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Forums / In game politics / Fant 36

Fant 36
18:01:42 Oct 6th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

i still suck, but atleast I don't play dwarf. :D

18:04:33 Oct 6th 15 - Bran (Mr. Aragorn II):

dwarf is pretty nice for cramming as many 90kers inside a small core as possible, giving your kingdom more land/income/troops per blocker

its only so useful comparing individual races. halfers may be better than dwarfs but 10 halfers will struggle to defend the same sized core as say 5 halfers with 5 dwarfs due to the space they take up

18:08:25 Oct 6th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Any 10-man kingdom who has 5 halfers and 5 dwarfs deserves to be beaten

18:11:23 Oct 6th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh There Done That):

Vets playing with vets is inevitable. It's because they know each other. Friends play with friends. There is no reason for someone to find a "new home" if they already have a home to play in. You know what I mean?

Just the same as collective player will most likely remain Collective until it get disbanded or the member is unhappy with it and switch kd.

Instead of asking why hasn't vets join new players. Ask why hasn't new players join vets? It isn't hard. You come up to a kingdom, ask to become a member, learn the tricks. I know i've been through that same process and so has many other "vets". We were all nubs once.

18:18:15 Oct 6th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

The only things you really had correct was locations and the fact activity hurts. However a good leader is able to overcome this by micro managing. Have "Great" players (Players that can change the tide of a war by them selves like binh) help but a lot of responsibility comes down to your leaders and this goes for all kingdoms and im not just having a go at collective. CPG and Jesters both lacked leadership (from what I saw, I started late) last age as zeon should have been dead if one of their leaders was a half decent strategist.  Kingdoms can still crumble even if they were made up of only really good as some of the really good still need instructions and lack tactical sense. 

Zeon is probably the most stacked kingdom I've been in for a long time, if not ever. We only have 1 pretty new player  and 1 who still has a fair bit to learn but hes still pretty good which I teach both as much as I can. Remember this is Fantasia, its suppose to be the hardest world so you can't scrutinise a stack on Fantasia ever.
Another point is the best players have generally played for quite a few years and thus  have spent a lot of time together meaning a lot of us get on really well, I've met up with players before in real life as have a few others, we play with our friends rather than the best players more or less and most of the chat in our skype room is a bunch of mates just talking smack to each other. We have a lot more fun, dont we shyers ;) ;)

I don't represent the FW leadership so any attacks on tagless doesn't represent my values. I will generally say to my kingdom to not attack tagless, if a newbie has spawned with us I ask if they can use skype, if they do then I will accept them and I'll train them up if theyre willing to learn. We just had a player just south of us spawn, no history, no other characters and presumably new, I told my kingdom in skype that I will message him and arrange something. I dont see the point in killing noobs.

18:49:52 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Hillls Have Eyes:

I agree with you, dwarfs are a bad race, but we can not forbid people playing a race they enjoy the most. That is a good race for semi active people, if they are able to farm, they will be a force later on, like the guy is a force on Zeta or any other era that we did not get an oopt war. His first era in this game he managed to get extreme income and trained a horde cause there was time to farm, so I guess he liked it right away. But due to low activity, if there is early war he will die. Will we make him change race cause of that? No. If that makes us a bad kingdom, so be it.

Fact is that we are bad at oop. Binh came out with 30k Gaia at oop time, and truth be told nobody in Collective can do that, the leadership told us if they knew they would tell us how. On our forums the vets have said people usually say "if you do it right you can get 30k Gaia easy" but vets always keep the doing it right a secret, so untill we get someone that can do that in the kingdom, we will not improve much in that aspect of the game. Nobody said people in Collective are super skilled people, we are just a bunch of average players, we have the numbers at the moment so thats why people target us. But from what we see now, the numbers will drop by half or two thirds next era, just so we give the newbs a better chance so they do not have to fight the entire map cause of our numbers.

