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Forums / In game politics / Carnage,Pks and Trio Suck

Carnage,Pks and Trio Suck
03:09:06 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present you with a forum troll...

*Shinigami shines the light on Thunder.*

He's just saying this stupid and blatantly ignorant stuff just to get a rise out of you. (not in a sexually stimulated one from you guys, unless he truly is ghey in which case he'd enjoy it) So please, move along folks, don't feed the troll and let's talk of happier things. :-D

03:14:30 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:

"unless he truly is ghey"

Why hitting on me???  Puh...Leezzz I'm a married man...

Oh actually thought you were funny... 

Truly...people are ashamed for ashamed, that they may have to bury their heads in the sand...just not when you're around. :-P

Lol I'd rather be a troll than a "fella" named Shin-Dig the "Happy" fairy!!!

03:54:07 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Shyers Bigger Than Your:

penor, ....yes, i understand i don't cap and stuff, i'm lazy. and i wasn't being derogatory to you, i was just saying i didn't understand, but i get told i'm a racist instead. and i do thank you for understanding what i was saying and being polite enuff to explain it.

04:11:55 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

What does playing a game have to do with acting mature or not?

Just because you are playing a game doesn't give you a free pass to be a complete retard.

"Truly...people are ashamed for ashamed, that they may have to bury their heads in the sand...just not when you're around. :-P"

I am ashamed for all of you involved in this pathetic argument, no I mean really actually embarrassed for you.

04:26:29 Apr 3rd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Me to Squidd squidd. It's the reason to why the rest of us do it, and it's the reason as to why you just did it. Hugs & Kisses.

05:01:15 Apr 3rd 08 - Lady Vatenkeist:

@Squiddy... Do you really think we play video games in a fantasy world to be mature???

Yeah Squid, he has the same right to be retarded as you do so lay off!

08:40:48 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

Thunder, I never claimed to be smart or thoughtful ... and never tried to call ppl names in order to show-off how smart I am. Shyers is not racist by any means. If in your little book racist is the person who enters a race (cars, boats, etc.) than maybe he is,  but then so am I.
And u even call yourself a married man? I pity the woman that is your spouse ...

And I totally agree with Lady Vatenkeist, playing a game in a fantasy world has NOTHING to do with the fact of being mature. It wouldn`t hurt from time to time though ...

09:09:25 Apr 3rd 08 - Death Lord Draven:

Has anyone figured out that Thunder likes to fight? :P Shyers is good peepz and since you all don't know Thunder as i do, honestly Thunder probably likes Shyers, but just likes to get him started even more. Thunder is a good man, what you people don't understand is he is taking none of this serious, but everyone else is. lol I swear to you guys, Thunder is NOT taking these forum fights serious, he likes to fight is all. I wanted to point that out Thunder before they lynch you mate. lmao

09:43:59 Apr 3rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

This is just a game, nobody actually takes this serious. It's just funny to do...

09:54:18 Apr 3rd 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

People should start using the sarcasm tag again. Honestly guys, if you dont mean what you say, dont go out of your way to say it! There's no way for the person on the receiving end to know your intentions.

12:10:24 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:

@Dravren...Shhhh don't give away my

@Vatenkeist ... Boy are you a breath of fresh air...fianlly somone who "gets it"...i wish there were more like you...though I suspect there are many... :-)

@Shy Guy ... I realy love to get a rise out of're my's just too easy. ;-) You really set your self up for it over and over again...

@Dolfyn the escaped canned tuna refugee... And I pity your mirror...What's your point?

@Squidward... I may be pathetic, but at least I do not live under the sea near a pineapple, and at least my best friend isn't my dog...WAIT...hmmm...maybe he is...never mind that part...

@Lewatha...Now you get it...

15:05:44 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

I never said being in a "fantasy game" meant that you should act mature, what I said is that just because you are playing a game doesn't mean you should act like a retard because you can.

Now do you understand what I'm saying or do I have to repeat it again?

15:30:46 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Thunder thunder thunder...

Thunder, really, are you, or are you not an uptight archaic donkey? You claim that Lew shouldn't say that her word is law, then go around and say that your word is law! Go hypocrisy! The whole say one thing and do another rocks doesn't it thunder?
Now, on the subject of names. You can have something to say against "Shy Guy" and "Sausage Roll" yet wantonly flaunt your own horrible and uncreative name throughout the whole of VU? Not only is your own name incredibly lame, it feels incomplete... Like thunder without a flash... Now this could say a lot about the current state of your phsyche. Do you want a psychiatrist? I'm sure I could find a good one for you...

16:03:01 Apr 3rd 08 - Lady Vatenkeist:

^_^">^_^" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

16:04:28 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

sausage, please don't ever post again..................thanks.

16:35:32 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

Thunder ... my mirror is handling quite ok ... my point ... is that u (for the flaming  or for the seriousness, whatever) over do it.
 u are now just like this fish (speaking of my tuna can)

I like to play this game, it has his serious part .. but ffs ... just as Lew said it: This is just a game, nobody actually takes this serious. It's just funny to do...

16:50:10 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Sir Soccerispeaceful


4/3/2008 4:04:28 PM
sausage, please don't ever post again..................thanks.

Can't think of anything better to say?

