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Forums / In game politics / Fant 24

Fant 24
09:27:50 Feb 14th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

ummm yeah you can keep breadlord guys

15:16:35 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

I'm allowed to banter with Zond. I call him names, he threatens to kick me. It's all fun and games. He's a dangerous little bear... unlike Warlock (although I should leave him alone. I've picked on him long enough). Swifty is far more suited for a verbal punishment than Zond, but since LGC is a dusty old dead relic, there's no reason to say anything about him!

 I would welcome Swifty's presence on the field of Fantasia. He would make a good fit as leader of LGC (like old times), or a good addition to any Kingdom's ranks (although Poof's is not inviting him to join us). 

Please redirect all questions/statements concerning LGC to it's rightful leader and subverted heir, Swifty, as PooF denounces any and all affiliations with LGC excluding past membership, of which current membership is undesirable. 

All past statements made under LGC leadership are null and void. We are PooFs. For Ex-LGC members, PooF is a new KD in speech as well as reality. We've no interest in following the example of LGC or its policies. 

15:26:43 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

15:40:33 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Whats wrong? Have your heart filled with love for me left your body on this specific day? On Valentine's day? No more declaration of love for me? No more secret messages about how you love my playing, my diplomatics, my speaches and my glory?

15:42:45 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Happy Valentines Day, Lock. 

15:54:25 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

As i thought, you can only do good when it comes to writing :O No real good when it comes down to the field..

16:24:14 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

I play just fine on the field, thanks. If you would like to critique my guides on magic and orc for improvement, feel free to try your hand at it. 

19:48:15 Feb 14th 14 - Ms. Bromance Afk:

FRIEd Not STIRred denounces any and all affiliations with MODS excluding past membership, of which current membership is undesirable. 

All past statements and actions made under MODS leadership are null and void. They are FRIEd Not STIRred. For Ex-MODS members, FRIEd Not STIRred is a new KD in speech as well as reality. They've no interest in following the example of MODS or its policies.

19:48:51 Feb 14th 14 - Ms. Bromance Afk:

(the crybabys in LGC (token) can now drop their grudge.)

19:52:31 Feb 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

the ex lgc to non lgc members in MODs is a lot higher than POOFs are they lgc too?

19:57:45 Feb 14th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

Who is this bromance person anyway?

19:58:22 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Ms. Bromance Afk


18:48:15 Feb 14th 14
FRIEd Not STIRred denounces any and all affiliations with MODS excluding past membership, of which current membership is undesirable. 

All past statements and actions made under MODS leadership are null and void. They are FRIEd Not STIRred. For Ex-MODS members, FRIEd Not STIRred is a new KD in speech as well as reality. They've no interest in following the example of MODS or its p

loled. wp. 10/10 would read again

20:03:59 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Still obsessing about LGC, eh? 

Poofs have moved on from LGC's Legacy, have you? 

21:03:49 Feb 14th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

 I know Val's gay and he's forcing all the heteros out, but no need to rub it in our faces.

That was not funny Swifty :(

21:31:31 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Its all politics until trashy homophobic comments are thrown around

22:42:42 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

its all fun and games until someone pops a boner

22:50:01 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:


23:10:07 Feb 14th 14 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha XD

09:35:56 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Dung Eating Beetle:

Hmmm..... looks like the VU landscape has drastically changed since I last checked this game.

So.... can anyone kindly update me as to the status of my bestest buddy and VU's most dominant player and leader ever, Wilberforce? Has he finally gotten a proper education yet? Moved up a level from the lowest tax bracket? Is he still leading legendary Fantasian kingdoms like Dark Blood, DOA and Legacy to multiple, consecutive era victories in his usual irresistible, irrepressible and imperious style?

Some news about the man that is my life's hero and role model would be most appreciated, thank you very much!


TBL - Loser... failure.... and Wilber-eating coleoptera

09:38:44 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Lock:

I havnt seen a mark from him since i left the LGC cooperation. But i do see someone this era called Wilberforce but i belive its "A Josh" in disguise...dont tell anyone about it though

09:59:08 Feb 15th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

why do people not class TBLs tirade of wilber bullying?

12:11:25 Feb 15th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

Ermm i am the real Wilberforce..

16:46:01 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Wilber isn't playing 

00:29:08 Feb 16th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

I obviously am

07:01:07 Feb 16th 14 - Mr. Kublai Khan:

a wilber multi maybe?

10:16:13 Feb 16th 14 - Mr. Dung Eating Beetle:

@ Warlock:

Thanks for the update!

@ Stirlin:

I do not understand why you would class my statements on Wilber as "bullying". If anything, I have actually been praising him and acknowledging how supreme he is. In my eyes, he is the best VU player there is, there best there ever was, and the best there ever will be! No other VU player has ever been or will ever be his equal!

Wilberforce... my hero!!!

@ Salazar / Small Fries:

Is that why Legacy disbanded? With Wilber, Legacy's MVP, glue guy, anchor, strategic maestro and tactical magician no longer playing....there is nothing else that can hold Legacy together and propel it forward? If the man that is the BRAINS, HEART AND SPIRIT of Legacy abandons Legacy, how can Legacy ever hope to live on? Wilber leaving Legacy is like Sir Alex Ferguson retiring from Man United. A loss that can never be replaced or compensated.

