25 :)

18:57:07 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

hehe :P that was my first era, wasn´t involved in the ongoings in fant yet tho. My first era in fant was 26, when Zeon recruited me as a nub and those there showed how to play the game. The constant wars against carnage with hugh merges where a lot of fun I have to say :D

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