17:06:33 Apr 3rd 08 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Actually nothing else needs to be said.

19:16:25 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

@ Daimyo, Thunder hasnt really replied, so obviously, he cant say anything to reply to such an owning

20:36:16 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

I'm not Thunder.

My post stands, please don't post in any forum again. You are annoying. Thank you.

20:49:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

Lady Vatenkeist

did u make the video urself? :p

20:58:41 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

Yeah what is with that? Plus it looks like there are boobies in it yet 5 minutes in there were still none to be seen 0_o lol

21:00:51 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

I had faith and watched it to the end....i was rewarded with a short milkshake.

Not worth watchin the whole thing tho.

21:58:30 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

"They're nub, and I'm pro"....fackin

22:42:12 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Gilgamash Leich:

Worthless video, utterly worthless I hate *beep* like that....

If he was in Texas, I'd drive my truck on him, twice.

Then get out and piss beer on his face, and drive off...

22:46:13 Apr 3rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

you're one messed up person, gigolomash.

01:25:29 Apr 4th 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol Erica, thats awesome.

Netneutrolity FTW!

Your a pro or a no0b thats life.
I think we can all see which one Sauage and Tunder are.

01:26:10 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

@ Squidward... Could you say it one more time? If I heard you right you liked playing fantasy games where you get to be retarded??? So you like drooling and peeing all over yourself??? And you get to wear a helmet??? Hey wait this sounds like fun, can I play too??? We could be room mates and share a straight jacket...oh the fun we could have, and there could be bunnies...oh please let there be bunnies...

@ Sausage I don't even have to make fun of you is hilarious as it truly are a  and wait, this gets you are going to introduce me to your psychiatrist??? Bwahhahahahhaaaa... No wait, don't tell it Dr. Ham & Cheese? Hahhahahaaaa....

Oh yeah...I had to do big boy stuff today, you know...little things like work, and then bring my son to baseball to watch him kick butt and get the win...  But don't worry, lol....maybe one day you'll meet an english muffin, and have a little side of bacon of your own...hahhahahhahaaaa.....Your almost as hilarious as Shy Guy is...

Did you really think you owned me??? Heck if you want to own someone, go hang with your pal Shy Guy, I bet he can help you with that one... :-P

@ soccer... awww...let him post, it is fun watching make an ass of himself...It is kind of like Shrek..but with breakfast meat...hahhaaa...

@Dolfyn the escaped canned tuna refugee...Did that post have some sort of post, or did your fish there eat it on you??? are great with a little mayo and a side of chips...

01:28:25 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Seloc....what rock did you just climb out from under??? If you unscramble your name it spells "close" great advice... Close your mouth and take a hike... Your not funny... You may think that you are a clown, but your feet are too small and you are not funny enough...

01:37:54 Apr 4th 08 - Lady Vatenkeist:

Oooh!... Seloc hit the emo nerve... ^^

01:39:07 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

I wish my lawn was emo, so that it would cut itself...

01:42:17 Apr 4th 08 - Lady Vatenkeist:

Mr. Dark Knight


10/29/2007 12:57:51 AM

i wish my lawn was like emos....

so it would cut itself.............

01:43:17 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Wow, dejavu, Wow dejavu

01:47:06 Apr 4th 08 - Lady Quietone:

omg i've died of boredom twice already...


can you ppl please move on to something different? you're more naggy than women and i should know! shut it already!  next topic??

01:48:07 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Arzoon:

What did you have for breakfast Q? I had bacon and eggs : )

01:48:45 Apr 4th 08 - Lady Quietone:

uhm coffee....breakfast of ppl who dont buy groceries :P

02:19:44 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Sure... Hey Sausage Roll...what did you have for breakfast???


03:03:29 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

I just did groceries and so I am one happy camper! Man nothing puts me in a good mood like grocery day XD

03:46:15 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Shyers Bigger Than Your:

i took my son  to Denny's and i have country fried steak, him a jr gramslam....and i buy lots of groceries...but i don't cook them and then they waste away.

05:01:44 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Dalakticon:

The shopping habits of VU addicts. Now theres a thesis that needs writing... :-)

11:09:23 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

well Thunder .. with no sexual innuendo ... u can bite me, eat me, drink me ... it`s on the house ... :P

11:49:44 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

@Dolfyn the escaped canned tuna refugee...

 "C'mere"....<Grabs the can opener>

12:17:31 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Oh and may be a woman, but trust me... until you walk our shoes, you have absolutely NO IDEA how naggy you guys really

I bet even my favorite "haters" will have to agree with that. ;-)

12:55:33 Apr 4th 08 - Lord Seloc:

An apple....

15:20:32 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Lady Vatenkeist


4/4/2008 1:42:17 AM
Mr. Dark Knight


10/29/2007 12:57:51 AM

i wish my lawn was like emos....

so it would cut itself.............

Thats me  x] !

15:45:26 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

I just did groceries yesterday! woo hoo!

now i get a good breakfast! holla!

22:23:58 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Oh no...did Sausage & I actually think alike??? I just saw that online... I guess someone pirated it before me...scary...

22:49:21 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

You know, were closer than you think  ;]

23:35:40 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

lol...that's what scares me... :-)

23:49:50 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Scares you?
Or makes you horny?

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