I am not sure if the Tagless people wrote to vet kingdoms asking if its possible to join them, but I would encourage them to ask if its possible, cause if they do not join they are most likely gonna end up dead anyways. So better ask to be sure.

Nothing against you guys sticking with each other in kingdom, just saying there is no need to make fun of a group of semi active at most average players when you beat them. That is all :)

19:12:20 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Quirinus IV:

@Mr. Hills Have Eyes:

VU forums are such a fun place. I haven't played for like 5+ years until now, and I forgot how funny it is reading all these gays err... I mean guys, poke fun (and other things) at each other. xD That's all that it really is, just talkin' some smack and innuendos for fun, we don't have bad intentions. I respect you all equally. And I poke fun at everyone more or less equally. You can see that other players dispense some indiscriminate banter as well, often between enemies as allies, and all the rest. Try to enjoy it, even when you're losing, it's great fun and part of the VU tradition. I know it's sometimes hard to do so when you lose, but all the more respect if you can keep a level head and laugh at yourself even then.

It's good that you tried out Fant to gauge your current kd level - now we revealed all your holes by poking at them, so you know what needs stuffing and where you need to improve. You were a bit unlucky to end up in a gangbang between 3 fires, but you had about the same numbers as all of us combined, and had us spread out and separated. You could even bypass our blockers and forcefully penetrate our core, for a moment of your joy and our panic.

As for playing in just veteran kds, I just joined CPG at random at the end of the last era, after not playing for like 5+ years, not really looking or avoiding a vet kd. I didn't know it was a good kd. (I didn't even know that I played before with some of the players in there because it seems like everyone is changing their names these days, must be to hide from Todd L Fondler and his fondling). It just had a funny name and had few enough players so I figured it wouldn't be too much of a hassle playing and that it would be lots of fun. But I ended up playing with good players that can rival Zeon with half as many players. ;P It ended up requiring a lot more activity than I wanted, but I really liked all the action going on OOP and the clusterfuck that happened after it, and I got a bit addicted, especially looking at the HoH right now. :D

As for tagless people... lol wat arrr dey be doin' on Fantasia, the elite battlegrounds. These be ourrr waters, of the mighty pirates. No noobs will have their booties left untouched when he/she lands here. If ye wants to farm safely, go to a the seashore of another world.

Anyways, no hard... feelings. Losing is part of VU, we were defeated by Zeon last era, this era it's you that got kicked in the balls, and we're yet to see who will be the winner. I hope you had some fun, and good luck next era.

19:26:25 Oct 6th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

But I ended up playing with good players that can rival Zeon with half as many players. ;P

Haha sure is that why our noob walked over you like augh did my feelings?

20:18:45 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Jon Snow II:

One of the reasons why we went from a decent active kingdom to an inactive kingdom thats getting killed early are the multiple characters, playing three worlds just takes the time you could invest in one character. I think from now on, I will play only one character and possibly just merge troops into someone active on Zeta, but most likely just Mantrax or Fantasia next era.

20:21:44 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

CPG is 33% parents to small children with no time, 33% somewhat experienced (but epic) players, 33% new players 1% Bran and 100% awesome.

CPG would not exist if ot wasn't for the fact that Zeon is stacked already, last era we even bit the bullit off not accepting a NAP proposal from them knowing it would mean we would likely not survive the era. Now thank us now for bringing Fant more excitement. 

We feel it is within our right to keep flaming and trolling this forum and will continue doing so. G'nite.

20:59:28 Oct 6th 15 - Bran (Mr. Aragorn II):

CPG would not exist if ot wasn't for the fact that Zeon is stacked already,

this is the reason i joined you guys. zeon has lots of players id often play with but just too stacked and it risks becoming beofuck 2.0

23:19:49 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Ruthless The Tall:

Well, with me bouncing around with my ponies hitting Collectives undefended income cities and making them build many GTs and then pulling a few of them from the east to come after me... opened the gate for the others to head down and start taking cities... It was pretty much over after that... 

