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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 35

Fantasia 35
10:55:05 Aug 6th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Well maybe you should send every player on the map the message "I'm a new player and i know nothing so everything you do i don't know is very dishonorable and please treat me like a kindergartener thank you" next time.

The passage near the river is pretty well-known, and if you are a new player, then it is your kingdom's responsibility to tell you about it. 

12:09:26 Aug 6th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Yeah good old collective, sitting on peep till they are oop and they showing them a "fair" fight. 

14:16:10 Aug 7th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

How is the war against zeon going i cant see for shietzor?

17:26:30 Aug 8th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

Just for the record: we rejected NAP/CF proposals from the (then) most powerful kds on the map coz it wouldn't be much fun. Next era we plan to NAP all the kds and just farm, anyone wanna advent-plunder-farm with meh? FTW?

12:39:07 Aug 11th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

The old Child playground now belongs to Zeon! 

We have finally broken though the MaD/VUE front line and now we March on their core area!

And the jesters and new CPG core shall soon be ours as well! 

Great era so far guys!
Can't wait for the collective to get here ;)

Also just let us know when you guys wanna call it quits and we shall cast Arma! 

15:42:54 Aug 11th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Its barely a fleshwound.

00:47:13 Aug 24th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Look a birdie

Cheat cheat cheat

08:55:34 Aug 24th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Glad to see Anon still puts himself before his allies.

19:07:07 Aug 24th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

You mean above everything including honor?

20:59:29 Aug 24th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

explain fegits come clean

21:11:12 Aug 24th 15 - Death Dealer (Mr. Death God):

lol it never fails, do not hate the player hate the game...

I have always tried to do right by my allies and if I didn't then it was from the lack of time or not having the chance. I never have done anything that could be considered dishonorable, if I have I would very much like to hear it and before you say attacking inactive players you should take that up with Zeta. I just do not scribe to the games hierarchy boy scout want to have their way bs.

22:38:33 Aug 24th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Kicking and eating your kd is frowned on. Active or not. In the death throws of a war it looks pretty bad. ... I'm just picking on you. I don't really mind in this case. But it's the kind of playing style that zeta has tried to remove from the game

01:45:40 Aug 25th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Anon, I've seen countless times where you would leave a blocker to go on the attack leaving said blocker undefended where the enemy then floods your allies core.

And this isn't one of the "Hate the game not the player" scenarios in the slightest, you left your kingdom and backstabbed them, this is like what Judas did to Jesus.

02:14:07 Aug 25th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shysters):

Omg he like, did not just totally  go there?!

03:43:22 Aug 25th 15 - Death Dealer (Mr. Death God):

"18:45:40 Aug 24th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Anon, I've seen countless times where you would leave a blocker to go on the attack leaving said blocker undefended where the enemy then floods your allies core.

And this isn't one of the "Hate the game not the player" scenarios in the slightest, you left your kingdom and backstabbed them, this is like what Judas did to Jesus."

^ Does not know jack and I do not even know who you are, so why are you talking like you know all about me. Also if your going to talk crap show some proof, so if you have nothing nice to say then please do not say anything.

If I did leave a blocker and the enemy flooded in through it, then it was going to happen anyway and we would more than likely had more success with me attacking than just sitting there and die like your kind wants everyone to do.

Also, I did not backstab anyone so get your facts straight before you start shooting off your mouth. YOU know nothing of whats going on, but you do have the right to voice your opinion so feel free to explain to me how I'm back stabbing a KD that I have worked closely with for years...

12:04:07 Aug 25th 15 - shyers (Mr. Theshyersinmyhead):

I believe he means since you left MADD and then wiped them out for loot.

12:28:10 Aug 25th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

^ Does not know jack and I do not even know who you are, so why are you talking like you know all about me. Also if your going to talk crap show some proof, so if you have nothing nice to say then please do not say anything.

Firstly I'm Pure, you know completely well who I am. Ive seen it countless eras and the "If you have nothing nice to say the dont say anything at all" is a bit rich from a man that just backstabbed his own kingdom.

If I did leave a blocker and the enemy flooded in through it, then it was going to happen anyway and we would more than likely had more success with me attacking than just sitting there and die like your kind wants everyone to do.

No I remember 1 era clear as day (cant remember the era # but I remember what happened like it was yesterday) We were both in MaD, I started a push forward after killing a few armies, you decided (what I can only presume) that you didnt want me taking all the spoils  of my conquests so you attacked the enemy as well, except you had armies in the vicinity of your defensive area, I didnt. Because you were greedy I had to drop back and try to save our kingdom from dieing and I was so close to it as well, if you had never attacked in the manner that you did then our core would have been safe and we could have still won the era AS A TEAM not as a selfish care for your self player. Remember that kingdom would have protected you oop as we all know your only have 1 game strat and thats farm all era then attack.

