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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
16:49:24 Jul 17th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Well since we have NAP with them he was not supposed to open those gates.
He said he forgot to close it and that he will come take care of it.
I guess he is only respecting a NAP he made with my KD?
NAP between KDs is more worthy then NAP only between players...

17:00:23 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

Forgot? What is he? An *beep*?

He closed it before and re-open it to be able my another army to pass.
Isn't he break already his NAP with your KD?
Or he's just scared when I told him I'll send my patrolling armies to his cities.

17:08:21 Jul 17th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Maybe its just his tactics? His army was way up north going for MAD blocker if I am not mistaken. So he did not want to loose his blocker, then he would have to retake it. This way he let you pass, and that will give him time to get his troops down because he was not able to defend it, since his armies were gone.
And you were the one that proposed the nap between two of you? Is that because his cities are close to yours and your both armies are gone now, leaving your cities with little defence? Maybe that is why you needed a nap with him?

17:21:21 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

That's not his army, it's Wing Man's.
His army is at his blocker already when my second army pass it that's why I asked him what's his planning.

I haven't desserted my cities yet cause it's still defended by 5 digit army.
The reason why I NAP him is to find those respectable players who can stand to their words.

17:34:56 Jul 17th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

They both had armies up north, I saw it yesterday I think.
But when you moved up he ordered his armies to go back.
I know cause he told me he is 15 ticks away from his blocker.

17:45:49 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

Whatever his reason is, he shouldn't accepted my NAP if it's going to violate his NAP with your KD.

He's a DUMBASS, Narrow-Minded FOOL!

I'm looking for those honourable players not like him.

18:37:36 Jul 17th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


: D

How you doing Lapulapu?

actually im not sure if i would necesarily be classified as honorable...
I kinda burn cities to the ground with our without pezzies in it.

Isnt that kinda cruel?

21:58:54 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

no, thats a way of showing your love!

22:01:51 Jul 17th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

Hello, I'm Septim and I'm a sp@maholic.

22:04:38 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

thats good septim, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

00:48:21 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

Lol how cruel Uther... oh well it happens!

03:24:23 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

@LUP Yeah! I found you honourable. That's not cruel, we usually do that. Just preventing a re-take of the cities.

09:08:42 Jul 18th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Mr. Lapulapu The Chief
7/17/2008 3:38:41 AMLoL
not just 2 of HoH armies but also the 2 largest merge armies in Zeta now.
will it be MAD or ODC?.. =)


It looks like ODC :D


They surrendered. Ms. Jasmina. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 11735 enemy troops, 55 peasants and injured 9220 enemy troops.

10:08:59 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Yup but the acceptance of a nap/map then attacking the other party isn't a tactic... it's backstabbing.. well jasmina.. just be sure you wont be backstabbed by those bls specially if they will be able to get your former blocker... we've seen many backstabber here so goodluck to your nap with the BLS... also to other kingdom dont nap BLS they will backstab you!!

10:53:47 Jul 18th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Its Zetamania

What do you expect?
Newb world, newb relations

12:23:48 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

hehe. id chose zeta over fant. same old wars, same old allies. boring as hell.

12:44:43 Jul 18th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

We are first time in Zeta :)
ODC was created last version in Starta :)
And we're hopin to make a good impression

Love you all :)

12:49:09 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

i ment Fant is boring. its always the same battles, like lgc vs db.
with our "newb relations" we always have something to kill :D

14:56:07 Jul 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



Actually Gonzo...

i have a question, why do you always look into other worlds threads to mouth off?

Just wondering.

Also about BLS and this NAP breaking stuff..

Its a very IFFY situation. They're just fine to me, but its probably because they like me. I mena im not saying anything about any of you plus we also held off enemy forces until they could get situated for an attack, and that was us helping them not matter hwat the risk because of common interests.

THAT is what an alliance is and THAT is why people work together. In my opinion a NAP is an Understanding, though it is wrong to break one i dont know the full story, all i know is that from my side they seem to be pretty honorable.

15:42:50 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Ok I have just now saw this stuff about us being nap breakers and here is some clarification on the situation on my part. I have no idea about what they agreed to in a personal thing that had nothing to do with the rest of us in the kingdom because we were not privy to that information:

Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/11/2008 5:00:19 AM) GOOD BAD
In behalf of the MAD I would like to discuss for a relationship terms. I'm sorry for what happened earlier about the troops of Mr. Wing Man. I just panicked and attack it fearing it could take my city. May you accept my humble apology. Hope to see a good relationship with MAD and Black Label Society.

