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Forums / In game politics / Fant 57 Beware of Troll Tribe

Fant 57 Beware of Troll Tribe

The Real Josh:

As for you ivanhoe and mattwho?, Crying "HE BUYS BTS, HE BUYS BTS" over and over makes two things painfully obvious.

You're wrong mate, we want Bling to use BTs n make ZeTa more Happy 😎😎

20:50:17 Aug 26th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

shut up homoghey buttfuckassplugcockysuckingmofobitch.

19:05:53 Aug 27th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

As for you ivanhoe and mattwho?, Crying "HE BUYS BTS, HE BUYS BTS" over and over makes two things painfully obvious.
1. Bling couldnt survive OOP without his standard 100 usd pre era donation.
2. You're lil bitch's with the inability to grasp the concept of Pay2Win

'Mattathia', also 'Mathew' if you too stupid to make understand of that.

1. True, agreed. I read this and think 'Unpleasant Fucker Josh maybe has big brain like Mattathia!', then I read more and realize skull of Real Unpleasant Fcuker Josh is empty.

2. Watch who call little bitch before Mattathia come club you into dead. Understand Pay2Win, my kingdom support game by beating money out of Fecker. Could buy limitless BT if want too, but do not.
11:02:28 Aug 26th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Fecker muppet.. you understand your trash talking a KD LITERALLY less then a quarter of your power right? and i see one of them on Most fearsome

No complaint here, you acknowledge that Chief Mattathia is Powerful Fearsome strongman:

Your character Chief Mattathia has won 8 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 131462 men and women

please let your puny (trolls)/farmed(Fekers) armies do the talking and stop drowning the thread with sad little trash talking!

Okay I let army do talking soon Mr Unpleasant Peasant. Have had top 3 army all era long on Fantasia 3 era in row even tagless. Walk into cores of powerful kingdom to slaughter top armies, maybe come for you this era. Make top 3 army first though you homoghey buttfuckassplugcockysuckingmofobitch

19:21:43 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Josh is a clown, lost every era he ever fought me.

Mattathia had to nap half the map, wait for every kd to have a go at us, then come march in and claim he the greatest. fuck off, everyone knows i'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
As for your BT bullshit, Hanky started that last era. Mine were left overs from that. I can oop and beat ALL you fuckers on this map, solo. Feel free to ask mad how they like getting killed of by me. 

19:59:01 Aug 27th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

I had 2 players start the game late next to me, over 2+ weeks late, after I killed my neighbors OOP 3 eras in a row including that one. They spawned next to the #2 HoH army. I offered not to kill them. That's NAPing half the map? My apologies that they joined Albatross which complicated things.

I don't have to claim I'm the greatest when everyone already believes it. I'll allow you to do that for me.

I look forward to the era that everyone spawns close to one another.

20:10:08 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

I'll walk any map dragging your dead ass around it.

As for you Josh, its Cao and myself attacking 3 players of theirs, so shut it and resume your buttplug status.

21:45:17 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

"Josh is a clown, lost every era he ever fought me."

Is that right blong? Because to my memory i haven't  lost to you since Burnt.. god what was that era 37... cute walk down memory lane tho <3

"Mattathia', also 'Mathew' if you too stupid to make understand of that."

Ooh i got that part but know the name and knowing the person are two separate things.. incase you were to stupid to know that ^_^

"1. True, agreed. I read this and think 'Unpleasant Fucker Josh maybe has big brain like Mattathia!', then I read more and realize skull of Real Unpleasant Fcuker Josh is empty."

Nope, i just call it like  i see it, A p2w troll nub bashing and a couple of nubs bitching!

"No complaint here, you acknowledge that Chief Mattathia is Powerful Fearsome strongman:"

I was actually refering to:
  1. Mr. Nortkinril has won 7 battles, captured 10 cities and killed a total of 55306 men and women.
But its good to see you doing work aswel ^_^ 

"As for you Josh, its Cao and myself attacking 3 players of theirs, so shut it and resume your buttplug status."

You mean its Cao Pi and 3 of your members doing work whilst you talk big on the forums taking their credit?
Classic bling!
And just so you girls are aware of your place in the world:
  1. Peasant Fcuker has won 24 battles, captured 18 cities and killed a total of 235208 men and women.

