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Forums / In game politics / Dark Riders - Unfair

Dark Riders - Unfair
11:20:39 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontaini:

lolz u will hate ppl blaming u warlo it feels like ur bieng picked on honestly and ask any of the empire of midguardur member or south core member i fought i didnot hide behinde our blocker or our number at the end of the era we only had 46 members and that was the true members the ones hu didnt hide behind numbers or blockers they all fought for the good of the dark riders nd i created the dark riders to try something new then i got attached to it and i descided to continue in the hope that onday we can be a good force on fantasia

11:28:57 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

Mr. Warlo


4/6/2007 11:18:23 PM

he santa i can see your town;)
I can see your 2 =P

Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez


4/7/2007 10:25:26 AM
Maybe in that KD you wont be so greedy and accept a NAP with a KD without consulting the VR's or leader.
Are you like, umm, dumb? Of course you consult the Leader or the Viceroy for things like NaPs, MaPs and other stuff. If not, why would there even be Viceroys and Leaders?

13:39:09 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Santa he wasn't a VR or leader of a KD and i quote him here...

Mr. Razios


4/6/2007 10:07:08 PM
Heres the enitre session I had on trying to expain why I tried to take some of thier cities.
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/3/2007 12:58:30 AM) GOOD BAD
are you guys currently at war wwith the USSR now?
You (4/3/2007 4:42:39 PM)
Yes and currently Bones. Our friends are Puking and Teething and possibly God. Take out anyone but them.
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/5/2007 6:32:52 PM) GOOD BAD
why is gosh attacking us?
please message me back!
You (4/5/2007 6:36:05 PM)
Dunno ask Joker.
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/5/2007 6:36:41 PM) GOOD BAD
we still have peace correct?
You (4/5/2007 6:41:39 PM)
Your welcome to join us. i don't know if peace is still involved. Yuran and me will keep this peace and not attack you because we are currently on a campaign to destroy bones. Join us if you like.
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/5/2007 7:04:48 PM) GOOD BAD
well if u could get a nap between our kingdoms i will help with bones!
You (4/6/2007 12:07:56 PM)
I have one. You forces are attakcing me. WTF you want a war or what?
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/6/2007 4:11:53 PM) GOOD BAD
Lets settle this now.....
NAP yes or no
You (4/6/2007 4:44:35 PM)
NAP now call off Titus on my kingdom. He is still trying to prep on it but I will retaliate if he takes its. Only if he takes it.
Mr. Blunts [DL] (4/6/2007 4:51:09 PM) GOOD BAD
Yes, a Nap sounds good...
However he in not online at this time!

here are our terms.

1) If a member of either KD attacks an ally's town, that town (if taken) and another of the same size are turned over to the injured party. If the town has been destroyed, 2 cities of similar maximum build will be given. If both people agree that returning the one town is acceptable then the matter will end there. If they can't agree, two towns will be forfeit by the aggressor.

If the same member member attacks an allied player again they will be kicked and fair game, with the player they attacked having first choice on reclaiming any towns lost.

2) If a scout or army ends up in accidental prep on a city it can not be killed with no warning.

3) NAP Allies will allow free passage through blockers and wall cities EXCEPT where doing so would allow an attack on another NAPd kingdom. If either KD owns a Blocker to the others area, they WILL NOT grant passage to an enemy of the other Kd.

4)If ones kingdom wishes to Cancel the Nap they must send Leader a message saying they wish to cancel the allience, and both kingdoms may not attack one another untill 72 hours after NAP cancelation. However the kingdom canceling the Nap must wait untill they recive a message back from the leader of the kingdom they wish to Cancel the Nap with., this is when the 72 hour count down untill you may attack will start

Yes or No
You (4/6/2007 4:53:59 PM)
you type fast and yes.


As you can see i had to think fast so that then don't try and get past the blockers Yuran and I had set up. Once you guys take Honoras down we'll start for the rest of DL.

So he got a big, fat kick from almighty Joker. He didn't want to lose his blocker (even though thats the first line of defence) in other words, Greed


He agreed to a KD NAP without even asking anyone else.

15:14:24 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Razios:

... I had a NAP with them long before I joined your kingdom. When I still was with Death Knights I had a NAP with them. Well It continues with my new kingdom. Joker I keep the things I learned with you to myself and Hyperion. Although you have kicked me I hope we will shall non-hostility next era on Mantrax. I dunno why you kicked Hyperion though...

15:18:01 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Razios:

My blockers is my ONLY line of defense. I don't know Why you are trying to start up everyone against me in the ENTIRE forum! As he has said, we may cancel the NAP and wait for 3 RL days. But as well, GL to you guys.

15:36:11 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Warlo:

@Razios, that wans't very smart. telling your def. possibility's

04:11:03 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Razios:

I know. I have short-term memory lo... Hi my name is Razios what's yours? Do you know i have short term memory lo...Hi my name is Razios what's yours? Do you know i have short term memory lo...Hi my name is Razios what's yours? Do you know i have short term memory lo...Hi my name is Razios what's yours? Do you know i have short term memory lo...Hi my name is Razios what's yours? Do you know i have short term memory lo...

04:06:33 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Edd:

so whats going on here? anything new?

04:33:07 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Amazement:

Justainius, is english your second language? I don't mean to sound rude if it is. If not, then succeeding in visual-utopia is a little bit more brain intensive than you can probably handle, so don't pick on new players please, because some *beep* (whom you picked on a few eras ago) with more brain, and thusly more strategical advantage might come along and beat you back.

By the way, this is my first era too. Though I am in a good kingdom which doesnt pick on those who are just learning.

04:42:52 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Edd:

lol this is so old i doubt he'll respond to you.

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