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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 22 The Big Bash

Fantasia 22 The Big Bash
11:54:53 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Dung Beetle:

Sigh.... its only 2 days into the new era, and already, one or two Legacy folks are in mid-era form with the excuses.

Where were you chaps last era when other kingdoms were clobbering each other on the head since OOP and you lads were happily farming away? I didn't hear any expressions of sorrow as to how the drop circumstances were back then.

BTW, Pure, Binh dropped about 12 - 15 hours before the new era start. That's at least a 100% increase on 6. Not that I am saying anything about that anyway, but you better be more accurate with your statements or people will take Legacy leadership even less seriously than they already do.

Second last, we will be involved in an OOP war. There is a kingdom core sharing on our tile. We want complete control of our own tile. Do not presume that we will be happily farming away like what Legacy did last era.

Last, my kingdom was fully ready, organized, prepared and motivated to have an OOP war with Legacy. As a matter of fact, these circumstances have been quite a letdown. I had been beating the "everyone, get ready to OOP war with Legacy" drum constantly, and just while all 24 of us were in OOP war mode and ready to give a good one to Legacy, now Poodles and Immortals get all the fun instead.

All our bloody time organizing and managing gone to waste. What a letdown to all that knuckle cracking that had been going on.

Anyway, I'll let Augh continue with his forum / public relations duties. Calling out you guys on this forum no longer has any appeal to me.

I'm off to eat my favourite dish of Wilber.

12:28:05 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Swifty, usually its a combo tbh. 

12:29:09 Oct 30th 13 - Ms. Jenna Side:

19:10:33 Oct 29th 13 - Ms. Sashimono Minamoto:
This remind me of another era, where for some odd reason beothuk landed away from everyone else, they farmed up half the era then finally swooped in and killed LGC.

Sound like a lgc tactic of last 2 eras ;)

15:04:43 Oct 30th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha :P

15:23:43 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

sounds like you guys have some tension going on. should probably kill each other and leave me alone eh good idea right?

15:29:46 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Yeah, just might leave u be Osi, for old times sake. Oh wait, BEO mass-napping again?

15:30:16 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:

07:53:49 Oct 30th 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):
Well that is nothing new, we all have been talking about that for few eras already. Two eras ago in the desert map, every kingdom had an out of protection war, only Legacy had their peaceful growth. Last era, again every kingdom had wars right from beginning, only Legacy was lucky to be alone on the map in their area.

Obvious troll is obvious. The era of the desert map, LGC had 2 OOP wars, MAD and Mirror.
However, you're right about last era. Last era we only fought MAD OOP and that's the only time in LGC's (reformed) history we landed relatively alone. BEO seems to land alone every era, or if they don't they NAP their core sharer. Not trolling, it's a cold hard fact. Along with some other facts Jenna shared with us....

15:41:04 Oct 30th 13 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Bad Bell Mate):

In many ways, there can be no winner in the LGC/BEO conflict.


Beo can't win because whatever the outcome [likely: LGC's destruction] they will be accused of underhand tactics, farming, NAPing, etc and their reputation attacked.

LGC can't win either, because they're shit.


So I suppose the only person who can come out of all of this and be called a winner is Hanky. Because for every day that passes with him still alive, relatively cognitive and breathing has to be considered a victory.

17:31:42 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Beo has had a oop war every era we played. Thats not the difference between us and LGC. The difference is we usually win our war so quick you didnt notice we had it :P

22:18:21 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Token of Lgc:

Be nice if Beo played consistently. 

23:19:39 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

The only constant is that BEO > LGC.

23:22:56 Oct 30th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

dont forget

swifty > stirlin
tbl > reedle
pure > aisha.. wait.. wuut. jk. love u aisha! 

23:26:07 Oct 30th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Augh how many eras have beo won out of the last 2?
whats that none? thought so!

23:46:20 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Beothuk played 4 eras on fantasia to this date. We won all of them.
How many eras have LGC played? Well, 2/3 the last 3 eras. 2/7 the last 7 eras.

How does it feel to be a minor kd?

//Msg from the Big Bad Beo Boogie

23:55:53 Oct 30th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Stats say beo played 5 eras in fant, they appear to have lost their debut era

Pink Legacy have played 2 eras on fant to this date, and won both of them

00:00:01 Oct 31st 13 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Anyone need some aloe vera? For all the BURNS??!!??

00:59:27 Oct 31st 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

No, the few people who appear to be in Beo era 14 where people joining the kd during armageddon (most of them already dead) in preparation for the Beo debut in era 15.
(you will notice alot of them having vegetable names, they actually played in Vitamins as Beo didnt play that era)

Stats are:
Beo 4/4
LGC 2/7

and even if we just count the "new kd" Pink LGC you're still only half as good as Beo with your puny 2/2. 

01:44:07 Oct 31st 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

This is my first era playing against Beo.  Are they supposed to be good or something?

01:52:14 Oct 31st 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Nah, we usually win by dirty tactics. Like having kd-relations and building many many mines.

01:58:07 Oct 31st 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

Dont forgot! this era you have mod abusing powers on your side. 

01:58:32 Oct 31st 13 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Disgusting.... I feel dirty just hearing about those mines....

02:06:58 Oct 31st 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Also, we use the tactics of mass recruiting. 

Like this:

Beothuk Evil Ops24Ms. Jenna Side100
Pink Legacy24Mr. Binh The Madman91

10:42:39 Oct 31st 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

we tore a few pages from the beo handbook (took from a tipsy jill)

14:22:19 Oct 31st 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Fun starts soonz =)

We are still under protection for 1 more days (one day = 60 minutes).