21:51:04 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

"Okay I let army do talking soon Mr Unpleasant Peasant. Have had top 3 army all era long on Fantasia 3 era in row even tagless. Walk into cores of powerful kingdom to slaughter top armies, maybe come for you this era. Make top 3 army first though you homoghey buttfuckassplugcockysuckingmofobitch"

Hehe i dont need the biased HoH to where my army stands!
But if you can wiggle your way out of the rape train Cao Pi is bringing plz send army my way ill gladly add to my kill count!
Ooooh and never forget the HoH is based of soze not power ;)

21:54:26 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Your character Mr. Sexy Fecker has won 7 battles, captured 7 cities and killed a total of 64061 men and women

And its Cao and Myself.

21:55:44 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Wow all that big talk and only 64k killed.. Classic bling!

21:59:09 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

You're fighting alba and mad. thats 3 weeks of level 1 troops you soft twat

22:04:46 Aug 27th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

We'll gladly 'wiggle out' of the Cao Pi situation. If only we'd spawned atop any of you we would make you aware of your place 6 feet deep into the world, but for now we'll need some time to get to you first.

The Real Josh:

Nope, i just call it like  i see it, A p2w troll nub bashing and a couple of nubs bitching!

Dhuude, i understand i cant give much time at Fant, but dont call me nub. If u insist, do a visit on Val someday, i'll be there to Club u so badly that u wont forget my name for couple of years...

At Val:

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer (Ivanho) has won 56 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 2,903,770 men and women.
  2. Mr. Learner has won 49 battles, captured 25 cities and killed a total of 370293 men and women.
  3. Mr. Bigfield The Chairman has won 29 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 89010 men and women.
  4. Mr. Gaiados Ignazis has won 39 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 433392 men and women.
  5. Mr. Qanic has won 33 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 634565 men and women.
  6. Duke Chade Again has won 48 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 406897 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

22:06:21 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Ooh im sorry does who im first change the fact you're all bark? No.

Me and hanky took out Alba in two days and unlike your band of farmers we didnt look for the weakest KD on the map to start a fight with, We just moved on to the Next KD. Which happens to be a KD twice out size and power.. Should try it some times but if you need to max out your cedit cards to fight trolls then my god i can only imagine the cost it would take to fight a KD bigger then you..

You really should stick to Valhalla Bling atleast there you were only spending 50$ an era!

22:07:47 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

"Dhuude, i understand i cant give much time at Fant, but dont call me nub. If u insist, do a visit on Val someday, i'll be there to Club u so badly that u wont forget my name for couple of years..."

Calling me out to a world with nub protection really doesnt help your case m8

The Real Josh:

Calling me out to a world with nub protection really doesnt help your case m8

there r no nub players in Val anymore m8, that time gone long ago. Now if any nub comes, i can Guarantee u, he'll start from Fant 😊😀😁

22:17:52 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Im inclined to disagree, since the Hibernation of KoH resumed that's all i seen in Val!

23:00:17 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

I have the biggest kill ratio in the history of VU, so suck that fucktard. When you come close to it, which would take you 9 era's, then come talk.

23:15:47 Aug 27th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Is that right big fella?

You wouldnt mind providing the proof would you?

23:16:33 Aug 27th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

This era you're going to have a mediocre kill ratio and the biggest killed ratio.

23:21:30 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire
Total land: 2.3 MillionBattles won: 623Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 MillionScience lvls: 34Total troops: 780590

01:16:14 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Yeah but wheres your unit's lost? What era? And frankly i feel if i dig for like 3 minutes i could probably find higher stats.. ontop of that, How many hours ahead of everyone were you? ;)

01:16:15 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

*Double post*

01:54:24 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Era of Agent Smith.

I'm light years ahead of you asswipes, not hours.

02:52:57 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Turning out to be a lot of digging to match those stats. Still waiting twat.

03:39:28 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Era of Agent Smith.

I'm light years ahead of you asswipes, not hours.

You understand that implicates you further right?

Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Turning out to be a lot of digging to match those stats. Still waiting twat.

No BTS and the worlds werent merged.. and more kills.. wierd i thought you said you had the best? And thay actually only took 2 minutes to fine.. hell im sure if i contuined to click on actual good plauers era wins id find more ^€&
  1. Mr. Binh The Regular of Perfectly Ordinary Order of Fellows (Halfling)
    Had 1,406,928 land, 1,959,032 troops and 77 science points. Killed 5,923,574 soldiers, won 51 of 75 battles and captured 37 cities.

03:41:24 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Binh farmed an army and fought 51 battles versus my 623. GTFO 

05:56:52 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Not the argument, You stated you had the highest Kills... i proved you wrong so you wanna change the game?

Such a sore loser!

06:03:01 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

You really think beating a few nubs on a map when VU was at its low point as a halfer compares to dishing out a hiding to everyone as orc when VU was strong???