Also, Binh would u so kindly stop killing my poor defenseless ponies until after Collective is cleared out at least? ;)

23:54:22 Oct 6th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh There Done That):

The answer is no. Any ponies dead is less threat to me in the future :P

23:58:17 Oct 6th 15 - Mr. Ruthless The Tall:

But but... u said if i get collective off u then u would take it easy on me... :'(

00:09:46 Oct 7th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

Hills, I just did the same thing to you on mant before Binh did it here.... 

Shoulda expected it.

01:36:29 Oct 7th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

risks becoming beofuck 2.0

Fck awf m8, we dont hide behind naps as we can fight oop fairly.

Hills to your point about the 30k gaia oop (Which is really base level, the best players can get 60k oop) Ive said before on the forums that Im willing to teach anyway how to do it provided they use skype and are active.  Other kingdoms would be willing to take you in but you want to play with your friends and thats fine but your issue is you play low worlds with  only average players/leaders. When I first started playing I journeyed around between kingdoms, learning from all different people not just the same few with limited knowledge.

At the cpg fools we always intended on being a kingdom to take out the world single handily, thats partially why we are stacked

01:56:56 Oct 7th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Pure taught this eternal noob and now i'm trying it out on a different world. Thank you Pure!

08:50:54 Oct 7th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Its kind of ironic this whole thing

1. Last era we basicly lost due to letting a player from Collective join up but then not listen to instructions. He created ~100k undefended land oop and then started training ponies eventhough we had repeatedly told him otherwise.

2. Zeon being "too elite" is a strange new landscape. Zeon always had a open door recruitment policy and training anyone who wanted in, that is why so many people have been in Zeon one time or another - we took in all untagged and everyone who nobody else wanted (not you Sladen you are popular). 
3. CPG is built on mostly the same principles, so in theory 2 of the most noob friendly established kds are duking it out on Fanta and yet ppl complain.....?

Beo was created to bring down LGC dominance. Beo fought with no NAPs for 2 of the 3 eras they whiped the map. LGC are just sore loosers (still) not willing to accept the fact that Beo was simply better.

10:43:32 Oct 7th 15 - Ms. Solarly Transmitted:

Beo napped immortals like every era bar 1 I swear.

The difference between old zeon and current zeon is me, I run this shit like a dictatorship

13:51:20 Oct 7th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

It was always a dictatorship, a theocracy to be precise.

19:57:49 Oct 7th 15 - Random (Duke Random):

zeon is not stacked...  stop being salty branngiuns

everyone in here is an idiot...

I wanted to afk farm but they made me save their sorry asses from one player almost solo'ing their core


21:26:16 Oct 7th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

They would have been stacked if 1/2 CPG where in there as well.

23:53:13 Oct 7th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

60k Gaia can only be possible with help from kd mates. I've yet to see over 45k oop, without help from kd mates. In mant I had almost 40k, but I'm not that great. To only have to deal with 30k from Binh is really an insult from him as I'd expect more. 

I believe fant has a good mix of good bad and ugly in each kd. Zeon might be a bit more "stacked" but really it's more our cooperation and communication than our playing level. We have our own weaknesses as anon took advantage of. It's just as good to know your opponite  
As it is to know your kdmates. 

07:35:16 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Someone have infiltrated CPG and put disturbing waypoints all over the map. 

07:37:54 Oct 8th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Binh had like 40k gaia, 1k hammers and 1k MU's OOP though, didn't he.

And yeah, the average player should be able to get 30-40k without help.

18:43:28 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Quirinus IV:

19:57:49 Oct 7th 15 - Random (Duke Random):
I wanted to afk farm but they made me save their sorry asses from one player almost solo'ing their core


LEL yea that was funny to watch on the KD %P list and HoH. haha, I was like O.O


07:35:16 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Someone have infiltrated CPG and put disturbing waypoints all over the map. 



