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Forums / In game politics / Congratz Fate

Congratz Fate
12:02:01 Dec 25th 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

congrta carina for a good era im just happy u bought your way there if your happy about it ill be....lubs jill

15:26:26 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

what do you mean?

Ms. Jennaside


04:02:01 Dec 25th 09
congrta carina for a good era im just happy u bought your way there if your happy about it ill be....lubs jill

15:51:21 Dec 25th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

ooh :)


she means that carinuh bought lotsa BT's.....

16:15:44 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Yawn. So what else is new?

16:18:13 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lmao... hey if she did that is great, part of the game, nothing wrong with it, and also she is helping keep this game alive :)


16:57:14 Dec 25th 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

More drama, just give the woman some congrats...Just keep in mind that a lot of other people buy BTs and it never does much unless it has skill to back it up.  Geniune victory in my opinion...

18:12:48 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

nicely said charley, i agree...


09:31:41 Dec 26th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

Jill.... I dunno... you think I should stop inviting people, since that gives me BTs sometimes? Maybe I should stop voting for VU daily too? Would that make me a worthy winner, if I never had any BTs at all?

Want some ointment? You seem so sore.

09:41:13 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

hehe no No Pulse posts on this thread. I will be the first. Congrads mates.

09:47:20 Dec 26th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

Charley and Saiyan... thanx <3

Cuddly bear... thanx....we appreciate it  :)

16:16:13 Dec 26th 09 - Chancellor Ademo The Mzzerable:

Jill is just a silly bitter little girl :) She couldn't buy her way to an era win with a million $ worth of BTs, pay no attention to her Carina :)

05:38:10 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:


I would also like to say congrats to HIV, i mean with the amout of kgdms they were fighting, they still held on till era end and remained a very strong kgdm,

In my opinion, they deserve a congrats as well

great job guys

05:45:12 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I agree, and I also think that HIV will be an enormous power next era, especially with all the guys they're getting.

06:16:57 Dec 27th 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

Mr. Arthur Dent


23:45:12 Dec 26th 09
I agree, and I also think that HIV will be an enormous power next era, especially with all the guys and a hot princess they're getting.

07:09:22 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

That's what I meant to say.  <3 Aisha

07:13:01 Dec 27th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

I like HIV. They are Hot.

14:49:38 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Congrats guys.

15:00:26 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lol Mzzery, they are hot, but from far, when they come close they are mean :)

and now they have Aisha and kittie together, so VU beware :) and i am not jealous of anyone that will war them

15:28:17 Dec 27th 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

And I encouraged the joining of both Aisha and Kittie I believe :)  For sure Aisha ;)

15:29:40 Dec 27th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

Saiyan... yeah, I know.... they have former warbookers in there too...


15:42:17 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

o_O Saiyan. We aint mean. You know we lovers you :-)

16:40:36 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lol @ Deno... i am feeling the HIV love :)

good luck next era

16:41:03 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Raddan:

O.o wut ?

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