06:39:20 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

When VU was strong? Mate when VU was strong you were nothing more then a lower world bottem feeder praying ib the noobs, But Ok bling, Your level of retardation has reach critical mass i cant even be bothered.. its like beat on a kid with down sydrome!
Littlerly no matter whats say your gonna still believe your the embodiment of perfection.. even when iv proven otherwise

06:51:44 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Proven what... You tried to prove Binh's a great player and he had a halfer era where he farmed, fought a handful of battles, and somehow that makes you great?

I fought and beat enough great players to hold my own ranks. Spanking you and hanky i do that for pleasure. So take your self professed awesomeness and shove it.

08:28:50 Aug 28th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mathew):

This didn't take a lot of digging.

  1. Mr. Barny of Dark Side (Orc)
    Had 3,128,807 land, 3,009,368 troops and 26 science points. Killed 4,484,943 soldiers, won 268 of 324 battles and captured 215 cities.
  1. Mr. Binh The Seer of Legacy (Halfling)
    Had 684,105 land, 3,159,407 troops and 97 science points. Killed 15,635,401 soldiers, won 102 of 160 battles and captured 52 cities.
  1. Mr. Hammered Fail of Legacy (Dwarf)
    Had 842,517 land, 2,508,938 troops and 30 science points. Killed 6,167,039 soldiers, won 129 of 192 battles and captured 77 cities.
  1. Pope John Paul of Legacy (Orc)
    Had 1,635,701 land, 3,237,923 troops and 24 science points. Killed 6,561,429 soldiers, won 159 of 205 battles and captured 95 cities.

08:31:32 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Told you i bet you took longer then 2 minutes bling ;) get off that hugh horse and back to the slums where you belong!

08:33:16 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

All of them combined fought the same amount of battles as I did you numbnuts. At a 60% win ratio on average, I fought 1,000 battles. Not 100.

Battles won: 623Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 MillionScience lvls: 34

08:39:40 Aug 28th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mathew):

The win ratio (and battles fought, and average kills for most eras...) of some of the above players puts yours to shame. Not only that, but you are comparing everything to your best era where worlds were merged.

During that age of the game you could hop from world to world as a Halfling and it double-rolled for treasure finding. Not saying that you did that, but you ABSOLUTELY slaughtered some poor noobs on late-opening new player worlds like everyone else did.

There were a lot of players back then who just farmed up AM armies and ate lesser-connected-world players, hardly impressive.

You had a solid era but it doesnt make you the best player of all time.

08:48:07 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Let me help you fool.

I was orc. No hoping between treasures

Battles Won Land Troops Kills  Cities Race
Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire 623 2300000 780590 4400000 390 Orc
Mr. Barny of Dark Side 268 3128807 3009368 4484943 215 Orc
Pope John Paul of Legac 159 1635701 3237923 6561429 95 Orc
Mr. Hammered Fail of Legacy 129 842517 2508938 6167039 77 Dwarf
Mr. Binh The Seer of Legac 102 684105 3159407 15635401 52 Halfling

08:54:18 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Troops Kills  Kill Ratio
Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire 780590 4400000 5.636761936
Mr. Barny of Dark Side 3009368 4484943 1.490327205
Pope John Paul of Legac 3237923 6561429 2.02643145
Mr. Hammered Fail of Legacy 2508938 6167039 2.45802766
Mr. Binh The Seer of Legac 3159407 15635401 4.948840399

08:58:03 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

And you ass wipes want to try convince Zeta to give you a game so you can "re-program it" yet you cant get the basic fundamentals of math right.

09:02:26 Aug 28th 18 - Teirdel (Sir Teirdel):

Argument aside I really miss the connected worlds. I personally would rather have one account and go back to those days. Winning and losing felt far more impactful then and really meant something. Now if you die (i always die) then its meh Ill just focus on xxx world now.

09:19:51 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

1 High Warlord Venomz of The Sensitive Fellas (Halfling)
Had 315,574 land, 2,292,382 troops and 49 science points. Killed 643,910 soldiers, won 32 of 38 battles and captured 25 cities.
2 Mr. Aussie of The Sensitive Fellas (Halfling)
Had 476,516 land, 1,770,563 troops and 24 science points. Killed 1,938,912 soldiers, won 75 of 128 battles and captured 64 cities.
3 Lord Jesus Left Toe of Ferox (Dwarf)
Had 501,520 land, 1,569,843 troops and 25 science points. Killed 1,142,575 soldiers, won 17 of 32 battles and captured 18 cities.
4 Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf of The Sensitive Fellas (Dwarf)
Had 635,223 land, 869,973 troops and 20 science points. Killed 4,804,520 soldiers, won 117 of 165 battles and captured 93 cities.
5 Ms. Jasmina of The Sensitive Fellas (Halfling)
Had 392,345 land, 900,219 troops and 22 science points. Killed 1,394,721 soldiers, won 65 of 83 battles and captured 49 cities.
16 Sir Aloysius LXXII of Mad and Dangerous (Orc)
Had 352,375 land, 696,238 troops and 22 science points. Killed 19,414 soldiers, won 7 of 18 battles and captured 12 cities.
17 Mr. Hollywood of Planet Hollywood (Orc)
Had 564,307 land, 213,582 troops and 17 science points. Killed 670,409 soldiers, won 75 of 168 battles and captured 112 cities.