02:52:47 Nov 1st 13 - The Real Josh (Prince Ezatious):

21:54:53 Oct 30th 13 - Mr. Dung Beetle:

Second last, we will be involved in an OOP war. There is a kingdom core sharing on our tile. We want complete control of our own tile. Do not presume that we will be happily farming away like what Legacy did last era.

OOP war? For realzie?

Beothuk Evil Ops24Ms. Jenna Side104
Mad and Dangerous8Sir Aloysius2

Freaking LGC noobs have no respect.. Guize they WONT be farming they have a fully legit OOP war that will obviously take alot of time and energy to win!

Only the other hand LGC are OOP warring two Inactive KDs!
LGC will never learn, same old underhand tactic!!!

18:09:47 Nov 1st 13 - Mr. Lil:

LGC is still the best kingdom to play IN. 

Even TBL applied once :) hahahaha

18:30:06 Nov 1st 13 - Mr. Dung Beetle:

I did? When?

- TheBornLoser, Eater Of Wilber For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Morning Snack, Afternoon Tea and Supper

19:07:45 Nov 1st 13 - Mr. Osiris:

might as well surrender to the mighty hanky kd right now

00:00:48 Nov 2nd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

On behalf of Beothuk I hereby surrender to the mighty hanky - but only after LGC are dead. After that you can have all our cities.

Also: WHy nobody want to come to mah Pink Party???? TeH gates are now open!!
Party ALL night long, you won't be dissapointed, whoever leaves the party without loosing his wallet, cellphone and army didnt give it a fair chance. 

18:02:32 Nov 2nd 13 - Princess Beofcuk:

Beothuk Evil Ops25Ms. Jenna Side113
Pink Legacy24Mr. Binh The Madman100

Always have to one up us do you?

P.s Augh, I'm not Pure.

18:13:48 Nov 2nd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Beo could actually do with 24 members less coz tomorrow I will move out and bring partytime to all of LGC core. I will singlehandedly raze every single city. Better get your walls up straight away too coz I might have been feeding of untagged and might have been cityswapping with Osi the dwarf do raise over 500 naz already. Better u get 5k GTs in all your cities on top of full walls and 10k lvl1 each. Oh, nvm the walls coz I will use 100% naz armies and sponsored BTs.

Oh, and what nick does Pure use atm. He will be my first target.

00:33:33 Nov 3rd 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):


16:43:38 Nov 3rd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Pure is trying his best to stop the party. But he is NOT going to succeed. Not even with teh help of LGC failed StGer trying to cast magics.

16:19:47 - Our Parteh Time successfully defend Pink Parteh. Reserved lead by Mr. Kiekebeo attempted to take over Pink Parteh. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 100 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 10000 of our soldiers got injured.

16:19:47 - Reserved lead by Mr. Kiekebeo attempted to take over Pink Parteh. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 837700 peasants in the battle.

16:18:35 - 88 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:18:33 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:18:32 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:18:30 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:18:20 - 104 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:18:13 - 106 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:09:56 - 109 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:09:55 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:09:52 - 117 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:09:50 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:09:18 - 127 walls in Pink Parteh got destroyed by magic!

16:09:17 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:09:15 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:09:13 - Mr. Warlock attempted to cast a spell upon us.

16:57:40 Nov 3rd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

When mah naz heal up I'm gonna move out and take over LGC core. Be sure of it. 

And u immos and poodles should dread that day coz you're next. So build up your defences, after I kill LGC I'll cast arma so you have from then to end of era to stay alive from my hordes.

17:41:07 Nov 3rd 13 - Mr. Dung Beetle:

Kiekebeo isn't Pure. Its Venomz. Pure is Beofcuk.

18:20:19 Nov 3rd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

venom, gtfo  this is between me and pure 

03:38:44 Nov 4th 13 - Pure (Mr. Pure):

You're going to be waiting a while to kill me Augh. And TBL, glad to see you're still displaying your old moronic ways. I'm not beofcuk, I don't even play anymore.

11:42:29 Nov 4th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

this flame war sucks. where is all the anger the hate :(

11:48:22 Nov 4th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Legacy aren't losing yet, wait another couple of days. Then it'll all be happening.

Poor Legacy, mistakenly, think they still have a chance of victory.

11:51:27 Nov 4th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

 soon you will destroy each other and ill mwahahaa in my tiny castle and clearly win the era. everyone nap me plz im neutral and shit ^^

12:27:01 Nov 4th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Legacy Public Announcement.

due to recent events (beo returning) Reedle has finally succumb to the fact beo is the ever dominating presence in VU.  He no longer has the mental capacity to fight with his back against the wall and an ASDA girl at his side. He will now spend his days harassing the men of Hull in his deer (not a stag) onesee

Well done BEO you've destroyed a players funtime!

on a lighter note, Pure has decided to rejoin us next era stating the wallaby didnt eat his baby and hes had enough shrimps on the barby.

13:43:31 Nov 4th 13 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Bad Bell Mate):

Did you guys know that Osi used to lead Abydos and they beat LGC once?

14:16:27 Nov 4th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

They dont? Perhaps I should tell them a story of the man the myth the legend that was!

19:26:21 Nov 4th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Good, I miss spanking Pure's ass. And Aby was good, but Osi didnt do it all by himself(naturally). Not like me and Beo.

00:24:01 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Hiv:

Im going to kill everone on fant. Ive already started with myself

00:31:39 Nov 5th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

i think you shouldve killed yourself last

00:37:32 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Ignis Shaher:

Naaah I think he has a good plan :D start with the best player 

08:30:23 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Mavich:

First to get killed here! So that makes me the best then. =)

10:51:14 Nov 5th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

sorry, we killed arthur dent first, he takes the crown!

16:47:33 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

why you heff to be mad

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