Also, I did not backstab anyone so get your facts straight before you start shooting off your mouth. YOU know nothing of whats going on, but you do have the right to voice your opinion so feel free to explain to me how I'm back stabbing a KD that I have worked closely with for years...

You left kingdom, you attacked old kingdom. I don't know about you but thats a backstabb 100% in anyones books. Too make it worse you fed off them and if they were inactive you would have just gotten a majority of an eras worth of farmed resources.

I think its worse that you've worked closely with them for years yet still happy to backstabb them. A real man would wait till the end of an era to leave.

17:20:46 Aug 26th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

I think dishonorable people makes the game more interesting.

18:32:12 Aug 26th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

its my perspective that its  the dishonourable players who bring discussion to the forums, historically speaking.

it seems theres been a shift in the community mentality and now people shy away from heated arguments

i rarely read forums nowadays i find them dull

19:11:24 Aug 26th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

My take on it aswell. Dull honorable people with their code of conduct and 10 page NAP agreements ruined this game(hehehe another XXX ruined this game).

Be honorable most of the time is what i think people shoud do. But that one time... the one time u make a mortal enemy that will never forgive you.. you know the one.

20:20:50 Aug 26th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

There is no I in team. The only thing I truly would never do is poop on my kdmates. And traditionally speaking you kick inactive not leave a kd. So really to me it's madd call not mine. 

And bran they also say if your bored your boring 

20:33:24 Aug 26th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

who called me boring? i shit on them!

btw i would agree that eating your teammates up is preferable to allowing an enemy take them and using them to train troops in your core. ive taken teammates cities for that reason in the past i think its reasonable to.
but then theres ppl who kick their teammates simply to gain an economical advantage which is obviously feeding and cheating and fuck those guys

11:33:21 Aug 27th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Bran Ive tried to keep the forums interesting but no one ever bites anymore and quite frankly I'm disappointed in the lack of flames.

Anon fed off his allies to gain an economical advantage and to prevent us from gaining it, we were already training troops on his border line and because of his action it got us worked up and now we are killing him because of it.

12:01:15 Aug 27th 15 - Sir Kid:

You (8/23/2015 4:12:58 PM)
You are seriously despicable dude
Mr. Death God (8/23/2015 6:00:15 PM) GOODBAD
Do not blame me dude, blame the game and for that matter only a *beep* would leave an inactive player near them just to let the enemy get them. Do not say you or any of your KD members would not attack an inactive b/c that would bold face lie.

so if you going to cry about it do it to Zeta b/c I hate it just as much as you and everyone else.

p.s. I would had enough to beat your army anyway so do not think this is the only reason you would have lost.
You (8/23/2015 6:46:59 PM)
If you wanted your butt slapped while we toss your salad, all you had to do was ask :p 
Mr. Death God (8/23/2015 7:42:21 PM) GOODBAD
Do you feel better now? lol
You (8/23/2015 8:24:42 PM)
Maybe a bit frisky?

My only question is how did it feel to get your butt slapped, not once, not twice, but three times in a row! After we tossed your KD-mate-city-snatching salad... You can blame the dice, I'll just thank Karma and Shyers casting and Everyone elses' advice. AKA: teamwork. Your little hut might be cozy, but Zeon will find its cracks and penetrate ;)

And NO we do not attack inactives to gain an advantage. That is not a bold faced lie. Regardless of what you do, one of our farmed up mages has been inactive for almost 2 weeks now and no one has even mentioned kicking him for his resources so we could deal with you or anyone on this map from a better position....

Either way though I like how you've contributed to my kill count, so keep it up bud :D

12:02:14 Aug 27th 15 - Sir Kid:

Btw who says dude right back to someone right after they say dude? Seriously despicable dude... 

12:12:33 Aug 27th 15 - shyers (Mr. Theshyersinmyhead):

I say dude a lot, dude, just ask my bro bran, dude.

17:04:01 Aug 27th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Dude, too many dudes in this thread saying dude, enough with the dudes, dude.

17:55:14 Aug 27th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

bro, this is getting too much brah

18:41:00 Aug 27th 15 - Sir Kid:

Dudes like really dudes? Cmon dudes this is despicably dude-ish

19:44:35 Aug 27th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Bro, you can handle it, any brah Rollin with me is one tough bro, bro!