I played solo on fant and Binh and I clashed all era. How many fought ALL era and who farmed

09:22:50 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

SO Josh, come on fucknut. Argue about who goes out and gets shit done, versus who farms era's and tells themselves how great they are. I get out early and I fight EVERY battle I can the way the game should be played. Not farm and tell every fighter how pathetic they are because they dont go for false era wins based on silly adventing and farming.

09:34:10 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius of The Incorrigible Gentlemen (Human)
Had 831,184 land, 1,619,748 troops and 31 science points. Killed 1,226,982 soldiers, won 23 of 27 battles and captured 20 cities

Fords first place for the era vs my 11th place for the a solo era again

  1. Mr. Bling of Fking twathead fckers (Orc)
    Had 979,439 land, 596,084 troops and 19 science points. Killed 1,622,580 soldiers, won 198 of 321 battles and captured 136 cities.

09:44:16 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

  1. Mr. Hanky Panky of Abydos (Halfling)
    Had 348,615 land, 1,894,035 troops and 48 science points. Killed 94,979 soldiers, won 1 of 9 battles and captured 1 cities.


  1. Mr. Santa Bling of Mad and Dangerous (Orc)
    Had 81,221 land, 806,357 troops and 17 science points. Killed 1,300,621 soldiers, won 97 of 145 battles and captured 42 cities.

10:01:42 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

And lets not forget.... wiping out an entire 1.8 million troops with a single knight... Ignis loved that era.  Sadly had no back up from Music to take out Carnage, Legacy & Sheolic.... see Josh, you know me but you dont. I was around all that time, not nub bashing in the lower world.

00:19:04 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Ignis The Virus:

And you guys thought you had it bad...

Alright here's what happened.

We had a merge of about 1.8 mil soldiers, wreaking havoc. Our merge leader, More Inactive than You at some point merged into a scout.

At the SAME EXACT MOMENT, the scout was attacked and died.

What should have happened, is that the scout would have already been merged into, and the person that attacked would've lost his army.

OR, the scout would've vanished, and we'd get the normal, "the army doesn't seem to be there anymore" message when trying to merge.

Instead, our whole merge...1.8 mil soldiers vanished. Without a trace.

10:05:49 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

" But Ok bling, Your level of retardation has reach critical mass i cant even be bothered.. its like beating on a kid with down sydrome!

Littlerly no matter whats said your gonna still believe your the embodiment of perfection.. even when iv proven otherwise"

Iv+Mathew* habe proven other wise.

10:13:21 Aug 28th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Proven WHAT? You have offered no "proof"

I fight 3 times as many battles as the regular player. I have a higher kill ration per troop than all that you've put forward, and still hold the greatest victory in VU history of wiping 1.8 million troops out with a single knight. WHERE is your proof?

11:58:22 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

Mr. Sexy Fecker:

I have the biggest kill ratio in the history of VU, so suck that fucktard. When you come close to it, which would take you 9 era's, then come talk.

Whichwas proven wrong!

12:02:46 Aug 28th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

Who even cares about past kill ratios? Let's focus on the present, where Tribe has a 0% death ratio with AOTD and a 100% kill ratio with slaughters.

Measuring kill ratios to troops and whatnot is a pointless endeavor anyways, as is judging skill based on these stats,  but they do mean something I suppose.

23:00:22 Aug 28th 18 - Captain Dead Trinity:

Lets look on the bright side of things.

I managed to barely hold onto my third life this era :)

23:12:33 Aug 28th 18 - Captain Dead Trinity:

Also am I allowed to put this here?

  1. Lady Impending Gang Bang of Legacy (Troll)
    Had 1,576,546 land, 906,954 troops and 27 science points. Killed 8,499,825 soldiers, won 145 of 217 battles and captured 102 cities.

8,499,825 / 906,954 = 9.371837

Number 12 on Fantasia Era 10 I believe.

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