With my greatest respect,
You (7/14/2008 11:31:33 AM)
ok I will discuss the terms with my member and get back to you after I hear from them
You (7/14/2008 11:35:40 AM)
ok I will discuss the terms with my member and get back to you after I hear from them
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 11:41:25 AM) GOOD BAD
I see. I'll wait for it.
You (7/14/2008 11:54:01 AM)
thank you it should not take long one of my members speak highly of you guys
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:05:10 PM) GOOD BAD
But to tell you I'm in war with your 2 other members, Wing Man and Firsttime. They tried to invade me twice but i got luckily repel their attacks. So in case you had a decision to have a good relationship with us, I ask you to exclude both of them in the terms. I'll start a full war against them.

with respect,

You (7/14/2008 12:06:50 PM)
Let me talk this out with them they are strong headed players and very aggressive. I will talk to them about pulling back and hopefully you agree not to attack them after peace
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:10:19 PM) GOOD BAD
I think I can't accept that. I ask to exclude them from the terms that can occured. I lost lot of troops when they attack me.
You (7/14/2008 12:16:09 PM)
well that is a part of the game new troops can be made but you didn't lose any cities which is more important in my opinion. But to have full peace there needs to be peace for all of us including you guys. I just don't think my guys will accept that.
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:20:05 PM) GOOD BAD
I had decided no matter what. War to both of them. If you want to get involve it's fine. I'm not that strong enough but my will is enough.
You (7/14/2008 12:35:09 PM)
How many actual troops did you lose beating them back? And the main part in that sentence is that you BEAT them back which means they must've lost more that you have. So it seems to me that they would've lost more that you which means you already win.
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:39:09 PM) GOOD BAD
Uhm. I see. I reconsider. Just give assurance there would be no hostility occur. No movement of their troops to my area.
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:39:52 PM) GOOD BAD
Just in case it ends in peaceful terms.
You (7/14/2008 12:40:59 PM)
yeah that is what I would agree to. I am still waiting on the vote and i will let you guys know. thanks again
Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/14/2008 12:45:05 PM) GOOD BAD
I'll wait for that response. Could I ask to add in terms to open the blocker Refrigerator of Mr. Firsttime. I need to pass there to enter ODC core. We're war with the ODC.

Mr. Lapulapu The Chief [MAD] (7/11/2008 12:19:33 PM) GOOD BAD
I'll wait for a 5 days response...If unanswered, I consider you all hostile...

So nothing was agreed upon we had no NAP/MAP/Anthing so I have no idea why they are calling us back stabbers. So they are asking for us to open a blocker to a NAP'd kingdom also. Hopefully this clears our name

15:45:25 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Zakk:

And thanks for anyone/everyone that stood up for us we try not to get involved in this forum drama but one of my members brought this to my attention and I thought I should speak on the situation.

Again if ONE of my members had a agreement with you in secret how am I supposed to know about this and how is my kingdom supposed to know about it. If all of this is true this that is one members action that does not need to be in the kingdom with the rest of us.

16:21:08 Jul 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Didnt this happen earlier EXCEPT WITH DARK LIGHTNINGS MOUTH!?!?!

Honestly people, one persons actions do reflect on the kd but try and keep in mind thta if its just one person then they are just being stupid.


18:01:07 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Deadordying:

Mr. Ugly Orcy


7/17/2008 1:24:08 PMjust a note, its dark lighting, either a typo by him, or just, weird.
@ deadordying, where did you find that? pheonix no 2 at fighting, wow.
we have a few wars, here is our list of enemies, you lot can add the pictures, or amount of enemies, or correct my spelling, whatever :D
1) AoA
3) Rebel Alliance
and the few random small kingdoms we wander accross.

you need to goto this url

and change the tags for the kingdoms. ie. to get stats on MAD vs ODC change blood and Dhara for MAD and ODC respectively

Cant get this link to work but you get the idea

18:35:37 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

To mr. zakk this was posted by lapu lapu to our forum

Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:31:36 AM) GOOD BAD
if u go home NOW i will let you continue to exist !
You (7/16/2008 2:05:24 AM)
Thanks for opening it. I won't bother you guys for the meantime. Maybe we should have peace talks for the moment.
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:18:15 AM) GOOD BAD
i will make peace with u not your kingdom ?
You (7/16/2008 2:18:55 AM)
then It's just a personal NAP?
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:21:11 AM) GOOD BAD
correct .
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:22:02 AM) GOOD BAD
nap between me u and wing man ?
You (7/16/2008 2:21:47 AM)
Thanks! How about Wing Man?
You (7/16/2008 2:24:04 AM)
Yeah Sure...Could I ask which KD your KD is at war???
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:23:56 AM) GOOD BAD
he wants nap also
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:25:09 AM) GOOD BAD
all except odyssey
You (7/16/2008 2:24:31 AM)
Yeah Sure...Could I ask which KD your KD is at war???
You (7/16/2008 2:29:07 AM)
Then I proposed Terms