@ Slade:

So how is it like impersonating one of VU's... nay, the world's! greatest heroes? Do you get a lot of fawning, flattering mail? Do you get a lot of new followers and a massive new entourage following you and hanging onto your every word? Do you get ladies messaging you and requesting to have your babies every day?

Playing a fake Wilber is a very difficult thing. Becoming the NEXT Wilber, however, is practically impossible. To achieve that, you must become one the most awesome human beings ever to have graced this universe, and this game's most awesome player ever. Are you capable of achieving such epically heroic feats? I hope you do, because this world, this universe, and this game needs another Wilber to be its shining light, its bringer of hope, its messiah.

And you can start your Wilber transformation process by first getting plastic surgery and transforming yourself into one of the most gorgeous men alive on the planet today, for that is what everyone exclaims the moment they set their eyes on Wilberforce. Do understand though, that you can never hope to beat him in looks... just only to match him, for Wilber was born to his heaven-inspiring looks while you are only trying to replicate them surgically.

So please start looking for a plastic surgeon now! A very capable one at least.

Only then will I begin, ever so slowly, to acknowledge you as Wilberforce 2.0!

P.S. And while you are using his name, please win this era as well. Effortlessly too, for that is how Wilberforce wins his eras and leads his legendary kingdoms to multiple, consecutive era victories.

Do not shame the name of Wilber!

12:55:57 Feb 16th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

That entire post made me lol

10/10 good sir

13:52:42 Feb 16th 14 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol good one tbl XD

15:36:45 Feb 16th 14 - shyers (Mr. Oneshyersshortofahappymeal):

swiffers and TBL made me lol all over my breakfast....

btw, did we miss anyone when we were handing out NAPs? i think we got everyone on Fant by now but if we missed you raise your hand!

20:48:16 Feb 16th 14 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

Sh.t. I'll read it in the morning.

18:05:29 Feb 17th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Arzorth of the Phoons is giving Anon a run for his money. I think he's used more BTs than I've ever seen in a single era.

23:53:09 Feb 17th 14 - Prince Chade:

damn this game sucked without tbl's posts!!!!

<3 tbl

02:26:44 Feb 18th 14 - Ms. Jenna Side:

Glad to see everyone is getting along. :)


03:14:55 Feb 18th 14 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrowe):

holy shit is that tbl AND chade? i miss you guys:'(

10:40:57 Feb 18th 14 - Prince Chade:

yeah b1tch...chade is BACK!!!!!! 


14:34:56 Feb 18th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

"Missing" remarks that are little more than personal attacks....


16:05:51 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Poofs; 39 wins, 38 losses

Phoons; 27 wins, 28 losses
Immo; 13 wins, 11 losses
Hell; 24 wins, 21 losses
Mad; 0, 0 (They have captured cities however)
Heaven: 0,0 
Fried: 6, 3 (don't know who or what they are fighting)

16:20:30 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Perplexed:

Fried is fighting Poodles

16:48:01 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Oh, forgot about Jurgen. I'll update that info. 

Poofs; 39 wins, 38 losses

Phoons; 27 wins, 28 losses
Immo; 13 wins, 11 losses
Hell; 24 wins, 21 losses
Mad; 0, 0 (They have captured cities however)
Heaven: 0,0 
Fried: 6, 3 (Jurgen is fighting Poodles)

17:04:43 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

""Poofs; 39 wins, 38 losses""

I would say that its val doing the fighting. Rest keeping armies at bay/Doing 0 fcks/mage/farm

17:17:10 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

So out of 77 total battles, Val's the only one doing work?

Unfortunately, having a late little GT city in the south doesn't give you access to OOP information.

17:18:33 Feb 18th 14 - Archangel Argyle:

Seems I'm the current boss of fantasia, how would you all like to pay tribute to me with a new tax? We could call it the Argylian tribute tax, ATT for short. Or perhaps just send me your fairest maidens... that would be sufficient.

17:19:47 Feb 18th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

NP Argyle, you can have all the maidens you want, have no use for them. ^^

17:21:48 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

That explains Lock's accusation against Val. He hates to see all those men led away in chains to Val's dungeons. 

17:45:57 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

I more or less gave Val the cred for the "visual work" as you choosed to bring up, in battles won and lost. If you check more of the visual score, you can see that vals the only? one from Poof in the fearsome ranking :)

I thought some in your KD (Poof) suggested you to keep you away from forums? That didnt work so well :P

18:18:21 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Battles won/lost refer to army vs army. Val's city-taking success is the best, as others are losing cities.

Forums? Quote or it didn't happen. 

Anyways, we don't need your critique while you sit in the south doing nothing but farm. I hope you enjoy another wait out the era while farming win. 

18:22:39 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

I have done the same thing as Binh and Bounce have, however they started with the dropset way earlier since i thought u would hunt me down and therfore i had to back me up with arms + troops etc.

Do you trashtalk Binh+Bounce in Poof for dropping a 90ker? No?

18:49:40 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Binh attacked Immo OOP. He dropped a 90k to survive against Immo. 

Bounce was actually ordered to drop a 90k, so I don't see why I would have a problem with him.

Concerning you, we would rather fight a good OOP war than make a Massive-Lockstyle CF just to kill a foe. There was talk about CFing Phoons, since we expected you to farm, but in the end, you weren't as important as playing the game.

18:53:15 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

So im not allowed to drop a 90ker? But they are? Im a farmer if i drop a 90ker but they aint? Make up your mind.

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