18:48:21 Oct 8th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh There Done That):

"Someone have infiltrated CPG and put disturbing waypoints all over the map. "

Care to show what these "disturbing" wp are? :P

19:35:47 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Ruthless The Tall:

Eh, I'll give you the one of the disturbing mountain range next to you...

20:09:34 Oct 8th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Those are some weird ass pubes. I think you'd better go visit the doctor, man. =/

20:21:13 Oct 8th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Lazy Elf):

I gotta say though, That **** is rock hard!!!

20:46:18 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

That one is actually one of the least disgusting set of WP on our map..... 

21:12:22 Oct 8th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Ruthless is loyal and doesnt disclose the slander of CPG leadership. I am suspecting its the Nazi guy.

10:38:37 Oct 11th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

I have so very limited LOS, could Zeon, MAD and Jesters plz write your plans here or PM if you want to keep it a secret. I'm kinda bored, just farming away as usual so would be interesting to know what everyone is up to. 

11:12:49 Oct 11th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

We at Zeon are trying a new strategy, we are all mages using only magic to win also we are farming.

11:29:00 Oct 11th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Ah that would explain the repeated use of AoTD armies moving south. When could we expect a dragon harassing our econ?

11:29:53 Oct 11th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

We are too busy killing all the dragons sorry

18:20:25 Oct 11th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

send one our way please. it's too boring down here because you're farming and all the way up there... we feel alone, bored and don't have anything to do. :'(

*meanwhile* the waypoint games continue. for each new waypoint, you get one free.

20:19:17 Oct 13th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

As part of the CPG leadership I hereby announce our intentions to strive for the millennial goal of spending 1% of our national budget on foreign aid. We have already launched a trial project called "Bidaid" with the purpose of bettering the labour conditions of orcish miners. We will update on the progress of this project.

20:27:42 Oct 13th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Devlish Kid):

so 1:5:1 ratios? Homes to production buildings to taverns? 

20:57:34 Oct 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

I build all taverns all the time

21:54:55 Oct 13th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

I like so many with me where outraged when we heard about the conditions in the mines in lands formely occupied by the collective. After privatization of the mines wages have dropped and the living standard overall has reached all time low with many homes razed. Orcs living in the forests desperate for homes whilst trying to feed their families in the shrinking stone and gold industry.

We are working to stop this madness and give all orcs a valuable occupation.

22:04:53 Oct 13th 15 - Bran (Mr. Aragorn II):

fuck, i joined the socialist state of CPG. get me out of here!

22:13:42 Oct 13th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

We're encuraging and supporting fair trade companies that doesn't dump wages. That means of course paying full price for stone and other commodities. Atm we are subsidizing the co-op called "Bidi" and buying their artisan minerals for one gold a piece. 

22:16:49 Oct 13th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Our goal is to buy 1.7 million units this fiscal year wich would do much good to the Bidian communities. Please help us in this mission, every stone sold makes a difference!

22:20:19 Oct 13th 15 - Bran (Mr. Aragorn II):

i made around 10 transactions earlier to support his industry, will make twice as many before the end of the trading day. hang in there, brave nation of Bidi

10:35:18 Oct 16th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Zeons Fess Leader):

Looks like this era is shaping up to be the final rematch from last era. We have the almighty Zeon in one corner, Jesters pulling it together in another, CPG playing with themselves in yet another, and MAD kind of awkwardly spread eagle in the middle. GL everybody  

14:24:16 Oct 16th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

We're playing with Binh actually. 

08:18:22 Oct 17th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Nayoke The Kid):

Tomato, tomato... 

11:14:25 Oct 17th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

He's been so long in our core that we're officially adopting him. He's our newest CPG member!

16:08:49 Oct 17th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Considering he was there first, its rather his core and he is adopting us. In consequence we will be changing kd tag to BPG - Binh's playground.

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