1. no army on both sides could enter each area within 10 ticks.
2. in case of termination of NAP. both players must agreed for a 48 ticks prep

would you agree???
Mr. Firsttime [BLS] (7/16/2008 2:31:04 AM) GOOD BAD

18:36:01 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Is this what you call no agreement of nap? he agreed!!!

18:56:14 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

kick first time and wingman from BLS.  personal nap is like betraying the kd.

19:16:18 Jul 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Yeah Zakk they do have a point about personal NAPs

but this still shouldnt reflect on his kd of BLS.

19:32:30 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

It doesnt reflect on BLS. Its a PERSONAL NAP not a KD NAP which is the only NAP that counts as a NAP. Without the kd that player would be nothing. By himself he would have been destroyed long ago.

19:36:06 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Both members have been kicked so this is a moot point seeing as though I had no idea what was going on. So they can make all the personal naps they want it has nothing to do with me and BLS so :-P

19:49:43 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

And looky there nnow they are without the kd and now they are nothing.

21:57:55 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

thanks Deadordying, its very useful :D

00:10:37 Jul 19th 08 - Sir Arming:

Why are you arguing? It's a moot point anyway since PF and BLS will be dead soon =P. PF sooner then BLS, but you know slow and steady wins the race.

00:11:44 Jul 19th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

PF wont be dead

03:17:19 Jul 19th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

@Zakk    Thanks man! Kicking them from your KD was a great decision. You just put justice for your KD. Next time be sure who to accept in your KD. Good luck to your wars.

{Respect is My Weapon}

05:20:08 Jul 19th 08 - Lady Mia:

Guys.. I do not want any conflicts. But we have accepted Firsttime to our KD. I just want to tell you that. And it is because i want to give them another chance? :D

They are new players. So yeah. So i guess they do not know what is right or wrong. Btw, i will help them out. :)

And btw, if anything they do wrong, please message me, with proof. I will do something about it.. For now, ODC will take responsible of them.

06:44:20 Jul 19th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

It's okay. As long you know how to control them. Maybe they are new in the game but respect and honour are always needed in every aspect of our life. So, I won't take as an excuse for them being new player. I'm sure they're not born yesterday.

How we play this game, reflects our own real-life personality.

07:28:24 Jul 19th 08 - Lady Mia:

Ehh.. Change to Sir already. :P

Okay. Thanks that you understand. :D

08:54:21 Jul 19th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Yup we understand... LoL accepting backstabbers.. yeah we all understand..

05:08:47 Jul 20th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

LoL just laughing out!

05:20:18 Jul 20th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Firsttime is now trash talking me.
How pathetic! I feel pity for him! :-S

23:50:48 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Brick:

Bah, i don,t like that 50% rule.

Stupid rule prevent me to own mr Twamoa, only thing i can do is siege his city and plunder him every tick, like a hostige situation, i hope it will pisss him off so that he resigns.

I thought the rule was invented to prevent new player to be slaughtered and not an  old vet like Twanoa with his 12 era,s experience.

01:39:23 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

twamao is just a mega *beep*mer :D

03:40:30 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol Brick dont dis the plunder dude. Ive gotten my sciences thanks to that!!!

17:11:31 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

updates on wars and whats going on in zeta?

17:46:04 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Nobody can kill twamao... he is invincible

18:13:43 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Mr. One Man Army

7/22/2008 12:11:31 AM updates on wars and whats going on in zeta?

I was a member of the ZFU.

There is no war going on our corner. We are discussing for a truce and a possible alliance with our enemy against all the non members of ZFU.

20:43:08 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

Hilario i will make my way over to MAD and youll have a war then :p

20:49:10 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis


7/21/2008 9:46:04 AM
Nobody can kill twamao... he is invincible

Plz tell me ur joking? Honestly my guys who are taking his cities are becoming so big from them that they cant attack him. He has one city left.

20:59:55 Jul 21st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


i love watching people gripe about that rule...

not to be rude or anythign i just think its funny

21:03:52 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

its frustrating to be honest. there is a sadistic satisfaction when you kill a guy off.. zeta doesn't allow this. hey ho, rules are rules...

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