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Forums / In game politics / Dark Riders I

Dark Riders I
02:10:03 Jul 9th 07 - Govenor Dud:

Haha, your swordsmen armies are funny :D:D Nice try though LOL

10:06:22 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

swordsmen armies o.0 i have axemen armies only (and mages)

16:14:38 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Will, i'm pretty sure he's talking about Liano and Liano dude, i've fought you like 3 or was it 4 eras ago? and you still havn't learned that swordsmen do not win wars........

16:18:20 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

3 era's ago was the first DR in mantrax... was it that one?

17:47:21 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

nah I played against him when he was in an another newbe KD called DE.

17:53:10 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. William Iii:


19:07:42 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

DR is getting owned by everyone...

19:34:12 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

no they aren't.... they are still independant

21:34:56 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Darkmarsbar:

predators are beating DR for the third time in 2 eras.

you have got to be able to give us a better fight

21:51:06 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho:

tells the guy from the kingom that was owned oop by jesters... lol

23:00:32 Jul 9th 07 - Govenor Dud:

Lol my army jungle berries is pwning DR lol only 5k army

23:18:22 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Darkmarsbar:

damm bunny dude

00:56:04 Jul 10th 07 - Duchess Samus:

Its good to know that someone is pwning Dark Riders (mostly Justanius Fountani) arrogant ass.

01:43:39 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Justanius Fountani also called me "Nigger" his racist. I've reported him but admins don't seem to care if they don't do anything about it I will make a topic about it so everyone know DR leader is racist... lol

04:04:36 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

errm you know he calls a lot of people that? he doesn't mean it in a racist way you know

05:34:43 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Big T:

lol why u telling on ppl n *beep*

05:59:21 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Tooty what's the big deal? I hear blacks call other blacks nigger all the time, so it's racist when a white man calls a black man nigger but not when a black man calls an another back man nigger? Explain to me how does that work?

06:29:36 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Razios:

Words only hurt if you let them hurt dude. Ignore it, only way if its racist if they attack you on the street. Then its a hate crime.

07:04:36 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Big T:

if u not black den it aint racist

16:18:40 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Werrell:

1. how dose he know your black?

2. If a black person calls another black person "Nigger" it is not racist because they are both black.If a white man calls a black man "Nigger" then it is racist as they are not black.

16:23:08 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

it has nothing to do with the word itself, its the way you say or write the word that makes it racism or not.

16:54:40 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

the word nigger is racist in all it was used as a racial discrimative insult during slavery etc. just because someone is black calling another black a nigger doesnt mean it is not racist....because they are using the word to distinquish the person from their surrondings because they are black...making it racist....

17:10:57 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

you can use any word as racism.. so like i said.. its all in the context. white, black, yellow.. normal words but in another context racism... fat, thin. the same.

17:19:01 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Werrell:

yo Willi yo so phat!!!!

21:31:29 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

y wud a black person be racist to his kind

21:31:49 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

and hey will's a good guy


22:40:31 Jul 10th 07 - Ms. Salmon:

Fo shizzle ma nizzle.

For sure my nigger.

Oh noes! Racist! :D

23:44:30 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Razios:

Speak in Farsi, no one will know. shh.

23:53:04 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

To respond to an earlier post, I left NE almost as soon as the era had started because Agurkas was an *beep* leader.  The One and Only (currently known as Zeon) took me in and since then I've played with them, except for a two-day period when I was with Music.

00:45:57 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

To people who keep saying nigger isn't racist well it is, what the hell are you guys talking about? He was angry because I started the war and called me a nigger that's racist.

@ Razios  age fari balad boodi yektoman behet midam... There you go some Farsi

Sanosuke Sagara said:

"the word nigger is racist in all contexts."

I agree, end of conversation.

00:48:21 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Ok he was racist saying it but it isn't always racist. Why do black ppl use it lol?

00:50:39 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Because they are stupid and dump. Not all the black people use it and most of us find it stupid. I never ever call anyone nigger.

01:19:40 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Yes, ok, I'll agree with that. I don't use it. I'm white and definitely not racist. I just hate black people who get so carried away with racism against blacks that they become racist against whites:-/ Lots of black ppl now think they are superior to white people somehow lol. And I hate white racists as well so don't call me racist. But way off topic lol........

03:19:44 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Mastermind:

lol a DR forum digresses to racism...

18:32:08 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

how did he know your black?

00:29:30 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

@ Iwasfrozen Justanius Fountani is a 12 year old white kid who gos around on internet and calls random people nigger.

06:39:15 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

tooty why are you trying so hard to make DR look so bad for? whats your problem? Your the one trying to cause trouble here

12:38:05 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

so he calls people "nigger" even if their not black?

thats not racist,thats sad.

14:13:59 Jul 12th 07 - Sir Ness:

see I know you guys are on Mant cause you're on the KD list with nearly twice as many people as us (luna) but I havn't seen one army from DR ever

whereabouts are you guys on the map, all I see is of course ldk (good job guys), the legion, and GOD but it seems with 44 member you all would be everywhere...

o and if someone were to call me a nig* I would only be pissed if they said it in a deragatory way, otherwise its all good :D

14:27:41 Jul 12th 07 - Duchess Samus:

see I know you guys are on Mant cause you're on the KD list with nearly twice as many people as us (luna) but I havn't seen one army from DR ever

whereabouts are you guys on the map, all I see is of course ldk (good job guys), the legion, and GOD but it seems with 44 member you all would be everywhere...

o and if someone were to call me a nig* I would only be pissed if they said it in a deragatory way, otherwise its all good :D

14:35:31 Jul 12th 07 - Sir Ness:

samus you aint black! Ima bout to pop a cap

14:48:56 Jul 12th 07 - Duchess Samus:

But white chocolate's good too!

15:24:12 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

their next to us (Pred) and LDK

17:00:19 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

yep we r and iv got alot of *beep* in the kd too its just u say yes to apps kick em out if they dont want to learn

17:34:34 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

@ MY God Farts I'm not making DR look bad, they already look bad with 43 members and a leader who calls people nigger if they attack his KD. Don't talk to be if you're going to say something *beep* like this. DR players are so *beep* that they keep attacking Dr NAP. Infact DR is a NAP breaker now too...

23:30:10 Jul 12th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

what nap did they break and how was it broken? and what proof do you have?

06:17:04 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Big T:

some *beep*s in DR pretending to be the leader and go around asking for NAP and *beep*

07:58:30 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

and wen u talk about it even more precisly to ur leader u will find out ther never was a nap u stupid *beep*

13:53:16 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Burre:

It is for me a big surprice this thread hasn't been moderated in some way.. So can't you all hold a decent language. If you wonder what language is decent pleace just do a google search on the topic. I think you will all find lots of interesting reading there.

23:24:19 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Jusstanius you mother *beep*ing stupid *beep* why the *beep* did you tell me we had a NAP then? so shut the *beep* up. aww and *beep* you, you're a *beep*ing racist *beep*.

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