15:06:36 Aug 29th 15 - Mr. Quirinus:

Broskis, sthap, you'll all be rolling beneath my feet.

19:57:03 Aug 31st 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Its so beutiful when Zeon needs to change their underwears. HILARITY when the wankerz last rapid movement is rapidly coming to an end. And it will be explosive!


00:10:33 Sep 1st 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):


04:51:49 Sep 1st 15 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Well Pure keep it where people can recognize you b/c I didn't. I even /Whois you, but then again you never did stand out much, other than you crying over something. What you said is your opinion and one that is complete nonsense in my opinion, the same goes for what you said Sir Kid.

I have proved several times I can play any race and have successfully played OOP/Mid/Late game. Yes, most of the time I do not play OOP and only play mid/late game b/c rl does not always allow me to fight successfully in OOP. Also everyone knows elves(what I have played the most and what your talking about) needs time to farm and who are you to bash someones playing style anyway?

I still stand by what I said, I have honor and there was no backstabbing. The age started with MAD attacking my kd, then a CF was made(not by me), then I joined MAD so that we all could survive longer, then I left b/c of their inactivity and the remaining active members followed, then I took/plundered only one member of MAD(the inactive one, even told MAD I would) and was not alone in doing so, and finally fought to the end and died due to being overwhelmed like usual. That is what happen, so yeah I did nothing wrong. I'm up front with everything I do and have nothing to hide.

Anyway, feel free to continue whining and posting nonsense. 

I have nothing more to say ^_^

19:16:14 Sep 1st 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):






01:50:06 Sep 4th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

One man with a bunch of nazzies did more against us then both jesters and CPG put together,  I would get to cocky love, because now we have the nazzies :)

11:46:06 Sep 4th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

I have nazzies too. In fact I got several of them!

So, whens arma coming?

13:43:04 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Just end this its obvious CPG is going to win it. Makes me bored. BAZINGA

15:33:35 Sep 6th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I know, I think I've had to restart three times from the might of CPG

06:07:33 Sep 7th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

We will cast Arma when August admits the might of Zeon and bling is removed from fant.... FOREVER!!!!!!

08:04:00 Sep 7th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

There is no argument over the might of Zeon, when it comes to Bling however it's a matter of defenitions. If Bling isn't on fanta he can't be removed thus he either needs to keep coming back or we can define killing him each era as 'removal'. Worst case, casting arma itself would remove him (along with the rest of us). Then again if he doesn't start next era he cannot be removed again. So I guess what you are asking of me is to beg him to never quit playing?

09:17:59 Sep 7th 15 - The Real Josh (Mr. Cecil The Party Lion):

Or beg him to stop all together! 

And bling is here, whether it's with his account or a multi,  but he is here.

09:43:57 Sep 12th 15 - Mr. Ruthless:

Eh, looks like Zeon is doing exactly what they hated on Anon for doing....

And just yesterday.....

11:08:09 Sep 12th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Zeon is the laughing stock of all of Fantasia isnt it clear!? HA HA HA

11:27:03 Sep 12th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Woodeh could no longer play with us due to other reasaons, it wasn't a backstabb a kingdom and kill to plunder. He was our dedicated mage for Armageddon and due to him no longer being able to play we had to SS him to still be able to have some control over arma if we required. When Woodeh last logged on yesterday we got him to burn his resources so we couldn't plunder. We forgot to ask him to release mus however to bring SS % down and this is the reason we took his 54k and the 14k as they had a large amount of mus between them.

12:28:02 Sep 12th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

I don't think we even need to bother Slade. These pricks would rather wait til day 200 for Zeta to finally Arma himself if it means they can finally have something bad to say about us. 

I must say, CPG's tactics are very interesting. Whining on forums instead of actually doing something on Fant. Almost makes me feel sorry for Jesters for putting up with you.

17:12:33 Sep 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Didn't anon eat an entire kd? Didn't he leave the kd to eat his so called inactive kd mates? As stated before its common practice to kick and eat inactives, it's considered underhanded to leave a kd and attack it. Also as stated, it was merely a means to gain arma rights without having to wait for advents to find the magic levels by luck. Believe me, we are not hurting for resources, I have plenty to share with the entire kd.

18:05:25 Sep 12th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Konspyres tactics is interesting. Trying to sow a seed of division between the Jestonists and CPG and its most serene leader. Buy new linen for your beds gentlemen you are about to wet them and there will surely be blood in that urine.

18:10:51 Sep 12th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

does jesters even  have any of their original members anymore?

19:26:51 Sep 12th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

You got it wrong Konspy, our whining on the forum is actually proportional to how little we do on Fanta. 

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